Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Flowers and chocolate work. Diamonds, diamonds work too! You gotta work her up slowly though.

Oh, wait. It's the 13th. THAT back door. Never mind.
Are the flowers and chocolate for before or after? Bribe or reward?
Quote: Carl,
While I don't have the regs in front of me, a RTG to put more passengers on would definitely require a call to the dispatcher and departing without it could lead to FAA action against you. Think about it. You put more bodies and weight on the airplane. Your takeoff data is now voided and you would be taking off with invalid numbers. Think the FAA doesn't care about that? We used to have the 1000# slop to cover this, but no more. In the end though, why would you need to know the actual regs wording? Common sense dictates the call. You changed the condition of the original release by returning. CYA at a minimum.
I agree, but that wasn't the case with us. Those four business folks were supposed to be on that airplane and were on the SPIL because they were first class. The actual pax count equaled the weight data pax count for just that reason. Had the agent been successful in keeping them off the flight, we probably would have gotten an amended weight data and pax count on taxi out.

Quote: You can teach someone to fly in a RV. They are a higher performance then a 152 or other trainers. I would recommend through solo in a 152/172. If training is a goal look at the RV9A. You give up aerobatics in exchange for more Cessna like flying characteristics. I know several people who have however earned their entire private in a RV. The tandem RV's are not suitable for instruction due to the lack of rear seat brakes. You will need a side by side which means a RV6/7/9. Maintenance is much lower since you can do it yourself and there is almost always local RV guys who love helping out. Experimental parts are often a fraction of price of certified parts!
The Air Force proved a long time ago, you can teach anyone to fly in a T37 and a T38!

Jet Airplanes!

Anything slower, with a propeller, just gives the student more time to reconsider his choices. You don't have time to think up there, you think... YOU're Dead!

That being said, if you start in a tail wheel airplane, you WILL be a better pilot in the end.

Put a tail wheel on a T38, I'm in!
Will the new ADS-B rules have any effect on these smaller airplanes such as the 150/152 or RVs, etc?
Put a tail wheel on a T38, I'm in!
Heck with that, put a tail wheel on the damn -900s!!
World news tonight just called Alaska Air Lines...Alaskan Air Lines. David Muir must read our forum.
Quote: Will the new ADS-B rules have any effect on these smaller airplanes such as the 150/152 or RVs, etc?
It's airspace-specific, not aircraft--so it depends on where you want to fly that C-152.... With the broadest of brushes (not intended to be all-inclusive nor guaranteed 100% correct!): Class A, B, C; above 10,000' MSL; and within 30 miles of a Class-B airport--you'll need to comply. If all your flying is in rural areas away from larger airports, you don't.
Quote: World news tonight just called Alaska Air Lines...Alaskan Air Lines. David Muir must read our forum.
Is that the outfit that flies to Djooneaux?
Quote: It's airspace-specific, not aircraft--so it depends on where you want to fly that C-152.... With the broadest of brushes (not intended to be all-inclusive nor guaranteed 100% correct!): Class A, B, C; above 10,000' MSL; and within 30 miles of a Class-B airport--you'll need to comply. If all your flying is in rural areas away from larger airports, you don't.
Below 1200 and below 700 feet, 500 feet from persons or property in a position to make a safe landing if an engine should fail. That's where you fly a 150.
Quote: Will the new ADS-B rules have any effect on these smaller airplanes such as the 150/152 or RVs, etc?
Google, yes that Google, just jumped into the ADS-B Hardware market. Expect harware prices to adjust on an exponential scale.

ADS-B is the "internet" of the skies so it kinda makes sense and drones and deconfliction with manned aircraft is driving this...

Google targets low-cost ADS-B Out avionics market - 3/24/2015 - Flight Global

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