Upcoming Interview

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Quote: I have an interview next week with Air Wisconsin, however I am contemplating to cancel it as I already have an offer from another regional. I'm just not sure if I should even attend, but truthfully I have not spoken to a lot of pilots about the company and do not have any friends working there. I have been scouting the threads here to learn more but had some questions.

- How happy are people at the company right now? I'm reading a lot of people are leaving cause of the bonus payouts for new hires, not happy about lines etc. QOL good?

As was mentioned, we have a great pilot group. Most people are pretty cool on any given day. We have a lot less leaving now than before. Since the UAL deal was announced. Most leaving are people leaving for a major or LCC or new hire issues. The QOL here is arguable as good as anywhere, seniority dependent as always, and will fluctuate until the UAL transition is complete

- how long are the upgrade times? I realize this is only a prediction but are they telling the truth saying that upgrades are projected 18-24 months? I read somewhere the upgrades right now are something like 5 years?

Chasing upgrade is always a gamble. Some hit it right and some don't. Keep in mind we have one of the smaller pilot groups so getting to 50% will be mathematically shorter than others. And the trend seems to be getting better. Nobody can read the crystal ball perfectly though. Will a new hire upgrade in 18-24 months? I am a bit skeptical but it could be close. Too many factors involved.

- Someone told me that this whole new contract with United is dependent on them hiring a bunch of pilots, how is that going so far?

Hiring has been going well from what I have seen. All check-airman are booked for IOE for the foreseeable future.

I'm sorry for all the questions, just trying to make the right decision here.

Thank you

I would say, come interview and at least take a look. Meet people from the company. What do you have to lose? If you still like your current company it was a small investment to make a more informed decision.
Quote: Exactly, and seeing how horribly reactive the company has been, the bubble is going to pop and they'll somehow be surprised. Or no more retention bonus and people start leaving again for the LCC Bus operators because it's still a step up in experience, and they actually treat you like a person.

The company continues to do as little as possible to get people all while treating existing employees like crap to get the flying done because they're too cheap to do what everyone else is to retain and hire pilots.
What do you want this company to do differently than all other regionals? What makes this place so sub par in your opinion? Schedules are good. Pay is above average. Management stays off your back. What else is there?
Quote: What do you want this company to do differently than all other regionals? What makes this place so sub par in your opinion? Schedules are good. Pay is above average. Management stays off your back. What else is there?
Spoken like a true Lineholder. Reserves is a whole different airline. If the contract doesn't fix Reserve rules, then it should be a NO vote.
Quote: Spoken like a true Lineholder. Reserves is a whole different airline. If the contract doesn't fix Reserve rules, then it should be a NO vote.
Run into a lot of that, plus if you want to try and change your schedule good luck. Also line holders can be junior manned as well.

Just being a line holder shouldn't blind people to the fact that this place isn't as good as it should be. It doesn't negate management threatening pilots.
I went and did get hired. Surprisingly the interview was a little more challenging than the other places. Didn't expect to get Stars / SIDS. Really nice guys who did the interview and the process was good. Reading through the posts I still have mixed feelings though, thank you everyone for the input.

The thing that attracts me the most is that the reserve times here seem to be low, and ORD is a super easy commute for me. At my other regional , il get put in New York and Chicago is super senior. The bonus is a nice addition too. But I'm still concerned for the future regarding upgrades. If I have to wait 3 years to upgrade that is fine but 5 years is a little excessive.

Some more questions.

- How are company hotels? Decent?
- I didn't get to see the training center which kind of was disappointing , so I have no clue about the facility , everything decent there?
- Are we paid durin CPT? What's training pay? Reserve gaurentee with per diem 24/7?

Quote: If I have to wait 3 years to upgrade that is fine but 5 years is a little excessive.

Some more questions.

- How are company hotels? Decent?
- I didn't get to see the training center which kind of was disappointing , so I have no clue about the facility , everything decent there?
- Are we paid durin CPT? What's training pay? Reserve gaurentee with per diem 24/7?

Upgrade time quoted anywhere, by anyone, is a rumor until you are sitting in the left seat. Only then does it become fact. If you are comfortable with a 3 year upgrade time, you will most likely not be disappointed at any regional right now (with the unfortunate exception of expressjet).

