Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: Hey Gang, a question that's a bit off topic. OK, way off topic.

I'm trying to hire a Nanny (I told you WAY off topic) and am trying to find a good background check service. Considering we're all gone half the month and many of us have silly spouses who think they want to work/school too, I thought maybe someone might have a good resource.


Thanks, please return to your normal discourse...
Ben Afflecks ex-nanny is looking for a job. I'd hire her!!
Stop bashing Jackson, MS so much. At least they give a great discount on food and beverage at the bar

Quote: B.S...... it's not the airport holiday inn, it's the crowne plaza or marriot, 30 min away but in a downtown. A dead downtown. Next to nothing. Where people fear going. Cops don't go. And there is no food. But there is a train track. Oh yeah, van driver ain't there, should be there any second, he just left... the airport.

And that's considered the short hotel. Because dammit, the FAA might require 10 hours but we will make sure it's only 9... but more than 8 so you can't call.

Quote: I keep waiting for the company to close this loophole or have a min month requirement for benefits, insurance, etc.

I guess we don't have enough 62-64 year old guys that are dropping a couple trips a month to enjoy a partial retirement while keeping their benefits. If I was 60/when I'm 60, if I'm not retired yet, I plan on doing exactly that and keeping my insurance while taking it easy for the rest of my career while my 401K grows a few more %.

Hopefully our staffing will be adequate by then to be able to drop a trip or two.
I think if this TA passed, this as well as other smaller QOL items (productivity gains for the company) would be up in the next contract. Thats one of the things that bothered me about TA1. We were ready to give up QOL items and write them off as affecting only 2% (at least with LCA OE). You can already see how an item like what you mentioned would get thrown in to a TA and sold as only affecting less than x% so it's not a big deal. I don't know how things will turn out in the next TA but you can believe the company will think twice about pulling so called little QOL items the next time around if they want to get a yes vote.
Quote: Wow, ATL 320 went very senior.
I hope they really enjoy 5 leg days with JAN turns!
Quote: I hope they really enjoy 5 leg days with JAN turns!
Awww.... Butthurt cards all around.... Do something different, go down to the Pearl River, scope it for a camper.
No kidding Buzz!
Quote: Hey Gang, a question that's a bit off topic. OK, way off topic.

I'm trying to hire a Nanny (I told you WAY off topic) and am trying to find a good background check service. Considering we're all gone half the month and many of us have silly spouses who think they want to work/school too, I thought maybe someone might have a good resource.


Thanks, please return to your normal discourse... is a good start. Delta had a discount with them via perks.

Use it to narrow down candidates but then go several steps further. Treat it like a full on job interview because that's what it is. We got burned a few times (and have plenty of friends with much worse stories) because we didn't go serious enough. Specifically make them provide I-9 documentation and have them sign a written contract detailing what you expect from each other. It doesn't really matter what the language says as long as you both go in with a full understanding of what the other is expected to do.

Check references, preferably other families they have worked for. Get a copy of social security cards and ensure they understand withholding of unemployment, taxes etc if you plan to do it above board (you should) and especially if you intend to use the dependent flex account ($5000 max per year tax free.)

The biggest problem we had was a friend of a friend. Nice lady but totally unreliable/unprofessional. See point number one about treating it like a professional job interview and you will be way ahead.

PM me if you want for more specifics. After a few rounds of trial and error we found an amazing lady who is like a family member now after several years of getting along just fine - so it is doable, just takes some ground work :-)

Good luck!
Quote: is a good start. Delta had a discount with them via perks.

Use it to narrow down candidates but then go several steps further. Treat it like a full on job interview because that's what it is. We got burned a few times (and have plenty of friends with much worse stories) because we didn't go serious enough. Specifically make them provide I-9 documentation and have them sign a written contract detailing what you expect from each other. It doesn't really matter what the language says as long as you both go in with a full understanding of what the other is expected to do.

Check references, preferably other families they have worked for. Get a copy of social security cards and ensure they understand withholding of unemployment, taxes etc if you plan to do it above board (you should) and especially if you intend to use the dependent flex account ($5000 max per year tax free.)

The biggest problem we had was a friend of a friend. Nice lady but totally unreliable/unprofessional. See point number one about treating it like a professional job interview and you will be way ahead.

PM me if you want for more specifics. After a few rounds of trial and error we found an amazing lady who is like a family member now after several years of getting along just fine - so it is doable, just takes some ground work :-)

Good luck!

I agree with the above. I am the working spouse of a Delta Pilot and mad that I have not learned about Delta Perks enough to know there was a discount. I just hired a new nanny yesterday. PM me if you have any questions.
AE called for 40 744A displacements and I only see 16 744A with a new position. What gives???
I'm 100 numbers away from holding ATL CA...amazing!

I wonder if the ALPAoids are going to count how many captain positions have been generated since the TA was turned down.
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