Jet University

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Oh, and whop da de have more heavy time than I have total are cool. I never said that I had the most experience out of everyone in the world Stud. In addition, since you are apparently Chuck Yeager, have soooo much time and have gotten every job you have ever interviewed for, why do you feel the need to make childish comments about female pilots when the thread wasn't even about that? Immature comments like that make you look like a big cry baby. You should just worry about yourself since you are so awesome. Conversation over.[/quote]

You are the one making the childish comments now. Never said I was awesome, etc. At least when I show up for a flight the other pilot isn’t going great, a chick, gotta watch myself, you will have that the rest of your career…enjoy. Now the conversation is over!
Thread closed do to the immature bickering.

Sometimes I swear I'm a kindergarten teacher during recess...
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