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gloopy 08-16-2015 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by Xtreme87 (Post 1950224)
People need to realize that the scam that is corporate america today needs to be put to an It's time to stop raping the middle class and hard working people. Most people don't realize that we have the power. We are the ones giving them hundreds of millions in bonuses and accepting this fact. Capitalism is a great idea, but greed has completely taken over. This cancer needs to be eradicated from our system or the system will fail.

Try to run a big business without bowing down to massive government at every level. It can't be done. This isn't capitalism and hasn't been for a long time.

Mesabah 08-16-2015 08:16 AM

Originally Posted by gloopy (Post 1950311)
Try to run a big business without bowing down to massive government at every level. It can't be done. This isn't capitalism and hasn't been for a long time.

This is spot on. People who have no business experience think that corporations are buying the government, this couldn't be further from the truth. They completely ignore the fact that politicians get into office to become rich off corruption because they can't succeed in an actual business.

chrisreedrules 08-16-2015 08:21 AM

Originally Posted by ClickClickBoom (Post 1950299)
This is why you slave for peanuts.
I hear you can get a job in Seattle, where the minimum wage is $15.00, go there and flip burgers, please....

What are you even talking about...

deltajuliet 08-16-2015 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by Coneydog (Post 1950288)
Legislation always starts with public pressure . It's time to educate the public on what is really happening. As someone said before, it has to be a grassroots campaign. Collectively, we do have the capacity to help change this situation.

When was the time any grassroots movement succeeded? Since the traveling public moans about service but overall is complacent with relatively cheap fares, public pressure won't come from them. Without public pressure, the only force that could influence legislation would be blood priority. You'd essentially need an accident directly resulting from low pilot pay. Colgan is the closest we'll ever come (i.e. commuting across the country, poor working conditions, etc.), but that only changed rest rules, not the economics.

So without the elimination of the Railway Labor Act or some kind of "pilot minimum wage," all we have is the hope that a pilot shortage does drive wages up at lower and then upper levels. So far it looks like regional management would rather lose market share and perhaps even shut down over giving pilots more money. Is that spiteful or is that spiteful?

Eject 08-16-2015 08:45 AM

Originally Posted by Xtreme87 (Post 1950224)
People need to realize that the scam that is corporate america today needs to be put to an It's time to stop raping the middle class and hard working people. Most people don't realize that we have the power. We are the ones giving them hundreds of millions in bonuses and accepting this fact. Capitalism is a great idea, but greed has completely taken over. This cancer needs to be eradicated from our system or the system will fail.

Spoken like a true liberal. Contrary to popular socialist opinion, Capitalism is Great! Ask your grandparents. You have a choice to be a pilot (an employee), a CEO, or a shareholder (an owner). You are responsible for your successes and your failures. You are not being raped. You are choosing to live the lifestyle you have created. If you want change, you can change. You all (pilots) need to realize you are employees. Absolutely fight for higher wages, better work rules, and refuse to give in to concessions. But realize, you are entitled to nothing. You have a J-O-B. Try running a business. It will certainly change your perspective and help you realize you are in control of your own destiny.

Ace Hotshot 08-16-2015 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by Xtreme87 (Post 1950224)
People need to realize that the scam that is corporate america today needs to be put to an It's time to stop raping the middle class and hard working people. Most people don't realize that we have the power. We are the ones giving them hundreds of millions in bonuses and accepting this fact. Capitalism is a great idea, but greed has completely taken over. This cancer needs to be eradicated from our system or the system will fail.



Ace Hotshot 08-16-2015 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by Eject (Post 1950342)
Spoken like a true liberal. Contrary to popular socialist opinion, Capitalism is Great! Ask your grandparents. You have a choice to be a pilot (an employee), a CEO, or a shareholder (an owner). You are responsible for your successes and your failures. You are not being raped. You are choosing to live the lifestyle you have created. If you want change, you can change. You all (pilots) need to realize you are employees. Absolutely fight for higher wages, better work rules, and refuse to give in to concessions. But realize, you are entitled to nothing. You have a J-O-B. Try running a business. It will certainly change your perspective and help you realize you are in control of your own destiny.

Spoken like a true conservative. Contrary to popular laissez capitalism opinion, REGULATED capitalism is great!

My post above is sarcasm. However, this one to you is not. You're one short-sighted moron.

JoeMerchant 08-16-2015 09:11 AM

The unions and management have conspired to create a master/apprentice relationship between the "majors" and the "regionals", and we have all bought into it. As long as this relationship continues, nothing will change. It creates a "stepping stone" job and a "real" job. Combine that with the seniority system that rewards getting hired sooner, and you have the current situation.

Good luck changing a system that is designed to be this way by both our union and mainline management...

Coneydog 08-16-2015 09:23 AM

Originally Posted by deltajuliet (Post 1950331)
When was the time any grassroots movement succeeded? Since the traveling public moans about service but overall is complacent with relatively cheap fares, public pressure won't come from them. Without public pressure, the only force that could influence legislation would be blood priority. You'd essentially need an accident directly resulting from low pilot pay. Colgan is the closest we'll ever come (i.e. commuting across the country, poor working conditions, etc.), but that only changed rest rules, not the economics.

So without the elimination of the Railway Labor Act or some kind of "pilot minimum wage," all we have is the hope that a pilot shortage does drive wages up at lower and then upper levels. So far it looks like regional management would rather lose market share and perhaps even shut down over giving pilots more money. Is that spiteful or is that spiteful?

The RLA is legislation that I was referring to. It definitely needs to be undone, though that would prove extremely difficult. Pilots could obtain wages respective to the position IF they had some power; the RLA keeps our hands tied. Imagine if airlines added 10 dollars per ticket that went straight to the pilots (on top of our current pay). That in itself would give pilots a lucrative salary. The flying public wouldn't bat an eye at ten dollars...especially if they knew it went to the very people who were responsible for their lives. The problem is that most of the public thinks we are already very well compensated. Also, any gains in ticket prices go straight to executives who already make millions. If a company can go on strike, it will get attention...make the public aware of what's really going on. As of now, RLA prevents that. Change will have to come straight from pilots...a grassroots campaign to educate to public. I don't know the exact answer, but I am sure willing to do my part.

Justrun 08-16-2015 09:29 AM

Unless regional pilots stop bending over for a "competitive" contract and start demanding a more progressive one, you are going to continue seeing this problem. Unfortunately, most go to the regional with the quickest upgrade because they can make captain pay quickly. How about we fight for a better contract and make current first year captain pay, first year FO pay? It may start with the yes voters but it is supported with the garbage that takes their place. When you start seeing fast workers with more unity than airline pilots, you start seeing how ********* up this industry is.

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