Eagle to hire 600+ in 2013!

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Can newhire hold JFK or LGA out of training?
Quote: Do your homework. Everyone from Fleet managers, chief pilots, to the director of recruiting are bailing.
I am doing my homework RJ, I value objective opinions and feedback from pilots working there.
Embraer and Snipper, thanks for the replies.
Quote: Fix it for you.
Fixed it for you
I can't say much about stability because I am a new hire and still figuring out how all this works.
What I can say as a new hire (as of March 18th), is that I have not had any serious complaints. As far as regional pay goes, our rates are still pretty good. And the 2nd year pay goes up quite a bit. Training is pretty tough. Come expecting to study harder than you ever have before and study in groups. I got awarded Dallas as a base after only two months off of IOE. You can almost be garaunteed New York as a base if that's where you want to be since nobody else wants to be there (except a select few). With all the movement starting due to the AA flow (whether more or less than predicted), even the lowest seniority numbers are beginning to be able to move around to where they want. The last few classes that were posted on our most recent flow plan also showed they were starting to put some new hires into the CRJ. Up until recently everyone was going to the ERJ in New York or Chicago.
Are they still displacing those 30 ORD FOs in December?
Quote: Do your homework. Everyone from Fleet managers, chief pilots, to the director of recruiting are bailing.
So the ERj fleet manager decides to flow, So he pursues a job at a mainline. CP pilots who are young enough to make it their while have chosen to flow as well as union members don't forget them and the guy running the hiring department who happen to be in his 20's a job at United. I am sorry that not everyone is old and miserable like you and are looking for greener pastures. Everyone sees what is happening to the regional pay scales and know that 2-3 year FO pay at mainline will be higher than topped out CA at a regional.

Things are not great, but you need to relax and maybe get laid.
Quote: Dont forget todays announcement of the 15+ Instructors back to the line. Looks like no "major upgrades " coming up.
Slow holiday season, mainly upgrading into the CRJ, parked roughly 8% of the ERJ fleet in combination with busy season on the line. What's your point? With the FO being type rated now on the AC there is less of a requirement for training when they upgrade on the same AC as well.

15 Instructors account to what percentage of instructors at the schoolhouse for a 190 airplane fleet?
Quote: Its more to the tune that they are not getting any new hires to show up.

No new hires= No upgrades. Holiday season has nothing to do with it, the only days AETC is closed is on DEC 25 and JAN1. 18 instructors is a huge chunk. I havent seen a vac. bid for CRJ's either doubt they will post one since the last one was with a "enter training no later than jan 2015" date. There is no other way for you to cover the reality of what is happening my friend.
They don't want to upgrade into the ERJ, haven't you looked around what is going on, all upgrades are going to the CRJ and new hires are going to the CRJ as well. Most of the last vacancy upgrades have entered training and the 10 or so left will be in training in less than a month. I know you got all wrapped up around the Jan 2015, but 75% of those guys are already in class and the last few will be there in a month.
Quote: Its more to the tune that they are not getting any new hires to show up.

No new hires= No upgrades. Holiday season has nothing to do with it, the only days AETC is closed is on DEC 25 and JAN1. 18 instructors is a huge chunk. I havent seen a vac. bid for CRJ's either doubt they will post one since the last one was with a "enter training no later than jan 2015" date. There is no other way for you to cover the reality of what is happening my friend.
It was actually no later than AUG 2014.. Go Re read the vacancy bid
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