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WGTruth 08-02-2023 08:58 AM

Any quack who believes that ALPA contributed to the demise of WG lacks the morality necessary to judge the voracity of anything that I post!

The planes suddenly going green wasn't just a coincidence. It was related to UPS, FedEx, or both. Only one person knows for sure. It's the same guy who's 100% responsible for the collapse of Western Global Airlines.

Overlander 08-02-2023 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by WGTruth (Post 3676768)
Any quack who believes that ALPA contributed to the demise of WG lacks the morality necessary to judge the voracity of anything that I post!

The planes suddenly going green wasn't just a coincidence. It was related to UPS, FedEx, or both. Only one person knows for sure. It's the same guy who's 100% responsible for the collapse of Western Global Airlines.

I shouldn’t have engaged. I know better than to feed trolls. But just for the sake of clarity:

If you have a en extremely dangerous and bad attitude captain who everyone agrees is a crash waiting to happen, who is so scared of being violated that he causes his own issues, as well as having a multitude of nicknames for how often he forms airplanes or returns to gates plus a perma-fo for many more reasons on your union leadership team, you have problems. Plus those two being the loudest and most active what’s app members but completely ineffective, you actually end up scaring people away from unity as a pilot group and union involvement rather than encourage it. That weakens the employees and the company. I’m pro union, I’m not pro WGA ALPA. Except SS and a few others who I have the UTMOST respect for. But the loudest and most active ALPA voices at WGA did themselves and the company zero favors. And that’s not a secret.

Not even gonna argue blue one. You do you.

Good luck to all at WGA

ClappedOut145 08-02-2023 10:37 AM

Will WGA make it through the restructuring process? I cannot imagine that the market is hot for the MD-11. I have a few friends there and am hoping for the best. Stay strong my Sri Lankan brother!

WGTruth 08-03-2023 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by Overlander (Post 3676786)
I’m pro union, I’m not pro WGA ALPA.

You're just another guy who didn't want to pay dues. You grabbed onto any excuse that met your self-serving goals. Your favorite ALPA pilot isn't even an ALPA member at WG, but he was a charter member of the anti-ALPA, pro-ESOP group. Don't you feel stupid for following along with those frauds?

One of us really sucks at guessing who's behind anonymous internet posts. Please save yourself some embarrassment by limiting your posts to your current airline's forum. You're Teamster's problem now, unless you found some b.s. reason not to join them, too. "Boohoo. Those Teamsters guys are so angry. They're driving me away from the union by being so mean to the company. Waah."

Originally Posted by ClappedOut145 (Post 3676844)
Will WGA make it through the restructuring process? I cannot imagine that the market is hot for the MD-11. I have a few friends there and am hoping for the best. Stay strong my Sri Lankan brother!

I think it may be a pre-packaged bankruptcy that's only designed to position the owner favorably. WG is having severe maintenance problems and some spares availability issues with the few planes that are flying, so things aren't going well. The flying needs to increase rapidly in order to pay the nearly-15% interest on the new loan. That doesn't seem to be happening. The DOT financial fitness requirements and the increased FAA scrutiny are also concerns.

3pointlanding 08-03-2023 08:09 AM

Originally Posted by WGTruth (Post 3677266)
You're just another guy who didn't want to pay dues. You grabbed onto any excuse that met your self-serving goals. Your favorite ALPA pilot isn't even an ALPA member at WG, but he was a charter member of the anti-ALPA, pro-ESOP group. Don't you feel stupid for following along with those frauds?

One of us really sucks at guessing who's behind anonymous internet posts. Please save yourself some embarrassment by limiting your posts to your current airline's forum. You're Teamster's problem now, unless you found some b.s. reason not to join them, too. "Boohoo. Those Teamsters guys are so angry. They're driving me away from the union by being so mean to the company. Waah."

I think it may be a pre-packaged bankruptcy that's only designed to position the owner favorably. WG is having severe maintenance problems and some spares availability issues with the few planes that are flying, so things aren't going well. The flying needs to increase rapidly in order to pay the nearly-15% interest on the new loan. That doesn't seem to be happening. The DOT financial fitness requirements and the increased FAA scrutiny are also concerns.

One reason and one reason only for WGA going down, THE OWNER IS NEFF! They killed three airlines and taking what is left of the money the and running

Wingdeagle11 08-03-2023 08:12 AM

. You grabbed onto any excuse that met your self-serving goal.

