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Old 05-27-2011, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by tsquare View Post
Seriously? You think you can take a snapshot of one flight on one day and base a contract negotiation stance on THAT? Really? Nonetheless, I would love to see some of those calculations...
I don't think I said anything close to what you're putting forth. Simply that if you look at the amount of money generated from a typical flight the expense of crew is comes in right above the bottled water. But hey, don't consider it; look at it all from the eyes of management and be happy with that perspective if you prefer.
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Carl Spackler View Post

You are purposely stating falsehoods...and you know it. Delta STARTED a number of the fare hikes in the hopes the rest of the industry would participate. Sometimes the industry did, and sometimes the industry didn't. But at no time did the industry know WHY Delta wanted to institute the fare increase. The bottom line is that our management does NOT WANT to institute a fare increase to fund more pilot pay...and neither does our own union.
Man, you cannot believe your own drivel here, can you?

Why wouldn't management institute a fare increase to line their own pockets then? They get "incentive compensation" to do things like that...

You're way off your game.
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by forgot to bid View Post
I don't care if RAH fits in the current language, supposedly constructed by the best in the business (insert a smilie that barfs). All I care is that frontier is not allowed to fly for us and rah = frontier. To discuss anything else IMHO is to distract unless the discussion is specifically and only about our contract. If that's the case dalpa legal people are right and our pwa needs a fixin.
From talking to my reps, they agree that it is a priority. From what I gather the sentiment was; We may not like the facts, but they are the facts nonetheless.

Just remember what you priorities are when you fill out the survey.

Last edited by acl65pilot; 05-27-2011 at 05:31 PM.
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot View Post
From talking to my reps, they agree that it is a priority. From what I gather the sentiment was; We may not like the facts, but they are the facts nonetheless.

Just remember what you priorities are when you will out the survey.
I don't think I'm going to leave it to my children to argue over once I'm dead, I prefer to do it myself.

(BTW, I agree with your conclusion.)
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Old 05-27-2011, 05:35 PM
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Originally Posted by scambo1 View Post
This is such a quantifiable failure - if truly DALPA will do nothing except hope to improve scope in the future. In a separate thread, an unnamed ALPA national officer, said we cannot strike over scope. Therefore DALPAs proposal requires the expenditure of bargaining capital to negotiate positive scope changes...Which I believe ALPA is a proven failure at accomplishing.
This is such a critical point scambo. We must ask ourselves why ALPA is worthy to be our bargaining agent. The conventional "wisdom" is ALPA is worthy because of all their unmatched expertise. If that's the case, how in God's name could these experts have not advised all the local ALPA's that anything they gave up in Scope could NEVER AGAIN be recouped by a strike action if management disagreed? This is EXACTLY why you have legal experts advising you. How could this critical information have been kept from us?

Originally Posted by scambo1 View Post
Scope is the bedrock and foundation of our contract, how we got to our current position is both a miscalculation by DALPA and the Delta pilots.
That is true, but this miscalculation would never have occured had we been told that Section 1 is unique in that management cannot force any change to it, and we can never strike over it. This is a shocking failure of ALPA national's legal experts.

Originally Posted by scambo1 View Post
I am certain there are several DALPA elected reps who agree with me. You may even agree with me. The question of how we win this is a MUST answer. Short of that, I believe all dues are wasted and ALPA is utterly useless. Utterly useless.
Absolutely correct. Spot on.

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Old 05-27-2011, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by shiznit View Post
"Never"? Strong word.....Maybe a little bit of hyperbole? Can you admit that much?

PNCL 5+ years (last cycle)
TSA 6+ years
CAL 3+ years
AA 4+ years
ASA 3+ years (last cycle)
US 3+ years
HP 4+ years
RAH 3+ years
Spirit 4+ years (last cycle)
I'm not talking about total years in negotiations. I'm talking about total number of years that NMB has held a labor group hostage until they agreed to management's position. To my knowledge, the AMR situation is the worst and longest ever.

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Old 05-27-2011, 05:46 PM
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So it is the worst ever. Fine. How would you force the NMB's hand? (Honestly)

In AMR's case, the place is bleeding red, and even though the pilots deserve what they are asking for, in your opinion, could the company continue to operate if they increased their costs 2-3 billion a year for the pilots, a billion a year for the FA's and AMT's etc, without UCAL and DAL following suit?

One way to end the dead lock for AMR is for CAL to get a sizable raise, or for APA to do a short term agreement that patterns up. (I know you feel patterning is a horrible idea, but that has historically been the only way raises have worked) The shot at the long ball is for UCAL and DAL pilots to demand the same thing AME is getting and then see if all three agree. The downside is that all the majors will be in talks again at the same time in three to four years.

I get your frustration, but until something breaks free, we are stuck with the RLA and the NMB. It does what it was designed to; provides stability for the traveling public, not its workers. That is not an ALPA issue, it is a employee issue for our industry.
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Old 05-27-2011, 06:01 PM
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Delta bans drunk flirt for life

3:49 pm May 27, 2011, by George Mathis

A Georgia man who tried to impress a young Georgia lady aboard a Delta flight after quaffing multiple mixed drinks has been banned from the Atlanta-based airline for life.

“I’m a dumb[bleep],” says Bryan Sisco, 40, from Winston in south Douglas County, in The Commercial Appeal.

The Memphis newspaper recounts the following tale:

Sisco drank beer before heading to the Dallas airport for an evening flight to Atlanta. Once there, Delta flight 2060 was delayed for a couple of hours, so he got hopped up on five double whiskey and Cokes.

When he boarded the plane last Thursday, Sisco, who said he’s in the process of getting a divorce, sat in the wrong seat and began flirting with Danielle Valimont, 23, from Griffin.

