No one left behind!

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Quote: I voted against the TA. But I’m in favor of keeping the NC and continuing negotiations. I didn’t vote “NO” to fire everyone and start negotiations over and wait 2 years for a contract.
Other airlines who recalled most and removed the head of the NC to eliminate the idea that management could move some money around but keep the same economic value had vastly improved contracts in 12-18 months.
Quote: The minority are hell bent on burning the house down. Read the latest MEC Chairman update sent out this afternoon.

Special MEC meeting requested by block 5 rep and supported by blocks 2-4-6-8 and OAK will be tomorrow morning.

Many agenda items, but the top one is recalling the NC Chairman and the Negotiating Committee. These block reps only priority seems to be removing the NC Chair at all costs. They simply won’t accept what the majority has decided and it’s nothing but politics at this point.

They are not representing the pilots best interests - straight from the MEC chairman’s message.

I hope all those block reps get slammed with 100’s of emails expressing dismay at what they are trying to pull off.
Yes, the minority, those who call themselves the silent majority, are hell bent on burning the house down instead of allowing the transition of power shift to the newly elected reps. They would rather see this place burn then let the new crowd run the show and secure a contract that's good for everyone instead of just the company and one small demographic of the pilot group.

The majority voted no on the TA.
The majority voted to recall their reps.
The majority voted for new reps who promised to replace the NC.

The MEC chair is doing the whole "we know you want new NC, but we know better than you" thing that the old MEC was doing. If he keeps priotizing maintaining the NMB schedule over gettig our own ducks in a row, we will suffer even longer. The NMB would not mind one bit if we said "Dear NMB, we need to postpone a few meetings. We are reorganizing our NC at the wishes of the pilot group that rejected our recent TA. We will reach out shortly to coordinate a new schedule." Their response would be something like "No worries FedEx ALPA, we understand. It is normal to replace an NC after a failed TA, and we understand that getting to that point can take time due to ALPA bylaws. When should we expect to hear from you?"
Quote: If he keeps priotizing maintaining the NMB schedule over gettig our own ducks in a row, we will suffer even longer.
I think this is a signficant risk. Our negotiators don't have a clear mandate from the MEC. If they take direction from the MEC, but many on the MEC want to recall them, who have they received direction from?
Quote: They don’t have a plan because the new reps are too busy trying to pander to their group chat. Did you watch the last MEC meeting online? They were out of their league and had no idea how basic Union procedures worked. Might want to study up and know how things work before taking a sledgehammer to a place.
I wasn't able to watch. I should be available for tomorrow's meeting though. I'm glad they're live-streaming them now.
It appears the drill down surveys may never materialize. In light of our restart of negotiations (I.e. PM will continue to be NC Chair thru May), please email your rep/MEC on not a single pilot left behind since amenable date for A plan increase.

[email protected]
[email protected]

If we can find compromise to not leave PM behind (we have), then we can find a way to not leave behind 360+ and counting retirees since amenable date for A plan increase.

Know our worth!

Quote: It appears the drill down surveys may never materialize. In light of our restart of negotiations (I.e. PM will continue to be NC Chair thru May), please email your rep:MEC on not a single pilot left behind since amenable date for A plan increase.

[email protected]
[email protected]

If we can find compromise to not leave PM behind (we have), then we can find a way to not leave behind 360+ and counting retirees since amenable date for A plan increase.

Know our worth!

So we're trying to add money to pay, retro, and retirement while tightening up scope and removing other efficiency concessions in TA1. And you want to ask the company for a quarter of a billion dollars for retirees? I nominate you for NC chair.
Quote: So we're trying to add money to pay, retro, and retirement while tightening up scope and removing other efficiency concessions in TA1. And you want to ask the company for a quarter of a billion dollars for retirees? I nominate you for NC chair.
The only way to keep the company from delaying the next contract by 2 years is for them to make us whole with 100% retro pay, not 35 cents on the dollar like was offered.

Also, retro retirement should be the standard or they will still delay by 2 years. So, I agree with Yuko, no one who has retired since the amendable date should be left behind, they should get the new, updated retirement.

I doubt PM will negotiate with his company buddies for that, but it is what we should require to sign a deal.
Quote: So we're trying to add money to pay, retro, and retirement while tightening up scope and removing other efficiency concessions in TA1. And you want to ask the company for a quarter of a billion dollars for retirees? I nominate you for NC chair.
I appreciate your incredulity. I understand why if you want a TA in a hurry. Thanks for your input, it keeps the issue on the burner until the next TA is presented.

A quarter of a billion is a great investment in the group that secured our company record COVID profits. How much was the latest stock buyback?

Know our worth!

Not a single pilot left behind!
Quote: The only way to keep the company from delaying the next contract by 2 years is for them to make us whole with 100% retro pay, not 35 cents on the dollar like was offered.

Also, retro retirement should be the standard or they will still delay by 2 years. So, I agree with Yuko, no one who has retired since the amendable date should be left behind, they should get the new, updated retirement.

I doubt PM will negotiate with his company buddies for that, but it is what we should require to sign a deal.
We will see if the MEC directs the NC to achieve that.

Quote: I appreciate your incredulity. I understand why if you want a TA in a hurry. Thanks for your input, it keeps the issue on the burner until the next TA is presented.

A quarter of a billion is a great investment in the group that secured our company record COVID profits. How much was the latest stock buyback?

Know our worth!

Not a single pilot left behind!
I just want to know how you plan on negotiating it in addition to all the other shortcomings of TA1. I want $1000 pay rates, a $300k pension, and a 25% DC fund too while we're at it.
Quote: So we're trying to add money to pay, retro, and retirement while tightening up scope and removing other efficiency concessions in TA1. And you want to ask the company for a quarter of a billion dollars for retirees? I nominate you for NC chair.
Company just spent $1Billion in stock buybacks. They have the money to do all of that, and throw in profit sharing too...
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