SkyWest & ExpressJet Pilot Poll

View Poll Results: SkyWest INC Representation
One List, In-House Union
One List, ALPA
One List, No Union
Status Quo (Two Lists, Two Contracts)
Voters: 167. You may not vote on this poll
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Quote: Hi GoAround -

Why have you not responded to my PM from a few weeks ago? Or responded within a thread after I posed the question twice.

"Where was it that you witnessed the ASA MEC walk out of some kind of joint meeting?"
I don't know where goaround got his information, but I have had it confirmed by two separate members of the ASA MEC...It got quite ugly....

This isn't unusual really...The CAL and UAL MECs are starting to air their dirty laundry in public...How about USAIR/AWA or AirTran/SWA?

Why do you find it surprising? or Why are you trying to make it go away?
Quote: Really? You're going to base your decision to improve your life on anonymous posts? You guys are really institutionalized. Consider this:

Because you don't have a legal bargaining entity representing you or a contract, you guys have subpar medical benefits, no legal recourse on pay or work rule violations, no punitive protection from incidents or accidents (only certificate), forget the list, get with the times first, get a union any union. We talk when you guys get your house in order.
You must be a new hire.. Or you're one of those spiky hair entitled sky gods, or both. You know very little, yet you speak as if you do. Like someone posted earlier, you don't know what you don't know.

It seems to me, and most other observers of this business, that your house was the one that was not in order and it was the company you mock that has wiped up your mess. Instead of being thankful, you bite the hand that helps you. XJT was not going to be around much longer and no serious person can say otherwise with a strait face.

When there is a payroll conflict at SW, most of the guys pick up the phone and talk with payroll. Simple. Efficient. If you can't reach an agreement, a form is filled out and the reps take it to the next step to get resolution.

Now I'm not pretending there aren't issues at SW, particularly in the disciplining arena. But, there are dozens and dozens of policies that have been negotiated quickly and efficiently to the mutual benefit of both the company and the pilots. .

To the original question, one list, one independent union, limited fences for a year or so.
Quote: I don't know where goaround got his information, but I have had it confirmed by two separate members of the ASA MEC...It got quite ugly....

This isn't unusual really...The CAL and UAL MECs are starting to air their dirty laundry in public...How about USAIR/AWA or AirTran/SWA?

Why do you find it surprising? or Why are you trying to make it go away?
I wouldn't find this surprising by any means and I have no reason to care if it goes away.

GoAround threw that little tidbit out there and then chose not to address it. I questioned his credibility because he chose to ignore my requests for details multiple times.

Unfortunately I feel like I'm on my own side in all of this, which isn't good for any of us.
Quote: That's fairly inflammatory. This kind of discussion is one of the reasons it's so hard to GET a union at alienates people.
Pot, meet kettle. When you posted this in another thread;

Quote: PBS is coming whether you like it or not. Instead of thumping your chest like a monkey about it, better start thinking how to preserve an equivalent amount of vacation with PBS.
Not only was it inflammatory, it was flat out ignorant.

When you do that, it makes it hard to see things the way SKW people do and kind of alienates people
Quote: Pot, meet kettle. When you posted this in another thread;

Not only was it inflammatory, it was flat out ignorant.

When you do that, it makes it hard to see things the way SKW people do and kind of alienates people

Don't assume one junior guy represents every crewmember in this company!
Quote: One list. If we have a union, it needs to be independent. Couldn't care less about the fences either way.
I care about fences. I chose to work at SkyWest because I wanted to live out west. I have no interest in "one list" if there is no provision for domicile protection. Last thing I want is sell my house and move.
If you want one list, then the ASA/XJT will have to make the legal case to the NMB. Otherwise, the only other way is for Skywest pilots to unionize. Then there might be a possibility. Until then, its moot since JA seems to always use the "my pilots don't want a union" card.

By the way, not having fences does NOT mean that you will be displaced. There has to be a vacancy for a pilot to bid into any aircraft, base, and seat. That is your base (and aircraft and seat) protection. You cannot be forced out of your base, aircraft, or seat. People need to educate themselves a little before saying things that are not true.
Quote: It seems to me, and most other observers of this business, that your house was the one that was not in order and it was the company you mock that has wiped up your mess. Instead of being thankful, you bite the hand that helps you. XJT was not going to be around much longer and no serious person can say otherwise with a strait face.
Quote: I guess you don't know what you don't know!

