Because of RAH I'm on the street

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And this little piggy had none, and went wee wee wee, all the way home.
Quote: So because it was 6 years ago it's ok?

No sir, you need the reality check.. I'm glad you're in negotiations, but RAH pilots need to use the unity that i'm seeing in defense of your abominable company..and use it to stick it to management and get what YOU want and what the industry so very badly needs.
I dont think he's saying that's its okay because it's 6 years ago. He and I are saying that we are working on competitive compensation for our work. I deserve better compensation for my works and money & time that i invested in my career. Honestly, i rather fly 145 than 170/190 and lots of guys/gals at RAH doesnt want 190.!!! I'm currently on the street and i rather be on the street little longer than to be placed in 190. Yea, we work for the company but why get abused and used to be compensated for same amount of $$$??? Like i said and many RAH pilots, who cares what we fly? Its all nice airplanes! WE ARE LOOKING AND DEMANDING BETTER CONTRACT!!! No one knew about this. THere was a rumor out there but it was just a rumor. I hope RAH pilots draw a line but i think its not appropriate to call us a scab when we all found out today.
I asked this question couple of times but no one seems to have an answer to my question. What's the difference bt 170 & CRJ900?? Why are 170 drivers called scab?
Quote: So I take it you'd be the first to cross the picket line if there was a Midwest pilot strike....hope you don't jumpseat to work.
Yep it sounded like what a scab would say.
Quote: On behalf of myself, my family, especially my kids at home, I'd like to thank RAH and their 170s and 190s for forcing me to leave the industry. I really hope you guys enjoy making less than half the salary when you're flying MKE-LAX. All the best!
Some Skyway guys may call that karma...

FWIW Midwest has been circling the drain for quite awhile...
If it wasn't RAH, it would be someone else. They're not the only regional looking for more flying. They all are. RAH just happens to already fly the 170s/175s and was ready for the 190 flying. I know a couple Republic pilots and it would kill them to know they were replacing mainline jobs. What are they going to do? Quit? They, just like most pilots at RAH and every other regional, are just using RAH as a stepping stone to build time and move on.
Quote: Some Skyway guys may call that karma...

FWIW Midwest has been circling the drain for quite awhile...
I don't see 50% of the Republic seniority list from Midwest (like Skyway was to us). I don't see Republic offering to pick up all 400 pilots like we did for Skyway.

All I got for Christmas was my $25 gift card from TPG..............
Quote: You're on the street because you negelected to have proper scope clause protection in your contract. Look no further than the mirror for someone to blame.
Unless you're actually flying for a 121 operation please refrain from those kinds of comments. You're trying to degrade someone with a plethora of time and experience in this industry...
Quote: If it wasn't RAH, it would be someone else. They're not the only regional looking for more flying. They all are. RAH just happens to already fly the 170s/175s and was ready for the 190 flying. I know a couple Republic pilots and it would kill them to know they were replacing mainline jobs. What are they going to do? Quit? They, just like most pilots at RAH and every other regional, are just using RAH as a stepping stone to build time and move on.
I like the lemming mentality you possess. Jump off the cliff! Jump!
Don't worry, Skywest will underbid them on their next contract.

Whoops. Did I type that?
Look, I don't condone what RAH is doing. I feel awful for the Midwest pilots, I really do. Your pilots had a great airline that provided a product that was unmatched. However, you must have left something very important out of your contract called scope protection. What happened to US Airways, United, Delta, and Northwest should have been a wakeup call. Do you really think I like to see Major airline pilots on the street while Regional pilots are getting jobs? Absolutely not! I'm just pointing out to you that you can't run around screaming Damn RAH and their pilots! Those guys sent out their apps and got hired by RAH. Sure there are probably a few tool bags that went there to fly the mighty E-170, but I would be willing to bet that most of them went there because they needed a job.
Look at:

Yes it really sucks that RAH broke the 100-seat barrier, but they're not the only regional out there flying around jets that belong at mainline. Be ****ed at your contract committee and your management.

BTW, I don't work for RAH..
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