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jtbost 11-09-2021 08:55 AM

Originally Posted by Hedley (Post 3320555)
Save the industry and the profession if you want. I’m burning my sick time and not leaving this place with one minute in my bank. It’s part of my negotiated compensation package, and I intend to use it.

I used every minute of mine as well. However I didn’t use it as retribution or to make a political statement. Best Regards.

Hedley 11-09-2021 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by jtbost (Post 3320558)
I used every minute of mine as well. However I didn’t use it as retribution or to make a political statement. Best Regards.

It’s not a political statement or retribution, just a way to burn time and improve my schedule. If they require 10-14 days down, just bid some junk trips and use the system to your advantage. We get 60 hours per year and can’t take it with us when we leave.

hummingbear 11-09-2021 12:51 PM

Originally Posted by Hedley (Post 3320531)
I agree completely, but I’m betting that this Boy Scout is off for Christmas this year. There will probably be a bunch of sniffles and flu like symptoms around then. Cough.

Anyone still wondering why the company isn’t covering sick time for COVID-type symptoms? 🤔

Airhoss 11-09-2021 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by hummingbear (Post 3320640)
Anyone still wondering why the company isn’t covering sick time for COVID-type symptoms? 🤔

Because money is more important than the effective prevention of COVID..

Hedley 11-09-2021 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by Airhoss (Post 3320733)
Because money is more important than the effective prevention of COVID..

Yep, and we can use their policies to our advantage as well. If you get sick and have a negative covid test, stay home until you are well and don’t report it to avoid burning more hours than you want to. If you get a positive test, then absolutely report it. If you want to stretch your sick call into 2 trips and you don’t have covid, just report your symptoms and go fishing.

Hedley 11-10-2021 04:56 AM

Back to the TRO topic. Has the company released any statement on the ruling or their plans other than that they are pleased with the outcome? All I read is that they will allow those who were granted exemptions the opportunity to apply to other positions that don’t face the public, but nothing about when pay will be suspended or how the separation of the handful of pilots who refused to get vaccinated without an exemption will be handled.

Aquaticus 11-10-2021 07:04 AM

Your sick time is yours but I wouldn't be telegraphing my future sick calls on the interwebs. Management could piece together who is who and they have demonstrated that they are on here. Just a thought.

hummingbear 11-10-2021 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by Airhoss (Post 3320733)
Because money is more important than the effective prevention of COVID..

No doubt. But one can’t express an intention to place a phony sick call & marvel at why the company would be reluctant to cover the cost of said sick calls in the same breath.

Hedley 11-10-2021 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by hummingbear (Post 3321052)
No doubt. But one can’t express an intention to place a phony sick call & marvel at why the company would be reluctant to cover the cost of said sick calls in the same breath.

My post was poorly worded. I will be off Christmas because I’ll just bid it off, but the way the policy is written doesn’t accomplish what they want and it opens the doors to really game the system. As written, if someone gets sick (most common illnesses share covid symptoms) and test negative, it is to their advantage to not report it to the company and just miss one trip rather than report it and be forced to burn your bank to cover any trips in a 10 day window. If the company was serious about reporting symptoms, even with a negative test, they wouldn’t force us to burn so much sick time. For those wanting to game the system, getting a large block of days off including a holiday is easy. Just report covid-like symptoms, notify the company, and then go do what you want to do.

TFAYD 11-10-2021 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by Hedley (Post 3321065)
My post was poorly worded. I will be off Christmas because I’ll just bid it off, but the way the policy is written doesn’t accomplish what they want and it opens the doors to really game the system. As written, if someone gets sick (most common illnesses share covid symptoms) and test negative, it is to their advantage to not report it to the company and just miss one trip rather than report it and be forced to burn your bank to cover any trips in a 10 day window. If the company was serious about reporting symptoms, even with a negative test, they wouldn’t force us to burn so much sick time. For those wanting to game the system, getting a large block of days off including a holiday is easy. Just report covid-like symptoms, notify the company, and then go do what you want to do.

how is that any different than calling in sick during regular times? Get a cold and call out - holidays or not.

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