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Airtoday 02-03-2015 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by HuskerAv8tor (Post 1818210)
Is there more to this story? We have guys in class who have no 121 experience. This the only negative thing I have heard about the interview process. Basically if someone has the quals the job is theirs to take on the spot.

There isn't any more to this story. Pm me and I will tell you any info you want. Even my old squadron.

Coneydog 02-03-2015 10:20 AM

How can you blame management for not wanting to hire someone as a captain when they are not even current? Chances are that you'll be flying with brand new FO's. I'm quite sure they would tell you this on the phone before you came out. I've also heard they are turning people away for various reasons. No one is entitled to the position.

PilotCrusader 02-03-2015 11:00 AM

Originally Posted by Coneydog (Post 1818258)
How can you blame management for not wanting to hire someone as a captain when they are not even current? Chances are that you'll be flying with brand new FO's. I'm quite sure they would tell you this on the phone before you came out. I've also heard they are turning people away for various reasons. No one is entitled to the position.

I don't blame managent for that. I blame them for inviting someone to a CQFO interview only to waste the persons time by telling them they are not qualified once they get there, and then running the bait and switch to try and get them to sign on as regular FO. That is slime ball stuff.

Coneydog 02-03-2015 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by PilotCrusader (Post 1818281)
I don't blame managent for that. I blame them for inviting someone to a CQFO interview only to waste the persons time by telling them they are not qualified once they get there, and then running the bait and switch to try and get them to sign on as regular FO. That is slime ball stuff.

You/we don't even know what happened. Stop speculating. There are 100 people in classes right now that say all is good.

CBreezy 02-03-2015 11:22 AM

Isn't it entirely possible the guy went to an interview under the assumption that, since he had 3500TT, he was interviewing for a CQFO spot? When, in reality, he was just invited to an interview?

Also, the CQFO isn't a management tactic. It's a union restriction. The company originally wanted to hire street captains but there is a section in the contract that prohibits them from doing so. They wanted relief on it but the union said no. They wouldn't even be doing this program if more of their FOs were eligible to upgrade. The fact is, as of the last bid, only 16 FOs had a standing bid in for Captain.

Airtoday 02-03-2015 12:05 PM

Not troll fodder.
My post was not meant to be fodder for any arguments. I hold the time. I was invited to the interview as CQFO candidate and then offered a job as an FO because they said my 121 currency had lapsed. It not meant to make a point for anyone and perhaps they just made a mistake. My post is for the original poster and anyone else applying to be sure to confirm your status before you go. As a side note, I almost considered the FO position, their logic was sound, with the exception of a lot of what ifs. Good luck to all those in their individual pursuits. Mine may be an isolated case. Just check six guys.

PilotCrusader 02-03-2015 01:55 PM

Careful dude. They'll call you a liar pretty soon.

ILOVELAMP 02-03-2015 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by PilotCrusader (Post 1818415)
Careful dude. They'll call you a liar pretty soon.

No you're the only uniformed liar here.

iPilot 02-03-2015 03:15 PM

Airtoday's experience is interesting. I would guess just from reading they're holding strong to the current 121/135 experience. I got the impression during my interview that it has a lot to do with the FAA and/or insurance making the call whether they can be trained as a CQFO or FO. Regardless of what happened the one thing to keep in mind is that no job interview is a sure bet. Whether you screw the pooch in the sim, mis-spell the company's name in the application, or just the interviewer doesn't like the look of your face, nothing is guaranteed. Certainly not saying Airtoday did anything wrong, sometimes you don't have to do anything wrong (10 A+ pilots and 8 slots means 2 perfect pilots don't win).

I imagine as word continues to get out about this program that competition will continue to grow then wane as the benefit of getting in early goes away and the expected time in the right seat grows. That said even if hired as an FO or being near the back of the 200 expected CQFOs does have distinct benefit over a lot of other carriers.

In other words, "your mileage may vary, limited time offer, not valid in the state of Nevada, New Hampshire, and Florida. See your doctor for details."

outaluckagain 02-05-2015 08:59 PM

What is the part on their hiring page that says normal FO requirements are restricted ATP eligible?
What is being implied here? Does this mean they are saying that only those people with the right degree from the right school are being considered?

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