FedEx Hiring

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Highlights.....and things to consider.

$2000 training pay until activated.

First year pay while overseas. UAL used to do 2nd year pay for Guam guys and I get asked all the time if we do that. NO. We do not. You get first year pay. No extra allowances for schools, etc outside what is listed in LOA.

Commuting to FDA might not be impossible, but probably not a smart move on probation.
Quote: ..UAL used to do 2nd year pay for Guam guys and I get asked all the time if we do that. NO. We do not. You get first year pay. No extra allowances for schools, etc outside what is listed in LOA...
Have a friend who just started a United and apparently they still put new hires on 2nd year pay if assigned to Guam. You'll also get an additional $3K/month stipend.
Quote: Anybody get any updates from the OBAP conference? Anyone get a good feel from FedEx while there?
As someone with a lack of recent currency in my military job and one internal rec from a friend I've not known long or flown with, I didn't go there very optimistic. I must say that after sitting down with someone very senior in the company while I was at OBAP, I feel much better about my chances. He looked at my application and we had a frank discussion about my lack of currency. He said my resume is good enough that it shouldn't matter, and to expect a call early next year when the hiring starts up again. He also asked if I had an application in on Pilot Credentials and I said yes....he opens up a yellow folder and my name is right there on the second page! The note next to it said "nice application" or something along those lines.

Of course, until there's an interview invite, this is all just talk. But it felt a lot better than the guy over at American who literally was kicking me in the nuts underneath the table while he was inferring that I had no business talking to them. It was also way better than the junior F.O. over at UPS that didn't do much more than ask me TMAAT questions.
Quote: Sure. Not password protected:

Highlights.....and things to consider.

$2000 training pay until activated.

First year pay while overseas. UAL used to do 2nd year pay for Guam guys and I get asked all the time if we do that. NO. We do not. You get first year pay. No extra allowances for schools, etc outside what is listed in LOA.

Commuting to FDA might not be impossible, but probably not a smart move on probation.
This is a good read, it doesn't sound bad IMO. I suppose I don't know how much private school costs in those locations though (probably pricey).

Do you know how the "Enhanced" FDA outlined here is compared to the normal one it references in the CBA? I'm guessing the Enhanced has more benefits tied to it (although the regular one says 3 years instead of 2?)

Thanks for the quick response, btw!
I heard about the AA tool. I would expect the company is going to get a lot of feedback on his act. You weren't alone.

School in ESF (English school foundation) programs run about 17-20k per year.

The "non enhanced" move package was a credit hour payout but no housing allowance. With rents for 3 BR flats running $4500 and up I do not see them being a viable option for either FDA. Someone else with more SA might be able to chime in, but I didn't see it as an even close alternative to the 60k plus in housing we get every year in the Kong...

I live now in Discovery Bay. Dinner out with 1 daughter runs 50-100 bucks. Coffee is 3-4 bucks like in many major cities. I am sure there are bargains somewhere but life in expat-vile is pricey. I am enjoying it, but I am a new captain with almost 14 years here. Other folks can chime in but as a new hire it will be challenging. You won't but dinner if you are flying with me, however. That will still be s challenge.
I had the best Cappacino of my life at a place called Jagger's right next door to the Panorama, not bad Korean either, about 4.50 U.S. a dose, but worth it when fighting the lag.
Good luck on getting Guam - it's senior.

New hires haven't gone there in years.
Has the hiring already stopped?

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I noticed a comment above about "when hiring resumes next year" or something like that. Has hiring/interviews stopped for a while?
There are interviews this week and next. Lots of suits and visitor tags around Gucci last week.
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