Hotels in training have been very acceptable so far. You will stay in downtown Appleton during training, plenty of options for food.

The training facility for Indoc and Systems is in the basement of the ATW airport. Facilities are good but not gold plated, instructors have been excellent.

You will be paid during CPT. Reserve min guarantee (75 hrs/month at $35), no per diem.
Quote: I went and did get hired. Surprisingly the interview was a little more challenging than the other places. Didn't expect to get Stars / SIDS. Really nice guys who did the interview and the process was good. Reading through the posts I still have mixed feelings though, thank you everyone for the input.

The thing that attracts me the most is that the reserve times here seem to be low, and ORD is a super easy commute for me. At my other regional , il get put in New York and Chicago is super senior. The bonus is a nice addition too. But I'm still concerned for the future regarding upgrades. If I have to wait 3 years to upgrade that is fine but 5 years is a little excessive.

Some more questions.

- How are company hotels? Decent?
- I didn't get to see the training center which kind of was disappointing , so I have no clue about the facility , everything decent there?
- Are we paid durin CPT? What's training pay? Reserve gaurentee with per diem 24/7?

1). Some are better than others. However, I'll venture out and say that they are all safe and clean.

2) Thats because there is no single training facility. Part of training is in Appleton and then you go to another city to finish. I'm not sure what you mean by how nice they are…you won't be sleeping at the training center after all.

3) You get paid starting on day one of training (even CTP).
As to the second part of the question… Huhhh?

You get a 75hr guarantee right off. You get paid more than that only if you physically fly more than 75 (e.g. Fly 80 in a month, you get paid that). If you are on a trip then yes, per diem is from start of trip to end of trip. If you are in domicile with no assignment but on 'call', then no per diem.
Quote: I went and did get hired. Surprisingly the interview was a little more challenging than the other places. Didn't expect to get Stars / SIDS. Really nice guys who did the interview and the process was good. Reading through the posts I still have mixed feelings though, thank you everyone for the input.

The thing that attracts me the most is that the reserve times here seem to be low, and ORD is a super easy commute for me. At my other regional , il get put in New York and Chicago is super senior. The bonus is a nice addition too. But I'm still concerned for the future regarding upgrades. If I have to wait 3 years to upgrade that is fine but 5 years is a little excessive.

Some more questions.

- How are company hotels? Decent?
- I didn't get to see the training center which kind of was disappointing , so I have no clue about the facility , everything decent there?
- Are we paid durin CPT? What's training pay? Reserve gaurentee with per diem 24/7?

Hotels are above average for a regional airline. I am at a Hilton Garden Inn right now. Location can vary. We have a few downtown hotels and a bunch in average locations and of course, some in less than desirable locations. Meaning not much around to do or eat.

As was said, full pay from day 1. Except per diem which begins at the start of IOE. No per diem when on call as a reserve until you get an assignment unless you are on Ready Reserve then per diem from start of shift until termination of duty period.

Sure life isn't all roses, especially on reserve. We signed the original contract when life was good and reserve was short, so it's not great. But I would expect it's still better than reserve at most other regionals. Minimum 12 days off. If you get extended (jr manned) you have the option of getting the day off back. I doubt you will be on reserve long depending on your base choice and barring unforeseen circumstances. New hires who finished IOE in July are already awarded lineholders for Oct-Nov.

I think some of the naysayers lose sight of the fact that this isn't a major airline. Could it and should it be better? Sure. We are working through all that in our negotiations. But I still put our contract, QOL and working conditions up against any other regional out there.
Quote: I think some of the naysayers lose sight of the fact that this isn't a major airline. Could it and should it be better? Sure. We are working through all that in our negotiations. But I still put our contract, QOL and working conditions up against any other regional out there.
Better than PSA with SAP and a flow (even with the flow as a pure backup)? If so, how? I'm honestly curious; exploring all options.
Quote: Better than PSA with SAP and a flow (even with the flow as a pure backup)? If so, how? I'm honestly curious; exploring all options.
For one the pilot group is a lot more mature. Much easier to get along with guys and gals who take their profession seriously.
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