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ROTORGUY 06-28-2018 06:07 PM

Not worried about “falsifying” my log books. They are pretty accurate if not I’m probably short hours. My first year flying I logged my time off the tach not the Hobbs in my partnerships 172. I now use the Hobbs when I log time. I’m now commercial rated in helicopters and planes. I fly the owner of a Cirrus 1 to 2 times a week, fly for the CAP, and I fly right seat with a friend trying to finish his ppl. I fly a lot and there are a few times I’ve forgot to log a flight or two. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Anyways I was just wondering if that was something brought up during the polygraph. I’m just kicking around the idea of applying in a few years when I’m up to 1000hrs. I’ve also got 6 years of Active Duty military experience but not as a pilot. If I were to be considered I would have no interest in flying UAV. I did not spend 60+ thousand dollars to fly a drone. Like most of you I have a love for flying and enjoy flying both helicopters and planes. Thanks again for any info on the hiring process. I’ll keep better track of my hours. 😉

USMCFLYR 06-29-2018 03:38 AM

Originally Posted by ROTORGUY (Post 2624175)
I now use the Hobbs when I log time. I’m now commercial rated in helicopters and planes. I fly the owner of a Cirrus 1 to 2 times a week, fly for the CAP, and I fly right seat with a friend trying to finish his ppl.

Meaning that you are NOT his CFI but riding along with him in the right seat during his PPL training? :confused:

flyerr 06-30-2018 08:28 PM

I think there's a word for that, somewhere... pell... pess... pessenga... passenger!

Originally Posted by USMCFLYR (Post 2624338)
Meaning that you are NOT his CFI but riding along with him in the right seat during his PPL training? :confused:

USMCFLYR 07-01-2018 04:01 AM

Originally Posted by flyerr (Post 2625369)
I think there's a word for that, somewhere... pell... pess... pessenga... passenger!

Yeah......a passenger riding along with the PPL trainee?

flyerr 07-02-2018 12:04 PM

But now that they're making those nifty plastic student certs, aren't they printing "carrying passengers encouraged" on limitations? I mean, it seems like a great way for two or maybe three people to all log some hours.... right?

Originally Posted by USMCFLYR (Post 2625433)
Yeah......a passenger riding along with the PPL trainee?

rickair7777 07-02-2018 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by flyerr (Post 2625369)
I think there's a word for that, somewhere... pell... pess... pessenga... passenger!

Originally Posted by USMCFLYR (Post 2625433)
Yeah......a passenger riding along with the PPL trainee?

Not at all. The guy with the CPL is the pilot and the student is the pax, or at least that's how the cookie will crumble if push comes to shove. And insurance would probably be a can of worms too.

Hopefully the student is not logging solo, but perfectly legal if he's just "practicing" with the flight controls, my kids are allowed to do that.

aeroengineer 07-02-2018 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by pilotaz (Post 2604431)
Thanks for the info! I will try to get to Sierra Vista hopefully I can get it. I also hope they fix all of their problems which seem to be drawing people away from the job.

Sierra Vista aka Ft Huachuca...there's a garden spot lol. No need to fly to catch illegals crossing the border just get a room in the BOQ and every other morning they'll walk out of the mountains and right by your window.:D

ROTORGUY 07-03-2018 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by USMCFLYR (Post 2624338)
Meaning that you are NOT his CFI but riding along with him in the right seat during his PPL training? :confused:

So your concerned that a dual commercial rated pilot is flying right seat in a cessna 172 with a friend giving him pointers and helping him build confidence? Really? This student owns a Cirrus, which I fly for him, and his family regularly. He’s a young business owner that admits he will probably never do long flights without me or another instrument rated pilot with him assuming he ever finishes his license. He has been soloed by a CFI in the 172 for over a year. (At this point he probably has close to 80hrs) He’s just never taken his written. His flying is good but he prefers to have me ride along with him from time to time for support, and to help sharpen him up. He is a friend, and i regularly fly his wife and daughters in their Cirrus. He may never get his ppl. He is your typical business owner that is consumed with work.

My original post was to learn more about the hiring process with custom and if I should be concerned if my log book is not 100% accurate. I would venture to say most people’s books are probably off by an hour or two after several years of flying. If you have nothing beneficial to offer to the conversation no need to respond. You pull a single statement out of a post and criticize it. Don’t be a tool. Relax, if you have a friend working on his ppl or just wanting to take the controls you don’t have to be a cfi to allow someone else to take the controls. I would still be PIC and responsible for the Aircraft. The owner of the Aircraft, and flight school is ok with it, not sure why you would care. Stay Classy.

