The Few.....The Not so Proud.... Yes Voter

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Quote: There is more than just having "4 days off"
Sub-industry standard wages.
No RSV drops
Companies ability to make us sit around the airport if they think they need us to cover extra flying for them
All the rescheduling language is beneficial to the company. They hold the keys now to the car. You think they care about you or your kid's birthday? Yah ok... Buddies had this happen at Shuttle America. Lost the keys to the car to the company, all for higher pay. After the TA passed, they had more money, no QOL, and were left scratching their heads saying "what the hell happened?"

No transition BEFORE PBS is even implemented
Long stay hotel only at 18+ hours? Have fun sitting at the La Quinta New Orleans for 17 1/2 hours. Or LAX airport for 17 1/2 hours. Fun times, reminds me of Mesaba days....Say goodbye to Hilton or Marriotts, as the company is now able to save 30-50% on hotels, and get us those cheap places (HoJo, La Quinta, Red Roof Inn).
The TA language spells out criteria on hotel selection.

Now they only get you a DH on Spirit home from a trip. Since we only fly 1 or 2 times a day to places, you are stuck sitting in FLL from 11am until 845pm at night to get back to O'Hare on a positive Space DH on the last leg of a trip.

No Thanks.
I value my time with friends/family, away from this clown show....

18 hour long stay is, like now, from block in to block out. So it doesnt account for the 30 minutes after block and 45 to show. So any overnight of 16:45 would trigger a long stay. So no 17.5 hours at a short stay, like you say. Read the current contract and educate yourself to language. Its the same block in/block out

Perhaps you ate paint chips as a child, but the hotel standards remain. No HoJo for us, nice try though

Hotel selection process for standards remains the same. Nice try with the drama.
Quote: Incorrect. From our current contract...

A reserve pilot may only be called to the airport for a specific trip
assignment; except, if a reserve has completed an assignment and
still has duty time available or has reported for a trip that cancels, he may be required to wait at the airport for a further assignment for no
more than one hour.

And they can make you wait an hour while the figure it all out for no extra pay.
Please do not use facts. Dont you know? We are going to spend 6hrs a day every day at the airport and get rolled into our 7th day
Quote: Please do not use facts. Dont you know? We are going to spend 6hrs a day every day at the airport and get rolled into our 7th day
I was going to stay off these forums, but im going to enjoy slamming some fools with facts. Ill gladly bring this forum down to the filth gutter that is has become.
Quote: I was going to stay off these forums, but im going to enjoy slamming some fools with facts. Ill gladly bring this forum down to the filth gutter that is has become.
As long as its factual, keep on keepin on.

Yes vote, no vote, as long as its based on facts
Quote: As long as its factual, keep on keepin on.

Yes vote, no vote, as long as its based on facts

Quote: welp, to say the T/A is a bit of a disappointment would be an understatement but I'm still going to Vote YES.

I certainly won't begrudge anyone who Votes NO, I completely understand.

I just wonder what some of you guys were expecting? Did you not understand what kind of Management we work for? If it took 3 painful years to get this, what more do you really expect in 6, 12, 24 months time?

I'm really Ok if this thing fails, I dont have an issue going back to the table but to meet so many disgruntled guys who just got offered an $80,000 raise ANNUALLY (Minimum) while keeping 4 days off, Red/Green (for Line holders), somewhat improved Scope and a DC plan is a bit of a head scratcher.

I don't think there is a Current guy in the left seat who wont be well over $250k and $300k in a relatively short amount of time.

Also, I keep hearing people up in arms of re-Scheduling, if its within your footprint +4, does it really matter if where you end up for the overnight? They cant keep you at the airport for hours, lol. Also, I just dont see it being a normal occurrence.

Anyway, Vote Yes, Vote no, just go to The RoadShows and get clarity on all the issues
I only get a 30k raise, not worth it to lose all our QOL. 4 days off is NOTHING. learn this people! 4 days off is useless with PBS, its worth nothing!!!! red/green is good, but vegas is ALL RED now, only for IOT is it 75/25. and LTD is awful. still 5k. buy-up to 15k will be expensive. You can buy up now to whatever you want outside the company. this is a turd, vote no
Quote: I only get a 30k raise, not worth it to lose all our QOL. 4 days off is NOTHING. learn this people! 4 days off is useless with PBS, its worth nothing!!!! red/green is good, but vegas is ALL RED now, only for IOT is it 75/25. and LTD is awful. still 5k. buy-up to 15k will be expensive. You can buy up now to whatever you want outside the company. this is a turd, vote no
How is it only 30k?

Let me guess, you pick up over TXR, ***** yourself out for JRMs and then to further try and sway people, you take the new TA and base that on bare minimum 72hrs a month. Nice, lol. Also, VEGAS IS always red because Rsv guys drop RSV days. It wont be allowed, so your problem is solved.

Buy up is around $100/month.

Guess what?, you could also “buy” health insurance outside of ours. Which one do you think is cheaper?

LASTY. How the F is 4 days off now worthless. ITS STILL THERE.
Quote: I only get a 30k raise, not worth it to lose all our QOL. 4 days off is NOTHING. learn this people! 4 days off is useless with PBS, its worth nothing!!!! red/green is good, but vegas is ALL RED now, only for IOT is it 75/25. and LTD is awful. still 5k. buy-up to 15k will be expensive. You can buy up now to whatever you want outside the company. this is a turd, vote no
Expensive?? The buy up to 15K is $45 a pay period. Do you make 300k to qualify for the 15k buy up? I wonder why Vegas is all red??

Did you even take the time to ask a rep????
Quote: Well said.

Is sitting around for another year at least for some (if any changes) worth it? Go to the road shows and ask lots of questions.
we need to vote NO, not necessarily to increase pay, retirement, bonus, but to improve LTD to standard 10k, better scope (its not that great, they can still codeshare, we can stop at 160 and codeshare out forever and no more growth). what needs to be fixed is reserve rules, min day, and most importantly scheduling and rescheduling integrity. we can't give that up.
Quote: I only get a 30k raise, not worth it to lose all our QOL. 4 days off is NOTHING. learn this people! 4 days off is useless with PBS, its worth nothing!!!! red/green is good, but vegas is ALL RED now, only for IOT is it 75/25. and LTD is awful. still 5k. buy-up to 15k will be expensive. You can buy up now to whatever you want outside the company. this is a turd, vote no
Awful LTD? You are literally complaining that it will be expensive to buy up to $15k a month coverage until retirement age, about $5mil in payments over that time, and you complain there is a premium? Ill gladly pay the $90 bucks a month for this type of protection.

Then dont buy up, take the free $5k or buy up a little. What legacy carrier has the free $15k a month option that you want for us? What airline allows for more than a $15k buy option?

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