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Phase 1 human trials of a Canadian Ebola vaccine are beginning today.

The problem with new vaccines (and antibiotics) is that they are expensive to create and test with no certain payback for the investment. These sort of public goods mostly rely on government funding which tends to be insufficient when the threat is perceived to be low and inefficiently allocated when the threat is perceived to be high.

We sure cured erectile dysfunction.
Quote: How difficult would it be, and at what cost would the economy suffer to just deny entry to personnel who have countries that are experiencing massive Ebola outbreaks on their passports within the past month? IMO, not difficult to accomplish and not much cost, especially compared to the cost of treating U.S. citizens who become infected from those who get into the country with Ebola.

But when this option is brought up the spin-answer is to say we need to be able to get personnel and supplies into west African; a non-answer which shows there is no rational excuse that would be accepted by the general public and the real reason is political.
Well, what do you do about the folks who book travel to Central America and then simply drive up the roads we built for oil and gas pipeline maintenance into the United States?

My church has a few missionary Doctors working the Ebola crisis. We would rather stop it over there. They're doing a heck of a mission. IMHO we can't send them over without a way to support them and bring them home.
Quote: Good question. I thought he was saying that the domestic 757s would be drawn down to 76. No change mentioned on the 767s or the int'l 757s.
The aircraft park and retirement plan is available on DeltaNet from a company computer. It lists by ship number what is leaving, when, and why. It's in the TechOps section under "planning and technology," "forecasting and analysis."

It's a great tool to combat rumors and disinformation sometimes posted here.
Quote: The aircraft park and retirement plan is available on DeltaNet from a company computer. It lists by ship number what is leaving, when, and why. It's in the TechOps section under "planning and technology," "forecasting and analysis."

It's a great tool to combat rumors and disinformation sometimes posted here.

Just curious what that page said the day before they announced parking 25% of the whale fleet?

Quote: Moak was Will Buergey's EA. Will was MEC Chairman just prior to Malone. I hear that talks had already begun on post-9/11 concessions during Will's term, but the bulk of the agreement was reached while Moak was flying the line.
There were informal discussions but no agreements. In my opinion, the SERP put an end to any chance of that with Mullin's team. For a trip down memory lane

Delta SERP article from 2003

If I recall correctly, Buergey left office and Malone took over as MEC Chair October 1, 2003. Malone was chairman until September 30, 2005. The pension went into liquidity shortfall September 1, 2005 and Delta declared bankruptcy September 14, 2005. Moak became MEC Chair October 1, 2005.
Any idea on how to block anyclip from playing videos while on this site? I usually use Chrome, but just tried firefox, and was overwhelmed with ads, false pages, and videos faster than I could close them.

Anyclip seems to be a recent annoyance, ad blocker doesn't even seem to work. Next step is to re-image this machine!
Quote: Closing the border makes sense but it also would mean those countries in Africa that are getting help from the outside would have to fight it alone and it could spread in Africa.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the highest priority of the US Government is protecting the American people. At some point, we've got to look out for #1. Harsh, but that's the way it is. Certainly, we can and should do everything practical to assist other countries with this, but not at the expense of our citizens' health.

Our government is doing basically nothing to keep Ebola out of the country.
Quote: Well, what do you do about the folks who book travel to Central America and then simply drive up the roads we built for oil and gas pipeline maintenance into the United States?

My church has a few missionary Doctors working the Ebola crisis. We would rather stop it over there. They're doing a heck of a mission. IMHO we can't send them over without a way to support them and bring them home.
I didn't say they shouldn't be allowed back in the country. With waiting times put in place there is still a way to support them and bring them home. I admire those who want to go and help, but their willingness to volunteer should not be allowed to jeopardize the health of those who do not want to put themselves at risk of dying from Ebola. As for those are coming from Central America? I believe you're supposed to have a passport when crossing international borders, so there's that option. If you made it known that you're not going to get in after having been in a heavily infected country in the recent past and actually enforced it you would not have too many people making the trip only to be turned around.

And at the very least we could put a stop to granting visas to non-citizens from west African countries. Why has this not been done?
Quote: Any idea on how to block anyclip from playing videos while on this site? I usually use Chrome, but just tried firefox, and was overwhelmed with ads, false pages, and videos faster than I could close them.

Anyclip seems to be a recent annoyance, ad blocker doesn't even seem to work. Next step is to re-image this machine!

Maybe go back to Chrome and adblocker---not getting any of those on my end.
Quote: The only way to stop it is quarantine, let the chips fall where they may, douse it in chlorine then burn it to the ground, then bury what's left under a stack of chlorine crystals.
If this stuff really kicks off here in the States, how negatively do you think it will impact the airline industry? Will we see it like the days immediately following 9/11 or worse? Will the hiring completely stop and the furloughs begin again?
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