Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: I question why they think that somehow terrorist get stopped in Abu Dhabi before they get to US? We (the US) have no control over who walks around at their airports and get on planes to the US. You're right , they are all douche bags. The 'check" from the middle east must be BIG...both Republicans and Democrats are salivating.
Super-Pacs and the U.S. Supreme Court treating corporations as individuals has officially put the the U.S. Legislature up for sale to the highest bidder. Uhh I mean "donor".
My buddy in NYC is on RSV and has traditionally not acknowledged a SC until the required time since he commutes. He has continued this practice with our current issues. He was assigned SC last week, ack per the PWA, they PD'd the rsv day and he got a call from CP. CP said "you need to do it per the memo" ALPA said "you're following the PWA we will support you"

They then assigned him another SC the very next day.....he did the same exact thing as the first.....same PD on his sked, same CP call, same union response. Havent heard any further outcome, but NYC reps said he was the only pilot in NYC doing this.
Quote: My buddy in NYC is on RSV and has traditionally not acknowledged a SC until the required time since he commutes. He has continued this practice with our current issues. He was assigned SC last week, ack per the PWA, they PD'd the rsv day and he got a call from CP. CP said "you need to do it per the memo" ALPA said "you're following the PWA we will support you"

They then assigned him another SC the very next day.....he did the same exact thing as the first.....same PD on his sked, same CP call, same union response. Havent heard any further outcome, but NYC reps said he was the only pilot in NYC doing this.
And here is the problem. The company has actually unilaterally changed our contract. One memo from SD and people salute smartly and comply. No wonder the union is having a hard time getting the company to negotiate. Why would they, they've taken what they needed.
Quote: And here is the problem. The company has actually unilaterally changed our contract. One memo from SD and people salute smartly and comply. No wonder the union is having a hard time getting the company to negotiate. Why would they, they've taken what they needed.
That seems to be what is happening. DALPA keeps saying they will defend the contract but so far they haven't. At least that we know about.
Anybody heard anything different?
Quote: FOM chapter 4 I think.
Be careful trusting the FOM about anything contractual. They sometimes phrase things in their own way to de-emphasize certain parts, and what is written there can be woefully out of date.

Better to refer to the applicable section in the Scheduling Reference Handbook available on the DALPA website.
Quote: That seems to be what is happening. DALPA keeps saying they will defend the contract but so far they haven't. At least that we know about.
Anybody heard anything different?
Unity is all pilots acknowledging in the same timeframe IAW the contract. This builds leverage. DALPA needs to push this.

In the mean time, take your PD days off. You'll get the money later, as the contract is B&W.....this is a slam dunk grievance. But, the company is happy now as they got what they wanted out of 99% of the pilots for free and with no negotiations.
Quote: DALPA keeps saying they will defend the contract but so far they haven't. At least that we know about. Anybody heard anything different?
Only that Donatelli says that we should comply with the PWA and that we will be defended against any adverse consequences. Presumably, that defense is not instantaneously successful, but takes some amount of time to mount. I've heard reps going to the CPO to argue in favor of those pilots.

Given the Company's stance to date and what is at stake, I can't imagine that the CPOs will be allowed to ease up until there is an overall agreement with DALPA on how reserve will work going forward.
My guess is that there must be a contractual violation followed by a grievance for ALPA to "vigorously defend" the PWA. And that grievance process takes months (if not a year) to play out. Meanwhile DAL will intimidate the majority to play company ball until the grievance or side letter is settled. Well played Steve Dickson.
Quote: Be careful trusting the FOM about anything contractual. They sometimes phrase things in their own way to de-emphasize certain parts, and what is written there can be woefully out of date.

Better to refer to the applicable section in the Scheduling Reference Handbook available on the DALPA website.

Moonshot/Alan - Thanks
Quote: Meanwhile DAL will intimidate the majority to play company ball until the grievance or side letter is settled. Well played Steve Dickson.
Meanwhile, the more of us that join in vigorously defending the PWA, the more green slips will be awarded until the LOA is settled. Don't give up!!
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