BeatNavy 07-04-2018 04:34 AM

Originally Posted by ROTORGUY (Post 2627396)
So your concerned that a dual commercial rated pilot is flying right seat in a cessna 172 with a friend giving him pointers and helping him build confidence? Really? This student owns a Cirrus, which I fly for him, and his family regularly. He’s a young business owner that admits he will probably never do long flights without me or another instrument rated pilot with him assuming he ever finishes his license. He has been soloed by a CFI in the 172 for over a year. (At this point he probably has close to 80hrs) He’s just never taken his written. His flying is good but he prefers to have me ride along with him from time to time for support, and to help sharpen him up. He is a friend, and i regularly fly his wife and daughters in their Cirrus. He may never get his ppl. He is your typical business owner that is consumed with work.

My original post was to learn more about the hiring process with custom and if I should be concerned if my log book is not 100% accurate. I would venture to say most people’s books are probably off by an hour or two after several years of flying. If you have nothing beneficial to offer to the conversation no need to respond. You pull a single statement out of a post and criticize it. Don’t be a tool. Relax, if you have a friend working on his ppl or just wanting to take the controls you don’t have to be a cfi to allow someone else to take the controls. I would still be PIC and responsible for the Aircraft. The owner of the Aircraft, and flight school is ok with it, not sure why you would care. Stay Classy.

You said a few posts back that you fly a cirrus owner 1 or 2 times a week, and that you also fly right seat with a guy finishing up his ppl. Your intent was clearly two separate examples of when you fly. And the latter implies that since he’s trying to finish his PPL, it sounds like like he’s logging the time. Then in this post you claim when you fly the cirrus guy he brings you along bc he never finished his training and may not...not the same picture you painted a couple days ago. Sounds like you are backpedaling after getting called out, then counterattacking by name-calling for raising a legitimate point (one of the guys you called a tool works for the FAA by the way). Some of us keep accurate flight logs, especially when we were low time like you, and when people are logging stuff they shouldn’t, it doesn’t sit well with many people. Good luck in your aviation career.

USMCFLYR 07-04-2018 04:38 AM

Originally Posted by ROTORGUY (Post 2627396)
So your concerned that a dual commercial rated pilot is flying right seat in a cessna 172 with a friend giving him pointers and helping him build confidence? Really? This student owns a Cirrus, which I fly for him, and his family regularly. He’s a young business owner that admits he will probably never do long flights without me or another instrument rated pilot with him assuming he ever finishes his license. He has been soloed by a CFI in the 172 for over a year. (At this point he probably has close to 80hrs) He’s just never taken his written. His flying is good but he prefers to have me ride along with him from time to time for support, and to help sharpen him up. He is a friend, and i regularly fly his wife and daughters in their Cirrus. He may never get his ppl. He is your typical business owner that is consumed with work.

My original post was to learn more about the hiring process with custom and if I should be concerned if my log book is not 100% accurate. I would venture to say most people’s books are probably off by an hour or two after several years of flying. If you have nothing beneficial to offer to the conversation no need to respond. You pull a single statement out of a post and criticize it. Don’t be a tool. Relax, if you have a friend working on his ppl or just wanting to take the controls you don’t have to be a cfi to allow someone else to take the controls. I would still be PIC and responsible for the Aircraft. The owner of the Aircraft, and flight school is ok with it, not sure why you would care. Stay Classy.

Yes....I'd be very concerned if your friend is logging that time and you made it sound like if he was working toward finishing his PPL then he would be logging time towards that end. If this is not the case then a simple 'he doesn't log the time I fly with him' would have been sufficient.

As for your logbook not being correct - people who are serious in the business of aviation take a lot of time to make sure their logbooks are correct. Maybe you should put more into managing your future career.

I pull a single post of out of a post and ask a question because the content was confusing. You making such a defensive ride out of it even makes me wonder more if your 'friend training for his PPL' isn't logging the time. If he owns the plane - where does the flight school come into play that you say is 'ok with it'? Is the aircraft on lease back. Is he the one signing for the plane or are you?

If you are doing everything legal then it is good experience for this person; if not - you could setting him up for problems in the future if he continues in aviation.

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