Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: At some point, you will turn it on, and you will be inside the electronic fence. That helicopter on the right just shot you in the ***........

Laugh if you want, and call me paranoid, but we can revisit this in a couple of years.... Airport ready reserve. Love it...mean it.

We live with FOQA every second we operate the aircraft and we don't lose sleep over that. This is no different. It's a company issued device just like the airplane is company issued, do only what you're supposed to do with it and you won't have problems.

And then post on Apcf via your phone and don't sext with it. Please don't.
Quote: I've already provided my input to my reps that we need the same protections against this and other types of monitoring that we have with the BOYD tablets.
Wait, what...?
Quote: Wait, what...?
Protections from Boyd. That's what we need.
Personally I can't wait to get it because it will be a heck of a useful and time and space saving tool. It's awesome in that regard.

In the school house I still like to flip pages though, no tablet or reader allows you to deal with Delta's five books very well.

Unless of course they get everything hyperlinked, if they do that, pure nivana.

Unless you prefer VCRs to DVD players...
Can we surf airplane porn with it?
Quote: Unless you prefer VCRs to DVD players...
DVDs will prove to be as .much a flash in the pan as Beta Max was. Just you wait!
Quote: I'm absolutely a degenerate, and proud of it!
Less typing, more red dress.

Quote: I'm absolutely a degenerate, and proud of it!
Fellow chiver as well.
Quote: You need to call contract admin. If your yellow slip was in you should have been awarded the trip. They are not allowed to run a PCS run even 1 minute early. If the trip was for the next day they don't cover them using PCS runs. They are covered by hand and should be covered as they become known after the 7 am run.
For stuff like this, you need to call the scheduling committee and not the contract administration committee. Contract Admin would only get involved if the scheduling committee was unable to resolve the issue, it was found to be in violation of the PWA and a formal grievance needs to be filed.
Quote: While I agree, before calling contract admin ask yourself what is the remedy? They can't go back and give you the trip. Unless that trip would have taken you above res guarantee you are due any pay.
But you would be due having that credit applied to your reserve guarantee thus limiting the amount of flying you could be used for the remainder of the month. If it takes a couple of months to resolve the issue and adding that credit puts you above your reserve guarantee because of how much they ended up flying you that month, you'll get paid for the credit above the guarantee because of their error.
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