JetBlue app. window open?

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Thanks, i notice after submiting the app, but not before.
What's the dress code for the WIA conference? People wearing suites to see jetBlue?
And... Just like that it appears the window is closed. Well I missed that train, any thoughts on the next one?

Hopefully next time I won't be part of the Darwin Award winners!
Quote: And... Just like that it appears the window is closed. Well I missed that train, any thoughts on the next one?

Hopefully next time I won't be part of the Darwin Award winners!
It could easily be 10-12 months before the window opens again.
Pretty short window. Got Alaska's in at least. Geez.
Anybody getting called yet from this application window?
Nothing here. No call, No emails. Nothin. I'm optimistic though.
Has anyone heard how many openings there are this time?
Seems like a few calls went out quickly and then all went quiet.
Quote: Has anyone heard how many openings there are this time?

150 total this year, give or take. That's really all we know. From my count, from Jan we've hired about 30-40. So, maybe 100-120 more?
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