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757Driver 12-20-2011 06:26 AM

Originally Posted by Regularguy (Post 1104792)
Well the truth will be known soon about LCAL pilots getting profit sharing, but it looks like the "Chairman" went and privately negotiated a 2011 PS deal. It will be interesting how he did it (if the rumor is true) and what effect it has on the LUAL T&PA, the JCBA and the overall flying of the "United" airlines.

What is your source?

Zonker 12-20-2011 12:25 PM

Well as a CAL pilot of over 10 years I hope that we DO NOT get profit sharing.

There is only one way this pilot group will ever stand on it's own two feet and getting gut punched like this is the perfect remedy.

APC225 12-20-2011 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by Zonker (Post 1105032)
Well as a CAL pilot of over 10 years I hope that we DO NOT get profit sharing.

There is only one way this pilot group will ever stand on it's own two feet and getting gut punched like this is the perfect remedy.

Exactly right. Problem is, instead of realizing the problem is in the mirror and it is time to motivate the company to talk, they would just recall the MEC. I think that is why Jay is trying so hard to get it. His blastmails say he's hearing about it from the J.G. Wentworth pilots. If he doesn't come through, bye. I think he should say no and let the chips fall where they may.

jdt30 12-20-2011 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by Zonker (Post 1105032)
Well as a CAL pilot of over 10 years I hope that we DO NOT get profit sharing.

There is only one way this pilot group will ever stand on it's own two feet and getting gut punched like this is the perfect remedy.

I'm with you. If we do receive the profit sharing check it is a win for the company, and a win for the union. The company can come across as caring and fair, and the union can scream look what we've done for you. While the dip s$^# pilots completely take their eyes off the end goal. A great contract.

13n144e 12-20-2011 03:14 PM

Don't know why there's so much vitriol directed at the current MEC regarding this issue. I blame the MEC that approved POS 02 and, to even a greater extent, the 58% d-bags that voted for it. None of the 58-percenters have anything to complain about. Interesting to note, however, that we may be the only employee group, unionized or not - with or without a contract, not to receive profit sharing. It's important to realize it would be a strictly punitive action on part of the company if we don't receive profit sharing like all the other employee groups.

Zonker 12-20-2011 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by APC225 (Post 1105086)
Exactly right. Problem is, instead of realizing the problem is in the mirror and it is time to motivate the company to talk, they would just recall the MEC. I think that is why Jay is trying so hard to get it. His blastmails say he's hearing about it from the J.G. Wentworth pilots. If he doesn't come through, bye. I think he should say no and let the chips fall where they may.

Jay Pierce doesn't care about the mirror, he does just fine on 200K a year.

When we have someone who is willing to bang a fist on that desk, we might get somewhere.

SoCalGuy 12-20-2011 09:11 PM

Originally Posted by Zonker (Post 1105032)
Well as a CAL pilot of over 10 years I hope that we DO NOT get profit sharing.

There is only one way this pilot group will ever stand on it's own two feet and getting gut punched like this is the perfect remedy.

I'll drink what your drinking.

Simply put.

Regularguy 12-21-2011 05:47 AM

From UAL Council 12

The Continental pilots received profit sharing for the year 2010 as a negotiated item within the T&PA. This was for one year only. Recently, the MEC Master Chairman, Captain Jay Pierce, advised us that the CAL MEC had directed him to negotiate profit sharing for the year 2011.

We view this as a change to the T&PA. In light of this event, our MEC Master Chairman, Captain Wendy Morse, called for the Special MEC meeting, held last week, to discuss what options we had regarding this event. In essence, if the T&PA is going to be opened for the CAL pilots, we have some requests ourselves…

We recognize that our profit sharing is the result of C2003, the bankruptcy agreement. We recognize that profit sharing for us was to mitigate the enormous pay cuts.

Captain Pierce attended our meeting and explained the direction given to him by his MEC. We held a very constructive and frank discussion with him. We made clear that while we support any efforts to put money in pilot’s pockets, we expect him to support us in our opportunity to negotiate elimination of the sunset provisions, and some changes, to the T&PA for United pilots and to put money in our pockets, as well.

We further laid out the need for increased synchronization of our efforts towards the conclusion of a JCBA.

The UAL MEC passed the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED, That the UAL MEC directs the Master Chairman to use all means possible to execute the T&PA extension plan as presented at the December 14, 2011 Special MEC Meeting with the following modifications:
- To define a “TA” as a tentative agreement accepted by both MECs

- To add a provision to pay United pilots at CAL hourly rates if a “TA” is not accepted by both MEC’s by March 1, 2012

- To add a provision that requires the company to settle up all MEC merger related expenses of both MECs within 60 days of submittal of completed invoices.

The reason we did not report these details last week was to allow the CAL Master Chairman to brief his MEC. The CAL MEC held a conference call on this issue Saturday, December 17. We did not want to make public the direction given at the meeting, prior to the CAL MEC being briefed.

Additionally, we wanted the MEC Officers to meet with management before going public with the report. Capt. Morse met with senior management on the evening of December 19th. We will now await a response from management on the MEC’s proposal.

There yo have it, "The Chairman" was, is or about to (at the direction of his MEC) go and negotiate an additional PS for 2011. The LUAL MEC said, no not without out our side getting additional benefits above our contract also.

So the muddy waters begin to clear.

757driver read what you want into this drama. Personally I hope the Management bites and expedites the JCBA and SLI.

APC225 12-21-2011 09:10 AM

- To add a provision to pay United pilots at CAL hourly rates if a “TA” is not accepted by both MEC’s by March 1, 2012
That's what happens when we try an end around our own CBA. For the sake of a pittance profit sharing check, UAL could be up to our pay rates AND their work rules, while we've got still OUR workrules.

The "career expectations" part of the SLI may have just changed dramatically too. We may have just traded away years of higher earnigs potential amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars for a $5000 check. CAL pilots negotiating. It's got to be an oxymoron or something.

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