In her blog, Valimont said Sisco asked “Have you ever wondered if someone could get something on the plane they weren’t supposed to?”

Then he fired up a “silver metal torch-like item,” Valimont wrote.

TSA, it seems, was once again feeling up the wrong people.

Cisco told her he had a gas cannister that could make everyone on board pass out.

She freaked out and texted a message to friends — “‘I’m sitting beside a crazy man.”

The loquacious passenger told her he was an air marshal, a job he was “born into” because his dad was in the CIA.

Valimont faked a bathroom run and alerted a flight attendant to the amorous loon.

Pilots diverted the plane to Memphis, where police came aboard and arrested Sisco, who says he has no recollection of that event.

“I fell asleep, and woke up in handcuffs in Memphis with the FBI questioning me, Sisco told The Commercial Appeal. “I spent three days in a county jail and a fourth day in a federal penitentiary. I was stripped buck-naked twice.”

Facing charges of carrying a weapon or explosive on an aircraft, he was released on a $10,000 bond.

Delta’s no longer ready when you are Mr. Sisco.
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Old 05-27-2011, 06:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Columbia View Post
Qantas strike-threat pilots demand $200,000 each | News.com.au

Qantas strike-threat pilots demand $200,000 each

Qantas pilots claiming pay rise, free flight perks
Will cost airline $317m if it caves in to demands
Qantas chief says future of carrier is in jeopardy

QANTAS pilots stand to pocket almost $200,000 each on average if the airline caves into their demands, with the lion's share going on two free tickets a year to anywhere in the world.

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce says the future of Qantas as an international carrier is in jeopardy.
26 May 2011Sky News

Figures obtained by the Herald Sun reveal the pilots' claim for a pay rise, added job security and perks such as free flights, would total $317 million - an average of about $190,000 for each of the airline's 1700 flyboys.
Almost half of this - an estimated $145 million - would go towards pilots seeking two free premium economy seats to any overseas destination as a pay-off for Qantas being able to determine when they take their annual leave.
Other costs include a 2.5 per cent annual increase in wages over three years and a re-classification of what each level of pilots is paid, such as raising Boeing 767 pilots to the higher A330 rate (a more than 10 per cent increase) and the Boeing 747 to the A380 pay rate (a 5 per cent increase).

Qantas puts cost of pay claim at $317m

An average 747 pilot earns $350,000 a year and the top pilots earn up to $500,000.
Pilots are preparing to go on strike for the first time in more than two decades, a move that threatens to cripple the national carrier.
The pilots said yesterday that they were striking over job security.
"The future of Qantas is in jeopardy"
Yesterday the airline's CEO Alan Joyce said the future of the carrier was in doubt if action by "rogue union" leaders continued.
Fair Work Australia yesterday approved a ballot allowing long-haul pilots to vote on taking industrial action for the first time in 45 years.
"The continued claim that they are going to take industrial action ... is an attempt at further damaging the brand," Mr Joyce told the ABC's 7.30 program yesterday.
"Unfortunately, this is the way some of these rogue union leaders think."
The demands would result in job cuts, Mr Joyce said.
"They are demands the company cannot agree to and they are demands that will result in job losses in this company," he said.
Mr Joyce labelled both the engineers' and pilots' union leaders as "rogues" who the company was "going to have to stand up to".
Qantas puts the cost of the demands at more than $300 million but the pilots' association says the figure is more like $90 million.
"There are certain demands I cannot concede to because it will endanger the survival of the company," Mr Joyce said.
"Our international business is losing money, our international business, if these demands are met, will go back even further."
Video: Video: Future of Qantas in jeopardy

Read more: Qantas strike-threat pilots demand $200,000 each | News.com.au

Hope this hasn't been brought up yet, but anyone notice that the US$ and AUD$ are almost 1:1 Those senior pilots are raking in $500,000?!?!
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Old 05-27-2011, 06:13 PM
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Originally Posted by alfaromeo View Post
Yes, Carl, I can only hope to some day have your intense courage. What a brave person you are behind a keyboard. Really, I am in awe of you
Are you even capable of staying on the subject? Does this juvenille baiting of people by insults get most people in your world to forget about what they were talking about?

Originally Posted by alfaromeo View Post
Your analysis of the APA's problems is once again completely wrong. They weren't told, "you have too many issues" they were told "you will NEVER achieve anything close to your goals, so come back when either they are achievable or you change your goals."
OK, I see you've used quotation marks for what the NMB said. I have not seen those quotes. Could you post the reference?

Originally Posted by alfaromeo View Post
Your statement about adding a few dollars to the price of tickets is almost infantile. If they could add a few dollars to the price of tickets why don't they do it tomorrow?
Already answered in the very post you reference. I can't help you if you won't even read.

Originally Posted by alfaromeo View Post
The best outcome for us will be achieved as the entire industry makes steps forward. That means I want APA to succeed, I want SWAPA to succeed, I want CAL/UAL to succeed, I want them all to move forward.
News flash alfa......SWAPA has already succeeded. Their contract is head shoulders above ours in nearly every aspect. Now how about you and ALPA/DALPA stop excusing why we are where we are, and start stating that we expect SWAPA's contract as a minimum? Or do we have to wait for everyone else to succeed first?

Originally Posted by alfaromeo View Post
You have the luxury of pounding your chest and making self serving pronouncements of your virtue. Luckily, there are others who are willing to accomplish things so all our lives are better. So, please, stay behind your keyboard where you can't do any more damage.
Typical ALPA smear. The facts are that your weakness and defense of management's point of view does more damage than anything.

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