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HighWingingIt 04-21-2020 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by Melit (Post 3037286)
You’re uninformed. They went to OO. Not only do they own most of their airplanes, hangers, ground equipment, sims and some gates they are also a leasing company.

I think it is you that’s uninformed

AboveMins 04-21-2020 08:58 AM

Originally Posted by ReadOnly7 (Post 3037334)
Translation.....they didn’t hire me, so I hate them now. I get it....but I do get sick of this mindset. I actually know you....personally. We went to the same flight school, regional, etc...and you KNOW you wanted to work for UAL and would have gladly done so. Be thankful you didn’t, since we are all screwed now....but the sour grapes chest thumping gets old and makes you look just as bad as the airline you love to hate.

No sour grapes at all, and I don't hate them. Just calling them what most of the traveling public sees them as. I'd be lying if I said that UAL wasn't a goal of mine years ago, but after seeing how poorly they treated XJT, my mind changed. I'm thankful for where I'm at, and I feel sorry for the good folks over there that are getting shafted by this crisis. Nothing against the pilots, I have a lot of friends there. Honestly, I don't really care what I look like to anyone. Think whatever you want, opinions are like ***holes- everyone has one, and they all stink. :D

AboveMins 04-21-2020 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by LoneStar32 (Post 3037327)
Then you shouldn’t be commenting on things you know nothing about.

Probably not. LOL

Delsol 04-21-2020 09:06 AM

Originally Posted by CPPfacts (Post 3037219)
It’s not a good thing in this case. It’s indicating how bad the problem is.

If you're buying oil it might be good in the very short term. Long term, disastrous.

The problem is that the current oil price is well below the cost of production for many producers, particularly in the USA. Oil extraction from many US oilfields, particularly shale, is expensive compared to just pumping it out of the ground. This will cause many producers to simply go out of business. The producers that will be left will be those with very low costs of production-like Saudi Arabia for example.

Once demand for oil returns, and it will, there will be far fewer producers and they will keep tight control over production to keep prices high. OPEC did this in the 1970s and they will do it again. We could see $100 oil in a few years, so if you could plan your aircraft network, you would take that into account and keep the most fuel efficient aircraft.

pangolin 04-21-2020 11:05 AM

Originally Posted by Flydafe (Post 3037141)
Why is oil crashing a big deal? Cheaper fuel is good right?

At least American and United sell jet fuel. They both own refineries and pipelines.

Delsol 04-21-2020 12:14 PM

Originally Posted by pangolin (Post 3037470)
At least American and United sell jet fuel. They both own refineries and pipelines.

You sure about that? Delta owns the Trainer refinery in PA, but has been trying to sell it.

sMFer 04-21-2020 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by Melit (Post 3037073)
Why aren’t you guy’s ****ed at United? They let you use their 175’s for a second, then said no more and passed them on.

Better question. Why are you a 50+ year old regional lifer, spending your days trolling other airline boards. Get outta moms basement, meet someone and move on!!!

Bluesteal 04-21-2020 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by Melit (Post 3037112)
wrong ghost rider. I’m gonna be on the street? You have no clue! I made the right moves. Seriously? We all are heading for the streets? Why Would you say that? Yes I’m laughing at XJET. You’re to new to know the history

Correct Ghost rider.... this isnt some random recession you are about to see. You are seeing the beginning of something your grandma hasnt even witnessed in her lifetime! The world is closed, we are month or two away from a massive great depression and yes, the airlines will literally be destroyed along with 95% of the people around the world. Oil producers are seriously paying to get rid of their oil, never has that ever happened. We will be seeing massive furloughs and job losses, employment rate will be in the 40% I have tons and tons of Gold and other HARD assets, so if you have no Gold you have made no right moves! The US dollar is toast and so are you! GET READY FOR THE STREETS PAL!! I HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THIS FOR YEARS!! ALL THE BUBBLES HAVE BEEN POPPED!! IM WELL PREPARED!!

pangolin 04-21-2020 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by Delsol (Post 3037525)
You sure about that? Delta owns the Trainer refinery in PA, but has been trying to sell it.

You are right. I’m wrong.

say again 04-21-2020 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by Bluesteal (Post 3037550)
Correct Ghost rider.... this isnt some random recession you are about to see. You are seeing the beginning of something your grandma hasnt even witnessed in her lifetime! The world is closed, we are month or two away from a massive great depression and yes, the airlines will literally be destroyed along with 95% of the people around the world. Oil producers are seriously paying to get rid of their oil, never has that ever happened. We will be seeing massive furloughs and job losses, employment rate will be in the 40% I have tons and tons of Gold and other HARD assets, so if you have no Gold you have made no right moves! GET READY FOR THE STREETS PAL!! I HAVE KNOWN ABOUT THIS FOR YEARS!! ALL THE BUBBLES HAVE BEEN POPPED!! IM WELL PREPARED!!

Cool story

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