[b]Hypocrisy at it’s finest. It’s YOU who failed to achieve YOUR self-serving goals by using the company and now you’re slinging mud. You ranted so much that it wasn’t hard to figure out who you are. All you had to do is keep ranting. Constantly insulting your fellow colleagues from the islands who you’re having a problem with at work, using xenophobia, sexism, racism. You previously used a word that clearly gave you away beyond any doubt. I recommend revisiting your rants in order to find out which word it could be.

Please save yourself some embarrassment by limiting your posts to your current airline's
This is an open forum and anyone can post on other airlines’ forums. Just ask JohnBurke with whom I had my fair share of disagreements, but who actually tends to have some good points too !

"Boohoo. Waah."
​​​​​​​This speaks volumes LOL. No further comments needed.

Overlander 08-03-2023 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by WGTruth (Post 3677266)
You're just another guy who didn't want to pay dues. You grabbed onto any excuse that met your self-serving goals. Your favorite ALPA pilot isn't even an ALPA member at WG, but he was a charter member of the anti-ALPA, pro-ESOP group. Don't you feel stupid for following along with those frauds?

One of us really sucks at guessing who's behind anonymous internet posts. Please save yourself some embarrassment by limiting your posts to your current airline's forum. Your Teamster's problem now, unless you found some b.s. reason not to join them, too. "Boohoo. Those Teamsters guys are so angry. They're driving me away from the union by being so mean to the company. Waah."

I want to make this absolutely clear, I’ve made no secret of hiding who I am because I believe in backing up your words and who cares about being anonymous. I’ve said many times I have the utmost respect for many pilots at WGA. Many pilots who are on ALPA committees even. I didn’t pay dues because it was clear after a year and half the company was struggling, and my dues would’ve been going to a combative and ineffective MEC. Your attitude right now in these posts is why I didn’t join. What’s the benefit for myself and others? While I didn’t agree with the attitudes of the anti-union group I could still fly with them and find common ground. Same with pro-union. But there was no clear benefit to joining and paying dues and still isn’t. And the captain I referenced was on an ALPA committee.

Also who are you to tell me what forums to be in? I actually laughed at that, haha. I worked at WGA long enough to know the company, I can post where I want.

And for the billionth time: I enjoyed flying at WGA. I learned a ton and made a lot of money. And I respect many, many pilots and others there and wish them well. But WGA-ALPA needs a new MEC made up of people willing to make it clear what benefits supporting and joining will achieve if the company survives. Not people who call names and yell at anyone in earshot about unity they haven’t earned.

I don’t really care who WGTruth is. But since he called me out, I pay my union dues now at the place I’m at, I am in full support with my union colleagues at Teamsters, I joined as soon as I could and I will look for active involvement in the future. It’s a breath of fresh air being somewhere with a hard working, employee group focused and experienced set of union leadership individuals as well as a pilot group that is united behind them-because they have worked hard to deserve that. Not demanded it. At least as far as I can tell.

For the last time(I hope) good luck to all at WGA.

Cujo665 08-06-2023 10:47 AM

Life support continues

Frank717 08-07-2023 07:02 AM

Originally Posted by Cujo665 (Post 3678807)

In my own opinion:

Buying your own debt is not a testimony in solvent company. Since real debt is (usually) held as a percentage of dollar amount, it’s likely it was purchased at a loss from the previous owners. It’s likely a win-win for Neff.

In case of bankruptcy, he might know about how it will be paid out once the company is gutted. (Maybe .67 per $1).
If the company is kept afloat to make payments, he’ll earn money on the returns… until it’s paid off or bankrupt, then every payment received could be realized as profit.

dera 08-07-2023 07:12 AM

Originally Posted by Frank717 (Post 3679121)
In my own opinion:

Buying your own debt is not a testimony in solvent company. Since real debt is (usually) held as a percentage of dollar amount, it’s likely it was purchased at a loss from the previous owners. It’s likely a win-win for Neff.

In case of bankruptcy, he might know about how it will be paid out once the company is gutted. (Maybe .67 per $1).
If the company is kept afloat to make payments, he’ll earn money on the returns… until it’s paid off or bankrupt, then every payment received could be realized as profit.

He might also gain first lien rights with this, meaning he will hold the assets in a bankruptcy.
He is halfway through the cardinal directions though. Let's see if next is Eastern Global, or Southern Global, as Nordic and Western have now been used.

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