Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Flew the 90's in DFW and SLC..we had "flipper", "little flipper", and "son of flipper" stenciled on the forward instrument panel in sharpie..don't know if they're still marked. A few shots of alternate trim opposite the pitch moment usually dampened it out..still liked the 90 better than the 88.

We keep you alive to serve this ship..row well and live..
Found a good picture of one of the inflight new hire classes...

Quote: I would think so, yes. Just like the 757's that went from 200k and INS to Pegasus and GPS. On the old displays.
Well if that would work... then I think it would certainly be an option if they can't get the planned upgrade to work or it's going to cost too much. We've flown that airplane for a long time with the current instrument displays. It works just fine. I don't think it's that important to change, unless it has to be done to comply with Nextgen/RNP, etc. I can think of better places to spend money. (Like pilots! )
Quote: Now…if we're talking "Dream Team"…..

Which one's my favorite?

Well, Twiki, that depends upon which ship I'm on.
When non reving? Does OO for the company of the nov rev denote a specific carrier or is is just a general designator for one of our other carriers. Trying to non rev on Skywest and cant tell if all of the OO's are skywest or other carrier employees.
Quote: When non reving? Does OO for the company of the nov rev denote a specific carrier or is is just a general designator for one of our other carriers. Trying to non rev on Skywest and cant tell if all of the OO's are skywest or other carrier employees.
OO is Skywest. So if you, being a Delta employee, are traveling on an OO a/c you will be S3C. All of the OO employees will go S3. And actually all other DCI employees will be S3C as well. So a CP, RP, 9E etc employee will have the same priority as a DL employee to the back of a OO aircraft, so DOH wins. Retired Delta (S3B) becomes S3CR on an OO aircraft and goes behind all S3Cs.

This is an old agreement and very beneficial to the OO employees, none of the other DCI carriers have agreements that good. Hope this helps, I'm a West Coast DCI guy who has been commuting back east for some time. You could say I have extensive experience nonreving on OO.
Three points:
1. Alan Shore-- who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?
I like your posts and your tone, and you seem very well informed. Not sure I agree with you on your numerical analysis or final interpretations on things, but I do like seeing calm and considered inputs, particularly when they don't agree with my initial opinions... MUCH more likely to give me pause and change my opinions. Thanks for your style and input.

2. Some EXCELLENT posts and pictures these last few days, from superhero pics to great tips for Pacific non-rev. Now youz all got me thinking about Palau instead of Hawaii for my next family trip...

3. Good to see Boomer around... when are you going to get to mainline??? Pulling for you.
whats up with the PCS runs? 41 min after the start, still nothing... are they still taking hours to do? I thought that was all worked out...
Quote: whats up with the PCS runs? 41 min after the start, still nothing... are they still taking hours to do? I thought that was all worked out...
They seem to be taking about 20-40 minutes most times. Not sure why this one is taking longer.
Wasn't she kneecapped by Tonya Hardswing, I mean, Harding?
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