Atlas Air Hiring

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why argue and get defensive
When I had my phone interview last year DB said business casual in MIA...I asked what they think business casual is....she said shirt, coat, and slacks, no tie. Why get all defensive or argumentative about it? Just do what they want ....... how hard is that?

Just my 2 cents worth,

Anyone heard anything about the next class? They should have called last week for a class in three weeks if they are still planning one every three weeks. Maybe some plans have changed?!

Oh and the dress code thing...from the interview email...

"The interview dress code is business casual.* For example, for men, dress pants, sportcoat, and shirt.* For women, dress pants or slacks and blouse (skirts and dresses are also acceptable)."

Seems pretty clear what they want. They're not going to pick your clothes out for you though.
June 20th is the next class. I just got the call.
Congrats Xing30west. If you don't mind sharing, how long were you in the pool?
I just got the call too, June 20th for the -400 with 8 new hires.

Interviewed in March

I have been in the pool for 7 weeks. Totally stoked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I interviewed in March with BayBum.
For those of you curious about interviews, here's another way to see when the next interviews are/may be coming. Instead of marking on the calander every three weeks for the interviews (reminds me of the wife keeping track of the menstrul cycle! HA HA) it seems that interviews are done the next three days FOLLOWING the Monday of the new hire classes. I've said this before but I think I'm on to something here.

Now if I could only solve the World's problems this easy. Good luck!
Awesome! Congrats guys! I was starting to get a little worried! Still swimming from March but at least there's some hope yet!
Anyone from the Feb group still swimming?
Quote: Anyone from the Feb group still swimming?
Yes. interviewed Feb.15th
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