Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: scambo, you either have two jobs or no family, or both. Those of us with a single job, and a stay at home mom (due to health problems) need more pay, not more retirement. But that's the beauty of having an MEC who will gather input from all members, and prioritize these issues to benefit the most.

You are right, every situation is different in its own way. I am open to all perspectives. However, I will voice and vote my own perspective. I have a stay at home wife too and a son in private school. I have been a dedicated investor since I started working - and had a sizeable nestegg re-set significantly by a divorce as a DAL newhire. I have been rebuilding ever since.

The average american 2 income family makes in the neighborhood of $50k per year. If a person re-sets their budget to live on that, the avg DAL pilot can sock away a chunk of dough. Yeah I see your eyes rolling.

I could go on, but its probably already boring. What sinkr8 said on the previous page works for me too.

WAIT, are you saying a Russian Woman got drunk, inflight, and then caused a commotion??!!

Did -not- see that coming...
Quote: Incident: Delta Airlines B763 over Atlantic on Apr 14th 2010, unruly passenger

By Simon Hradecky, created Thursday, Apr 15th 2010 21:46Z, last updated Thursday, Apr 15th 2010 21:46Z

A Delta Airlines Boeing 767-300, registration N192DN performing flight DL-31 from Moscow Sheremetyevo (Russia) to New York JFK,NY (USA), was enroute at FL360 about 190nm east of Goose Bay,NL (Canada) when the crew reported an unruly passenger on board and requested to divert to Goose Bay, where the airplane landed safely about 40 minutes later. The unruly woman (49) was taken into custody by Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

The Police said, the Russian woman brought duty free alcohol on board and consumed that alcohol in the lavatory, which resulted in a commotion and the crew requesting the diversion. The woman has to appear in court facing charges of endangering safety of an aircraft.

FlightAware > Delta Air Lines #31 > 14-Apr-2010 > UUEE-KJFK

Sounds like UUEE usual. Drinking their own booze and smoking in the lavs. Nothing out of the norm for that flight.

I remember being on a flight a few years ago and I smelled someone smoking, so I asked the FA. Her response was better in the lav than at the seat. They take apart the detectors and there is not much we can do........

you personally have contributed more than 25% to this thread!!!!!
Quote: ---------

You are right, every situation is different in its own way. I am open to all perspectives. However, I will voice and vote my own perspective. I have a stay at home wife too and a son in private school. I have been a dedicated investor since I started working - and had a sizable nestegg re-set significantly by a divorce as a DAL newhire. I have been rebuilding ever since.

The average american 2 income family makes in the neighborhood of $50k per year. If a person re-sets their budget to live on that, the avg DAL pilot can sock away a chunk of dough. Yeah I see your eyes rolling.

I could go on, but its probably already boring. What sinkr8 said on the previous page works for me too.


Agreed. I have been saving since the first paycheck I earned at 12 y/o as a caddy. I too have a sizable netegg and want to grow it as quickly as possible.

I am in a two income family with the wife working out of the home, but that is about to change. I agree that if you live smart in your earning years your investing power is awesome.
It is wise to have no debt, and live very meagerly. I take no vacations except to see family, buy the off brand food, shop sales only, pay cash or use the debit card and invest every penny I can. As you state living well within your means allows you the ability to truly save. Not paying the interest portion of a car payment or credit card payments adds up. Save, pay cash, and negotiate with everyone.

I want to see the DC increased as much as I can too. I would love to max the bad boy out. We are above the roth limits and will be if/when the wife quits due to a llc, but there are other ways to save. I tell guys all of the time to use the free consults that we get with our plans. Off the top of my head I think it is two sessions of up to four hrs a year.

The law of compounding is a nice thing to watch.
Quote: ACL;

you personally have contributed more than 25% to this thread!!!!!
So it says. Time to start flying a line. Way to much time on my hands sitting reserve. I will try to bid the 330 if it comes to atl on this bid though.

It is all the extra time I have on my hands because I do not commute!
Quote: Agreed. I have been saving since the first paycheck I earned at 12 y/o as a caddy. I too have a sizable netegg and want to grow it as quickly as possible.

I am in a two income family with the wife working out of the home, but that is about to change. I agree that if you live smart in your earning years your investing power is awesome.
It is wise to have no debt, and live very meagerly. I take no vacations except to see family, buy the off brand food, shop sales only, pay cash or use the debit card and invest every penny I can. As you state living well within your means allows you the ability to truly save. Not paying the interest portion of a car payment or credit card payments adds up. Save, pay cash, and negotiate with everyone.

I want to see the DC increased as much as I can too. I would love to max the bad boy out. We are above the roth limits and will be if/when the wife quits due to a llc, but there are other ways to save. I tell guys all of the time to use the free consults that we get with our plans. Off the top of my head I think it is two sessions of up to four hrs a year.

The law of compounding is a nice thing to watch.

The funny thing is I have all the toys that any full grown boy could want. I just pay cash for them.
Quote: ---------

The funny thing is I have all the toys that any full grown boy could want. I just pay cash for them.
I do not have toys, I have land, and tractors. I guess those are toys

Been looking at a hay bailer. Now those things are cool!

I will get my big toys later, right now it is about saving as much as I can. I would like to retire early, way early if possible. Love the job, but love being home more.
Quote: I tell guys all of the time to use the free consults that we get with our plans. Off the top of my head I think it is two sessions of up to four hrs a year.
Which consults are you talking about? I know about the HR Block one for wills.
Quote: He returns!
Quote: The -88 has a switch in the galley for an electric pump that should pressurize the potable water system. I emphasize the word "should" as it doesn't really work sometimes or is slow to pressurize the system. In that case, we need to run the APU to get water pressure.
Quote: Timbo answered it, but just to make sure you knew that was for you, no you cannot pick up a trip on a swap board or WS for any trip in the open time pot. It must be assigned to you.

You can reduce your RAW value for a yellow slip, or agree to fly on an off day for a yellow slip. It does not guarantee that you will get the desired trip, so be careful. It simply states that you want to fly, and here are my requests that coincidentally they do not have to honor. They will honor them if they choose to, but if the trip you want is already assigned and they need another body, you will get assigned the that trip even though you did not request it.

Remember that any assignment over 12 hrs to report is your responsibility if a slip is in. Under 12 to report and it is a proffer.

Acl thanks for the explanation. I just wanted to clarify, I can not pick up a trip on my days off if the trip is advertised for pick up and it is not on open board it is only on swap board? So the swap board is only available for regular pilots and not reserves?
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