Airtran/Southwest AIP in a nutshell

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This wasn't a SWAPA proposal.


JD, please direct you uncontrollable anger at your negotiators for not understand how angry YOU would be.
Quote: This wasn't a SWAPA proposal.


JD, please direct you uncontrollable anger at your negotiators for not understand how angry YOU would be.
Thanks one seat. You really ought to stand down. You're making your coworkers blush at your lack of knowledge. For something this important you'd think it wise to know the players.

And anger is not my problem. I'm not the one attacking Airtran pilots in public. I guess I just don't understand the culture.
I think it is very quickly reaching the point where arbitration will do little. These are two groups of pilots who seem unable to see eye to eye on a wide variety of issues. They are bitterly divided and will certainly remain that way once integrated, assuming some sort of integration takes place. Bottom line: this is a rapidly deteriorating situation for both groups and I'm definitely glad to be watching from the sidelines.
Quote: Thanks one seat. You really ought to stand down. You're making your coworkers blush at your lack of knowledge. For something this important you'd think it wise to know the players.

And anger is not my problem. I'm not the one attacking Airtran pilots in public. I guess I just don't understand the culture.
What does the A in AIP stand for.

The document was signed by your negotiators, it was not "imposed" on them.
Quote: I've been cut off in the taxi lane (after ATC told SW to give way.) .
Don't worry, it wasn't personal. They do that to everyone.
Quote: What does the A in AIP stand for.

The document was signed by your negotiators, it was not "imposed" on them.

Are you really going to tell the world that you don't have a clue about the stunt that was pulled to keep the Airtran merger committee at the table? (No ALPA involvement.) No the "agreement" wasn't imposed, but that's not far from the truth.

Have you done any research? Or do you just pound away until you get submission from your 'enemy'.

To you and to all the world, I am not your enemy. But your management is on your side and my management is on your side. That leaves 1700 of US fending for ourselves.

How do you suggest we deal with that? Just lie down and take the bullet?
Our management couldn't have made a credible threat. If they made a credible threat you would have voted to send the AIP to your membership.

Your MEC has stated in writing that there was no threat.

My negotiating team negotiates for me, yours negotiates for you. Sounds like you think yours let you down.

The company put money on both sides of the deal.

Amazingly, the only real live AT pilots I know are angry they didn't get to vote.
Quote: Amazingly, the only real live AT pilots I know are angry they didn't get to vote.
That would be the super junior captains who have the illusion they will keep their left seats. Won't happen, at least not for very long.

There are also a small handful of scabs who have been high fiveing one another saying, "We won the lottery." (Saw it with my own eyes.) They would vote for anything no matter who got screwed.

Of course, there is a smattering of dumbasses who never bothered to read any of the documents that the merger committee sent our way. They only look at the rates of pay.

Of course, as has been stated before, voting does nothing other than delay arbitration due to the ridiculous SWAPA ballot process. Heck, we could all vote on our smart phones in the time it takes to read the directions.
Quote: My hunch is that "culture" is code for "seniority."
Yeah. Most of us out here have seen the SWAPA "culture" (snakes) for what it is.
You ran a very good synopsis as the start to this thread. Nice job.
Quote: I've been cut off in the taxi lane (after ATC told SW to give way.)
Quote: Don't worry, it wasn't personal. They do that to everyone.
Beat me to it 80.

That maneuver is SOP over there J.D.
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