Down to Heppner and Rice for MEC Chair

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Voting deadlocked.

11 votes for each.
Ha! Now it is just a matter of which alliance will crack first.
Quote: Is the divide along legacy lines? You think?
Oh CARES? I guess you do!
Quote: Is the divide along legacy lines? You think?
Both Heppner and Rice are ex-UAL. There are 9 ex-Con voters. Interesting. Can you imagine the deal making going on? "vote with us, and we will vote for your vice candidate" ect. ect. I would love to be a fly on the wall.
Quote: Is the divide along legacy lines? You think?
I doubt it. LUAL has had a NASTY rift down the middle between the east (ORD/DCA) and west (SFO/LAX) crowd. Personally I've seen enough out of Whiteford, Morse, and Rice over the years to know that I DEFINITELY prefer Heppner.
Quote: Both Heppner and Rice are ex-UAL. There are 9 ex-Con voters. Interesting. Can you imagine the deal making going on? "vote with us, and we will vote for your vice candidate" ect. ect. I would love to be a fly on the wall.
This is why it's such a SHAME that the membership doesn't elect the MEC Chair. What a farce
Heppner wins.

Rice must continue to fly the line.

Let's see what kind of deal Heppner made with the CAL guys to get the votes...

Maybe forget about secret bid 14-02D (or whatever the illegal bump bid was called).
ORD and SEA on the legacy UAL side have done nothing but backed failed mec chairman in the past. Most recently Wendy Morse...

This time they backed Rice.

Its time ORD brought fresh blood in place of the 5 or 6 people that have been rotating seats there and playing games over the last 10 years.
Quote: Heppner wins.

Rice must continue to fly the line.

Let's see what kind of deal Heppner made with the CAL guys to get the votes...

Maybe forget about secret bid 14-02D (or whatever the illegal bump bid was called).
Might want to read the SFO MOU before you call it an "illegal bump". Pretty straight forward.

Down goes Frazier (chicago)! Down goes Frazier (chicago)! Looks like 2 more years of whine for the ORD reps. haha. Love it.
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