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Argue Masks / CDC / Politics Here!!!!

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Old 09-08-2020, 11:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Jaww
Sir, I am not guilty of those inequities. People in the past are. Just stop it.
On the flip side they see us(white america) as living in a fairly successful house that their ancestors built upon pain of death or worse. It’s not that hard to take 2 seconds in their shoes and come to a conclusion that you’d be ****ed too. Just saying “not my problem” while you(white america as a whole) are humming along with generational wealth (and all that entails socially) in your hip pocket, won’t be effective in garnering a solution.

if that’s not your thing, then fine, but do you have to stand in their way? Maybe they need broken and shattered streets to make a point. They’ve tried peacefully marching on DC over Floyd and NOT ONE piece of legislation has been passed.......it’s not hard to figure out and empathize with people that have felt their voice has not been heard for 50 years.

Put yourself in their shoes. If one black dude goes to work and sees Your standard pilot white guy in the cockpit wearing a BLM pin, and he suddenly feels like ****s ok today, isn’t that worth something?
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Old 09-08-2020, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by airspeedsalive
Well, I absolutely disagree with all of your liberal wokeness. But I actually may have gone a little to far with threatening to deny the jumpseat. This is all BS, when compared with getting home.
Thank you for backing away from the "my way or the highway" attitude. That is the exclusive domain of the "left". The less woke are definitely the most tolerant and open minded.

Originally Posted by Nvrgofullretard
I guess it depends on your version of “punished” is. The reality is that the black community is still feeling the negative impact of no generational wealth. So if they are still “punished” for the sins of their fathers being born black in America, maybe whites can pony up a little bit too. Maybe just stay out of their way as they hash it out with Uncle Sam could be the best thing you can give them.
Generational wealth is a very real concept. I am a multimillionaire who benefited greatly from generational wealth. My parents contributed future millions into my trust fund beginning when I was born. Those contributions consisted of belief and work ethic. I didn't know I grew up poor, because we didn't compare our material possessions to the neighbors. I just figured Goodwill was the same as any other clothing store. On my 18th birthday I was given full control of my millions. I left home with $0, a work ethic and a belief that I could accomplish anything. You will find this is very common among millionaires. Money isn't the problem, behavior and attitudes toward money are what create poverty.

Teaching the black community they are disadvantaged is the biggest example of systemic racism in existence. We have kept an entire community oppressed simply by telling them they are oppressed. Start teaching wealthy attitudes toward work and money and within a generation the problem will be well on it's way to resolution
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Old 09-08-2020, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by GogglesPisano
So a “Make America Great Again,” hat would not necessarily be supporting Trump?
I don’t support Trump but that is an excellent riposte. It’s an apples to apples point that illustrates how silly Delta sounds when they say BLM has nothing to with the organization BLM. Sure it doesn’t. Heck when I see people in MAGA hats I don’t think that they like the orange man, I think they have an honest, admirable desire to restore our shared nation to mutual prosperity . Politics has absolutely no place in the work environment. Over beers sure, at a protest definitely, but not at work and definitely not in a confined tube 7 miles up.

Bottom line is that pin is a political statement. Reasonable people can have a debate (and an interesting one at that) about whether saying “black lives matter” should be a political statement as I’d hope we all agree they do matter. But like it or not that pin is political. Or is it just a coincidence that support for it appears to fall along party lines?
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Old 09-08-2020, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Buck Rogers
Ted. I understand what you are saying, unfortunately life isn't that simple. The vast majority see that MAGA hat and assume you support Trump or the BLM pin and assume you support anarchy. That is life as we know it.

The question is and has been asked....why pizz off half of your patrons? There will not be any meaningful dialogue taking place on the airplane or with the FA's. The is no nuance or explaining....you're just gonna irritate half the population. If Ed wants to institute training for the employees, that's his prerogative. But to use a publicly traded company to virtue signal is wrong, regardless if I support the cause or not.

When I drive down the street and see a Trump sign, I think of something. Likewise if I see a Biden sign. Saw a car yesterday on my street that still had a BETO bumper sticker. No communication ensued, but thoughts were had.

I still believe that it borders on "hostile workplace environment" for either the hat or the pin. Why? Because the hat wearers support Trump and the pin wearers support Biden. So in essence you are allowing political "free speech" for only one candidate.

Folks, please spare me the esoteric philosophical nuance of one is a political party and the other is a human rights issue. Common sense would recognize that they are inextricably linked.
I’m not defending a large, publicly-traded Fortune 500 company’s decision to dive into politics. I think in the end it will do more harm than good, but my job is not to correct for all the missteps my management team makes. I’m just reminding people here On APC (two or three who might listen) that all wearers of the pin do not condone violence. Many here reject that argument...which is their prerogative. In my case, the company authorized me to wear a pin supporting black people and I’m choosing to wear it despite the messiness of it all. I have my motivations and others have theirs.

There isn’t just one side of free speech here. Opting out of pin wear will say more and more every day that passes without donning one. For that reason, I think this was dumb, unnecessary and potentially harmful policy. But so, too, are half of the things I’m watching happen during negotiations...all are out of my control.

