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bluepilot 08-04-2016 09:33 AM

Originally Posted by bluepilot (Post 2174108)
Passwater came straight from c130 Air Force. Miguel came as an intern from Spain, paid MAI to be an FE on the 727 and stayed ever sinced

Before them,CP was Kurt Kamrad, eastern scab..

Turboprop 08-04-2016 09:44 PM

Originally Posted by bluepilot (Post 2174104)
Cap. John Passwater. Now is Cap. Miguel Martin.:eek:

very interesting, could he be the same way that works for Pan Am selling the 737 type rating? just curious.

Turboprop 08-04-2016 09:47 PM

Originally Posted by bluepilot (Post 2174083)
I worked at MAI for 5 years. The only good thing were the crews and the planes. Nice places we flew into but not enough $$$ to do anything since the perdiem is only $60 a day.. The people that stay behind, unfortunately they're too dip into it to make a move or have something in their closet. Including most management pilots and instructors/check airmen. Not generalizing but it's a fact. Most management pilots are scabs. They do have CASS with most airlines. However,u have to be within 2 hours of MIA intl airport. Can't commute. If u want to build 737 time, wrong place for it. U might block 300 hrs a year. U mostly limo or airline everywhere for zero pay. I can keep going on...ask me anything u want. I'll be more than happy to answer any questions. Ohhh almost forgot. I was also and instructor at MAI and got to see the dark side first hand. Don't forget, $18,000 training bond for 737 type for 3 years with literally no flying hours for

yup, sound about right what my friends told me about this place, stay away far away. they are now captains, some are still FO's who live in the area, I would be a commuter so this place will not work.

maybe after all the pilots go to a better place, things will change. thanks for the info.

captjns 08-05-2016 10:16 PM

Originally Posted by bluepilot (Post 2174113)
Before them,CP was Kurt Kamrad, eastern scab..

K.K. ascended to the throne as V.P./D.O. after Jim "Dead from the Neck Up" P. ascended to the throne as Pres.?

Don't know what Bob "Captain SeeDoo" D. on KK. He would justify his ill behavior and almost go to the mat for him. Yeah.... those were the good old days at MAI.

bluepilot 08-06-2016 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by Turboprop (Post 2174462)
very interesting, could he be the same way that works for Pan Am selling the 737 type rating? just curious.

Miguel Martin was the head of training at Panam. Had to give it up to become CP at MAI. However; he's still selling 737 type ratings at Panam,unfortunately he's a FAA designee as well..

bluepilot 08-06-2016 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by Turboprop (Post 2174463)
yup, sound about right what my friends told me about this place, stay away far away. they are now captains, some are still FO's who live in the area, I would be a commuter so this place will not work.

maybe after all the pilots go to a better place, things will change. thanks for the info.

Unfortunately they have been negotiating a new contract for over 5 years. It isn't going to get better. People are leaving elsewhere because there is opportunities available. There was none before. MAI is one of the worst if not the worst place you could work for. They try to brainwash young pilots with the 737 type, all over the world flying, etops 180 , you're a better pilot than any othe ,etc... Bullsssshtttt... I came to MAI in 2007 from a Legacy Latin American company. My wife wife was driving me crazy for us to move back to the USA. MAI was the only choice at the time. Couldn't believe how guys will fall for all the Bullsssshhhht indoctrination MAI will give's sad. 2 weeks ago I met 3 new hires from MAI as I was at the field shop. One of them had not flown for over a year, the other 2 had no jet time at all. MAI promised them upgrade in 3 years and they believed it. You can't upgrade on a 737 with just 300 hours a year if lucky, insurance won't allow it. How can guys fall for this. You're better off going to a regional and building time and quick upgrade with no $18,000 bond. Just very sad to see.

bluepilot 08-06-2016 10:18 AM

JetBlue is opening the application windows on August 10th -24th in case anyone is looking elsewhere. I've been at JetBlue for 5 years now in case anyone has questions versus wrong info from gossip...

Turboprop 08-06-2016 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by bluepilot (Post 2175333)
JetBlue is opening the application windows on August 10th -24th in case anyone is looking elsewhere. I've been at JetBlue for 5 years now in case anyone has questions versus wrong info from gossip...

thanks for the info Bluepilot, and yes.. waiting for that application window..
FYI I am already type on the 737, no need more bullssshttt... in my life. thank you again.

adios Amigo.

bluepilot 08-06-2016 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by Turboprop (Post 2175414)
thanks for the info Bluepilot, and yes.. waiting for that application window..
FYI I am already type on the 737, no need more bullssshttt... in my life. thank you again.

adios Amigo.

Good luck;)

thrufru 09-07-2016 10:08 AM

Sadly, Miami Air has been on a continual downward slide since the founding CEO retired. His replacement came from People Express and had such a fear of overextending the company that he virtually crippled it in the process. He "retired" this past month. He has been replaced, as noted above, by yet another Eastern Scab.

Additionally, negotiations for the CBA are now over as the company has done nothing but stonewall for years, throwing out false numbers and attempting to disseminate propaganda that can be refuted by a 7 year old. If it hasn't occurred in the past few days, filing for mediation is imminent.

Miami Air got her start by hiring pilots that no other airline would take. They were lucky to have jobs and were willing to accept whatever compensation was offered. Fast forward several years and you saw legacy carriers cutting staff and declaring bankruptcy. In addition, you saw thousands of 737 typed pilots hit the streets with the closure of Aloha and ATA. This led to Miami Air's second significant pool of applicants; qualified, capable, unemployed pilots without skeletons in their closets. As airlines have returned to profitability, hiring has skyrocketed and wages have risen, this pool has evaporated. Not only that, but virtually every single pilot that was hired during that period has quit. Just take a quick gander at Miami Air's seniority list and you will see that virtually all of the F/O's have been with the company for greater than 10 years (unable to upgrade or move on) or for less than 3. The middle of the list is gone.

Miami Air has taken to hiring pilots that in many cases have nothing more than piston time. While that in and of itself is not a problem when you consider that has been the regional model for years, those pilots fly between 800 and 1000 hours per year. At MAI, it's between 200 and 250. It is a disaster waiting to happen. The filing of ASAP reports has sky-rocketed.

When a pilot is tasked with running an operation as is the case with Miami Air, the wages should be commensurate with the responsibility. Not only is that not the case, but it is the exact opposite. The current top rate for a Captain is $143.00 per hour. The proposed rates have never risen much above $170.00. While these might seem big to a layperson, in this industry, they are insulting. Add to that that a pilot at Miami Air has virtually ZERO opportunity to earn anything beyond guarantee, and you have a very grim picture, indeed.

If Miami Air's owner has any desire to see his company around for much longer, he needs to replace the inept and self-serving management that he has, offer competitive wages and benefits and make it a company that people should want to work for.

So to sum up... As a stepping stone in your career... Stay the hell away.

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