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UnlimitedAkro 01-29-2012 09:01 AM

It's true. The sweater with stripes on the shoulders looks terrible. Most of those guys don't care about their appearance anyway. Just like the ones who wear a ski beanie inside the heated terminal.

etflies 01-29-2012 09:17 AM

Originally Posted by NERD (Post 1125254)
ATTN: All rj pilots.

Please, please stop wearing those horribly cheesy RAF looking sweaters with your epaulets.

Thank you

Yeah, stop being comfortable, warm when you don't have an APU and its the first flight of the day up in the NE and quit looking professional in your approved, within standards attire! It looks dumb. :rolleyes:

Of all of the potential pieces of advice, with everying pilots face these days, an optional, in all likelihood company approved, personal preference uniform item is your power play?

DryMotorBoatin 01-29-2012 10:44 AM

LostInPA 01-29-2012 10:57 AM

Oh no, the airline fashion police have made another APC appearance! Somebody cue up the "Bad Boys" theme song from Cops when loading this thread.

Talk about the 'pot' calling out the 'kettle' yet have a full industry of people who wear white shirts and either blue or black pants, and a jacket of the same color. That's it. That's practically all the uniform consists of, yet you somehow can find a way to single someone out to criticize? Wow. (I know there are exceptions to the above, like B6 and VX).

Slaves to style indeed.

captain152 01-29-2012 11:08 AM

Really??? I mean... REALLY?!?!?! THIS is your idea of advice for new hires???

Implying they're gay if they wear a sweater to keep warm when it's below freezing, snowing, and a windchill that feels like knives against their skin?

Dude... Get real.

And OF COURSE this doesn't apply to the guys flying props... Why would ANYONE ever think that we get cold...

Stellar post :rolleyes: :mad:

todd1200 01-29-2012 11:08 AM

For sure! Like totally Becky! I can't, like, believe that anyone would wear those things! Gross! Did you see what Greg wore to the mall last week?! It was soooo last year!

AKASHA 01-29-2012 11:17 AM

If you're gonna wear that ridiculous hat, you might as well put on a sweater.

Globerunner513 01-29-2012 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by NERD (Post 1125254)
ATTN: All rj pilots.

Please, please stop wearing those horribly cheesy RAF looking sweaters with your epaulets.

Thank you

Fly IFR 01-29-2012 11:49 AM

He would never say it to anyones face so he has to hide behind a computer screen. Well done, you are setting a great example for the newcomers, way to be professional...

FastDEW 01-29-2012 02:40 PM

Is this serious!?! Lol

Unreal............ How about offering advice on how to move to mainline, improve pay and fly safe?

Those damn sweaters get you every time.... Wow, just wow!

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