By the way, to think that half of observers of a BLM pin believe the wearer supports anarchy seems like quite a stretch. Did you make that statement with precision and actually think that’s true? Correlating MAGA hats with Trump support seems reasonable to both sides. The Black Lives Matter movement is not exclusively associated with anarchy, despite what right wing handlers would like undecided voters to believe. How do I know??? Because the people I actually KNOW and associate with who are supporting BLM are law-abiding, neighbor-loving “good” people. Wise or stupid, perhaps Ed thinks he can spur some discussion so people can iron out exactly what “the opposition” actually believes. I won’t tell anyone what BLM must mean to them any more than I’ll tell someone why they wear a MAGA hat. I’ll hear them out about their hat and tell them about my pin. Hopefully we’ll both walk away better informed. I’m not going to change the world, but I’m going to feel good about the causes I support and the less fortunate whom I try to lend a hand or voice of support.
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Old 09-08-2020, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by TED74

By the way, to think that half of observers of a BLM pin believe the wearer supports anarchy seems like quite a stretch. Did you make that statement with precision and actually think that’s true? Correlating MAGA hats with Trump support seems reasonable to both sides. The Black Lives Matter movement is not exclusively associated with anarchy, despite what right wing handlers would like undecided voters to believe. How do I know??? Because the people I actually KNOW and associate with who are supporting BLM are law-abiding, neighbor-loving “good” people. Wise or stupid, perhaps Ed thinks he can spur some discussion so people can iron out exactly what “the opposition” actually believes. I won’t tell anyone what BLM must mean to them any more than I’ll tell someone why they wear a MAGA hat. I’ll hear them out about their hat and tell them about my pin. Hopefully we’ll both walk away better informed. I’m not going to change the world, but I’m going to feel good about the causes I support and the less fortunate whom I try to lend a hand or voice of support.
No, Ted. That's not really what I said. It has nothing to do with what you believe or I believe because there will be no discussions about it on the airplane. It is simply a symbol that immediately evokes a single overarching concern for the vast majority of the populace. Like my analogy on the bumper stickers or the yard flags, the customers are not going to engage in witty repartee with the wearer. The symbol is there to signal and elicit an immediate response. It immediately turns into a situation of "You're either for us or against us". The vast majority of the customers, while not illiterate, don't parse all the nuances that go into this issue. To them it's either "Black lives matter", why don't "All lives matter?" "Black lives matter", why don't "Hispanic lives matter?" "Black lives matter", why don't "xxx lives matter?" This BLM issue is divisive. It makes people choose sides. I fought against this when my kids were in grade school 30 years ago when they had their Black History Month. My argument with the principal was, "Let's just have a history month. Black, white, women, etc. All Inclusive. Quit teaching my children that we have to have different categories to compete." That's what this BLM pin, sponsored by Delta, is doing. It has no place in the work environment being worn by the servant of the customer.

You are obviously well read and internalize the finer nuances of this whole argument. I am Theory X. The vast majority of the population is not and does not understand all these intricacies. They see the symbol and think, "What about me? What about my race? What about Blue lives? What about Hispanics? What about the American Indians, or the Indians that come from India?" What about the 7,700 blacks killed by blacks? Let's all understand that blame is not singular in any issue. Quite simply, the pin is divisive because people will automatically and immediately makes them choose a side. Divisional politics at its finest.
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Old 09-08-2020, 04:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Nvrgofullretard
On the flip side they see us(white america) as living in a fairly successful house that their ancestors built upon pain of death or worse. It’s not that hard to take 2 seconds in their shoes and come to a conclusion that you’d be ****ed too.
If you truly feel this way, that you are profiting and living off of the sacrifices and labor of slaves of a different era, I assume you have already tendered your resignation with Delta HR, with instructions to hire a POC in your place when hiring begins again. You probably have given your home to another descendant of slaves as well... Good for you sir!! Please let me know which park bench you now call home, so I can stop by and congratulate you in person!!
If the above is not the case, you are just here virtue signaling to us. You actually are a worse person if you claim to recognize injustice, but have done nothing about it other than talk.....
Which is it??
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Old 09-08-2020, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Viking busdvr
If you truly feel this way, that you are profiting and living off of the sacrifices and labor of slaves of a different era, I assume you have already tendered your resignation with Delta HR, with instructions to hire a POC in your place when hiring begins again. You probably have given your home to another descendant of slaves as well... Good for you sir!! Please let me know which park bench you now call home, so I can stop by and congratulate you in person!!
If the above is not the case, you are just here virtue signaling to us. You actually are a worse person if you claim to recognize injustice, but have done nothing about it other than talk.....
Which is it??
hahaha lol, standard misdirection. Whatever you need brother!
I love Trevor Noah though, have you watched his stuff? Might open your eyes a bit. Glad you used him as your gif since his message definitely would go well here
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Old 09-08-2020, 04:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Buck Rogers
The work place is not the place to "dialogue". I will conjure up my Nostradamus inner feelings and predict a law suit for "hostile workplace" environment before this is all done.. Probably coupled with a social media expose by one side being offended by the other.

Already posted the ATL incident by Frontier where the gate agent outed and denied boarding FAM because he wanted to wear an American flag face mask.

You gotta be sh..... me.
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Old 09-08-2020, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Nvrgofullretard
hahaha lol, standard misdirection. Whatever you need brother!
I love Trevor Noah though, have you watched his stuff? Might open your eyes a bit. Glad you used him as your gif since his message definitely would go well here
Noah's book "Born a Crime" is excellent.
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Old 09-08-2020, 04:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Nvrgofullretard
hahaha lol, standard misdirection. Whatever you need brother!
I love Trevor Noah though, have you watched his stuff? Might open your eyes a bit. Glad you used him as your gif since his message definitely would go well here
So it’s option #2... imagine my shock...
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