Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Hush Hoser.

Nice, I bet you are buying the beers.

Speaking of which is that your house with the two trash cans full of empty Molson beer bottles outside of it?

Not my house. My neighbors did have a Canadian flag hanging up with little flags stuck all over the grass. They did that in response to neighbor across the street decorating his yard with about 30 American flags. Our street is full of hockey fans. Molson is good but I miss a cheap can of Kokanee. Can't wait till 2014. The Russians are gonna be ready for redemption.

If the snow permits me to get off this trip and get back to ATL I may make it to the 44 meeting. I'll be in the back next to the tray of chocolate chip cookies.
Quote: Not my house. My neighbors did have a Canadian flag hanging up with little flags stuck all over the grass. They did that in response to neighbor across the street decorating his yard with about 30 American flags. Our street is full of hockey fans. Molson is good but I miss a cheap can of Kokanee. Can't wait till 2014. The Russians are gonna be ready for redemption.

If the snow permits me to get off this trip and get back to ATL I may make it to the 44 meeting. I'll be in the back next to the tray of chocolate chip cookies.
I plan on being there as well. I will be next to all of the food, I do not discriminate.

2014 should be fun in the Russian Federation!
Quote: After you go to Marketing - what is the next link???

Could find what you're referring to.


Network Planning and Revenue Management

Current Schedules.

Notice that the top ten files are not set to load until the 13th. That means that until they are loaded it is considered "Not Public Data" ego, do not post it.
Lots of good data here. Just note the load dates.

Feet numbers are there too. (Dec 2009 numbers. Look at the total DCI fleet numbers.....)
Quote: Legislative Action Center
Easy. Peasy. Done.
Quote: Last I checked, Delta is still here. But... OK... enlighten us all as to your point. You have fired the first salvo by saying that it is "Stockholm Syndrome" if we as employees help out the company by writing letters requesting DAL get some of the slots into HND. You are one of Keenster's minions that believe EVERTHING the company does is bad, and OBVIOUSLY has those ramifications of ending any QOL as we all know it, or at a minumum never adding any... So.. I gather it is your contention that anything the company does to grow or change is obviously messing with some perfect formula that NWA had wrt the golden Pacific. THAT is exactly why PAA and EAL and _______ are no longer with us. But that is a good cobra strategy I guess.

Oh, and 2 things: There is no "e" in funny, and DAL (prior to the merger) knew more about Europe and Africa than NWA did, so..
Plz do not speak for me based on someone else's post. My point was that we come from a much more militant culture than you have at DAL. If you look at my posts they were in response to satchip saying that the senior south guys are not concerned about scope. My response to him was to let him know that the north senior guys would go to battle for scope. That's all. I prefer a good working relationship with management if that is possible. I certainly hope so and woud like to see us get HND slots if we do not have to give up something to get them. If you have a beef with someone else leave me out of it. Thanks.
Flight Attendants Arrested in Alleged Prostitution Ring - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News -

Maybe that's why the India trips go so senior?

I guess they are selling that with Duty Free?
ATL Pilots

C 44 meeting is tomorrow at 1100 at the usual place. If you are around or sitting reserve, go meet your new reps!
Please post anything noteworthy. It's been a while since we've had any news...
Quote: Please post anything noteworthy. It's been a while since we've had any news...
Attend if you can.
The big fight is going to be over a resolution which advocates the division of ALPA National into regional and mainline parts.

ALPA National has a serious conflict of interest trying to represent both groups.
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