FedEx Hiring

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Huck: what is that source? I don't think the numbers for FDX or SW are correct for 2003 and probably other years as well. Talon's FDX number for 2003 is accurate.

I'm guessing these numbers aren't officially published. Probably work of mouth.
Quote: No lock for upward bid. i.e. NB FO to WB FO
First lateral or down bid from current seat - allowed after 24 months

I can't tell from our new contract whether a Base transfer to the same aircraft has any restrictions. Maybe someone else knows.

Memphis 757 pilots hired Aug/Sep 2015 are getting bottom lines or secondary lines with flying (as opposed to secondary line with only reserve).

No valid data points for Memphis 767. Bottom guys actually on the line flying there now were hired over 4 years ago. Junior schedules are flying lines or secondary lines with flying. Reserve is slightly senior to that.

There has been a training backlog in those fleets due to sim availability. I don't know if that has been fixed.

The 757 fleet is supposed to get 13 more aircraft between May 2015 and May 2016 (a 17% increase). 767 is supposed to go from 15 to 30 in the same time frame. I don't know if all those 767s are going to Memphis or if there are any slated for IND or HKG.

It would seem like movement due to increased flying and hiring would make schedule QOL improvement on either fleet a reasonable expectation within the first year or so (assuming sims issues get sorted out and you can actually GET to the line).

I think any competent pilot can handle any of the training courses here. I think the relative difficulty of each course is going to vary widely based on the pilot and his background. Can't speak to the A300 specifically - I've never heard anyone really complain about flying it. Boeings are generally more forgiving than the MD-11 as far as flying goes, but not enough to intentionally avoid it. Boeings are less automated (777 less so than 757/767), so certain tasks have more steps or a just a little more complicated than on the MD-11. On the Boeings and MD, there is an effort to avoid memorization for the sake of doing so. If you can't control or affect a certain aspect of a system, it's not emphasized. Memory items are reasonable and expected systems knowledge is operator oriented. Sims are top notch, good training aids and syllabi are generally logical and building block style.
Thanks! Very informative!

I am reading the contract- I see first year FDA pay is no less than $100 per CH. Do you also get the international overide beause you are outside the contiguous US 48?

Thanks again!
Quote: Thanks! Very informative!

I am reading the contract- I see first year FDA pay is no less than $100 per CH. Do you also get the international overide beause you are outside the contiguous US 48?

Thanks again!
Yes you do. I've been here less than a year and I'm based in HKG. $108 x what the trip is worth.
Number plugged in from airlinepilotcentral.

Quote: Yes you do. I've been here less than a year and I'm based in HKG. $108 x what the trip is worth.
What kind of average monthly pay credit you've been getting in HKG so far?
Did that include any overtime?
Once able to hold a junior line in HKG, what's the lines' credit worth on the average?
Quote: Does anybody know if FedEx is as particular as Delta is when listing their name on a resume? For example Delta wants it Delta Air Lines (2 words in Air Lines). Does FedEx want FedEx or FedEx Express?
God forbid you have to actually spell the name of the company right on the resume and application!
Quote: Number plugged in from airlinepilotcentral.
What was your methodology in creating this?

It is much different than my figures.
Quote: What was your methodology in creating this?

It is much different than my figures.
Maybe I'm reading the figures wrong but they seem way off. You have Fedex peaking at 5% per year - with 4200 pilots (conservative low figure) that's 210 pilots/year - I'd say we'll be over 400/year for 2016 and 2017 for sure - after that who knows. Those numbers have been pretty public so I'm guessing many other numbers are way off as well??
I think the FAPA numbers don't reflect fleet growth.
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