How are your medical benefits working for you?

Since there's not a collective bargaining agreement between you and management, could they legally cut your pay at their discretion? (rhetorical)

Since there's not a collective entity representing you or your pilots, who will represent you at a disciplinary hearing? Who will represent and help you regain active status in the event of loss of medical?

Who will GRIEVE work rule violations or payroll violations?

Who will keep the company from changing the terms of your employment without a contract or a union?

Don't be naive, you don't have to get ALPA, but unions are a necessary evil in this industry.

You don't have aeromedical
You don't have legal
You don't have a compliance team
Your ASAP is only certificate action protection, not punitive.
You don't have a vote or a voice if the company decides to change the terms of your employment
And good relations will only go as far and as long as its profitable to the company or until labor reaches a boiling point. So you tell me....

I flew for Skywest for 9 years. Skywest is a good company with smart management. Sapa did a pretty good job as well. I made a decent living in a sunny California base. Life was good. Now that I am at a major airline I realize how dumb I really was.

A union is more than an entity to get you a raise. The above quote lists some very important union duties.

My union reps, Dalpa, for all their faults, work tirelessly to improve my standard of living and to protect my career. Luckily, for the non union carriers, Dalpa and Alpa are working in Washington DC to prevent cabotage and secure a future for american air carriers.

Can Sapa lobby on Washington to protect Skywest pilots? Dalpa did and got some critical retirement legislation passed in the pilots favor. Can Sapa lobby against cabotage? No, Jerry only allocates so much money to the Sapa budget.

My point is, I didn't know how exposed and unprotected I was until I came to a major union carrier. I've never needed to use any services from my union but at least I have the assurance that it will be there if required. My head is now out of the sand.

Good luck with whatever choice your pilot groups make.
Quote: It seems to me, and most other observers of this business, that your house was the one that was not in order and it was the company you mock that has wiped up your mess. Instead of being thankful, you bite the hand that helps you. XJT was not going to be around much longer and no serious person can say otherwise with a strait face.
Not exactly...

Quote: I guess you don't know what you don't know!

How are your medical benefits working for you?

Since there's not a collective bargaining agreement between you and management, could they legally cut your pay at their discretion? (rhetorical)

Since there's not a collective entity representing you or your pilots, who will represent you at a disciplinary hearing? Who will represent and help you regain active status in the event of loss of medical?

Who will GRIEVE work rule violations or payroll violations?

Who will keep the company from changing the terms of your employment without a contract or a union?

Don't be naive, you don't have to get ALPA, but unions are a necessary evil in this industry.

You don't have aeromedical
You don't have legal
You don't have a compliance team
Your ASAP is only certificate action protection, not punitive.
You don't have a vote or a voice if the company decides to change the terms of your employment
And good relations will only go as far and as long as its profitable to the company or until labor reaches a boiling point. So you tell me....

I flew for Skywest for 9 years. Skywest is a good company with smart management. Sapa did a pretty good job as well. I made a decent living in a sunny California base. Life was good. Now that I am at a major airline I realize how dumb I really was.

A union is more than an entity to get you a raise. The above quote lists some very important union duties.

My union reps, Dalpa, for all their faults, work tirelessly to improve my standard of living and to protect my career. Luckily, for the non union carriers, Dalpa and Alpa are working in Washington DC to prevent cabotage and secure a future for american air carriers.

Can Sapa lobby on Washington to protect Skywest pilots? Dalpa did and got some critical retirement legislation passed in the pilots favor. Can Sapa lobby against cabotage? No, Jerry only allocates so much money to the Sapa budget.

My point is, I didn't know how exposed and unprotected I was until I came to a major union carrier. I've never needed to use any services from my union but at least I have the assurance that it will be there if required. My head is now out of the sand.

Good luck with whatever choice your pilot groups make.
This is what many of the anti-union pilots at Skywest do not realize. I too went from non-union pilot job to a union pilot job and came to the same exact realization as you and thousands of others have. Yet when we try to educate them so they dont make the same misconceptions, they say it's just jealousy or envy or any other thing than just sincere care for the profession.
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