UAL offer street hires classes?

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Quote: At the beginning of a hiring wave they can be very, very, selective so while they might not be pulling only "perfect" applications they'll be nearly so.

Sadly, IMHO, recency of experience does play a role and could be a factor in your case.
Yeah, I think that's killing me, but who knows. Not the recency, but the "perfect" record. I had a DWI back in 1989 and have been squeaky clean since. I grimace every time I have to check the "yes" box for a DWI, but...

And I have
-4350 total all of which is multi turbine (no kidding...Tweet was my first plane)
-3000 + PIC (tanker, herk and whale)
- several types
- Mil and civ (tanker, herk and whale)
- 4 year
- currently 1 internal and getting a couple more
- previous IP/EP
- all sorts of "fluff" to include WIA, tons of mil accolades, etc
- apps in with Spirit, USAir, UCAL and Virgin
- as of yet I ain't heard jack from nobody!
For those who have gotten the call already, what does it entail? just verifing info or more of a prelim interview?
Quote: Called today. Interviews 18 mar thru April. Den and Houston. 90 min panel interview, 90 min sim, 737-300 efis, and a CRM exercise in the sim.
Kick butt!!! congrats!

(this isn't my sim buddy from HPA is it?)

Did they give you a choice of dates? Tell us more! I got the email, so of course I am dying to know what to expect.
-300 EFIS for LUAL Sims
UALs -300 sim is glass... Believe CALs are steam gauges... So if your doing interview in DEN it should be glass...
I am so excited! Hope to see you all in a class soon! Time to rent out a 737 sim
Quote: UALs -300 sim is glass... Believe CALs are steam gauges... So if your doing interview in DEN it should be glass...

It cant be a CAL sim. We had one -300 round dial and we had it removed when we got two more 737NG sims.
I'm a lurker on this sub forum, but I must say, all of you sound very well qualified. I think it's a shame y'all haven't been snapped up yet, but I think it's going to happen. Maybe not as quick as you would've liked, but it will happen.

When the gates open--and they're going to open--you'll have more offers than you can shake a stick at.

Good luck!
Quote: It cant be a CAL sim. We had one -300 round dial and we had it removed when we got two more 737NG sims.
CAL interview sim in 2007 in IAH was a 737 w/ EFIS.

I remember the process you all are going through very well and all the emotions that go with it!!

Good luck to you guys.
Quote: Yeah, I think that's killing me, but who knows. Not the recency, but the "perfect" record. I had a DWI back in 1989 and have been squeaky clean since. I grimace every time I have to check the "yes" box for a DWI, but...

And I have
-4350 total all of which is multi turbine (no kidding...Tweet was my first plane)
-3000 + PIC (tanker, herk and whale)
- several types
- Mil and civ (tanker, herk and whale)
- 4 year
- currently 1 internal and getting a couple more
- previous IP/EP
- all sorts of "fluff" to include WIA, tons of mil accolades, etc
- apps in with Spirit, USAir, UCAL and Virgin
- as of yet I ain't heard jack from nobody!
Wow... your creds are outstanding. I'm very. very surprised you haven't heard anything yet. I'd say, be patient, apply to everybody, including carriers & cargo that aren't even hiring, work every contact you have.

To show how weird this industry was and is, I left the USAF in 1991 with barely 1,500 hours of .mil time, all fighters, and was hired by AA right off. Other military guys in my class had anywhere between 1,000 and 1,500 hours, with heavy drivers having more... the typical 7 to 9 year military career.

What makes a candidate "acceptable" seems to vary with supply and demand. I hope it's not the DWI that's holding you back. That sucks. For 90% of us, it's just dumb luck we didn't pick one up in our young and stupid days.
I threw this out in the "Hiring News" section, but it didn't get much traction. Did any of the folks who got the call/email answer "yes" to this question on United addendum in Airlineapps (question 16)?:

16. Have you:
A) Ever been convicted or is there now pending against you a misdemeanor or felony (civil or military charge);
B) Received deferred adjudication (even if your case was later dismissed);
C) Been part of any sort of diversion program in lieu of a conviction (even if your case was later dismissed);
D) Paid a fine/ performed community service/ served any jail time?

I answered "yes" because I had paid a fine on a speeding ticket (no other reason). Now, I'm thinking this likely DQed me from the early round of interviews. Thoughts?
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