Concessions 2.0 coming up...

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Quote: What a clueless post along with the original posting. Why is it the same guys have to scream FIRE, when there isn't even a sign of smoke. You need to go away OLD MAKO.
Ahhh, the children of the magneta line determining what’s right and true in the world.
Quote: Ahhh, the children of the magneta line determining what’s right and true in the world.
Ok boomer.
Now these are the meaningful and well thought discussions that I’ve come to expect from APC!
Quote: Now these are the meaningful and well thought discussions that I’ve come to expect from APC!
I fully agree. Telling someone to go away is childish at best.
I used to love it when tilton used to tell us to quit. Now that was leadership!
Quote: You must have missed the smiley face! Me, screaming fire? That's hilarious. Swing and a miss, I'm afraid. By a mile. And, who appointed you in charge of this place regarding who gets to post what and on which topics? Hell, I may post more often just to PYO.

The pilots of United have lifted their skirts since the day I was hired. You know that history is on my side here. Please excuse my overt pessimism and attempt at some levity. Lord knows this place can use some.
Dude, you are so full of it. Anti-ALPA bashing the entire time. You get pay raises, delta snap-up pay, etc... And you are never satisfied. Always griping. We have this LOA saving everyone's job, but you would have been happier seeing thousands on the street. You are the "me, myself, and I" guy in every way now. You wouldn't give Kudos to the NC and ALPA if they got you 10 mil. Again, shoo fly.
Quote: Dude, you are so full of it. Anti-ALPA bashing the entire time. You get pay raises, delta snap-up pay, etc... And you are never satisfied. Always griping. We have this LOA saving everyone's job, but you would have been happier seeing thousands on the street. You are the "me, myself, and I" guy in every way now. You wouldn't give Kudos to the NC and ALPA if they got you 10 mil. Again, shoo fly.
I’m not gonna defend Mako, as he is a grown a$$ man and can do that himself. However, I see the point he makes. Pilots are not (nor should we ever be) the Company’s ATM, although this group has shown many times that we are. A quick look at history will prove that. A buddy of mine is an MD (radiologist) at a major University Hospital. They would never bargain their “worth” as physicians by accepting lower compensation, as there is a value to their profession and a cost of doing business. Whether you agree with that, thats up to you. But again, I see Mako’s point.
I watched as UAL ALPA guided pilots into caving time after time. It left a bad taste in my mouth. And since I paid my dues while at the bottom of the list for most of my UA career I'll address the topic at my leisure. Especially since this is an online forum that even managerial types can sign up for.

Firstly, I made the most benign joke about concessions and you came unglued. Sounds like you're the one with the problem. How many jobs will the LOA "save" and at what cost to the pilot group? The jury is still out on that but given our past, I'd say that Willis is pretty happy with the agreement. You and I just have different ideas about how to fix things. I don't think that pilots opening their wallets to fix managerial problems is the right solution.

How many times do we need to learn this?

SL accrual. BS.
Training pay. BS.
CQDL pay. BS.
Vacation pay. Half of what it used to be.
Short calls and Field Standby. "Never happen!" They happen all the time.
etc etc etc.

WE PAID for our last round of hourly raises through givebacks throughout the contract. Some guys see it. You don't.
Quote: I watched as UAL ALPA guided pilots into caving time after time. It left a bad taste in my mouth. And since I paid my dues while at the bottom of the list for most of my UA career I'll address the topic at my leisure. Especially since this is an online forum that even managerial types can sign up for.

Firstly, I made the most benign joke about concessions and you came unglued. Sounds like you're the one with the problem. How many jobs will the LOA "save" and at what cost to the pilot group? The jury is still out on that but given our past, I'd say that Willis is pretty happy with the agreement. You and I just have different ideas about how to fix things. I don't think that pilots opening their wallets to fix managerial problems is the right solution.

How many times do we need to learn this?

SL accrual. BS.
Training pay. BS.
CQDL pay. BS.
Vacation pay. Half of what it used to be.
Short calls and Field Standby. "Never happen!" They happen all the time.
etc etc etc.

WE PAID for our last round of hourly raises through givebacks throughout the contract. Some guys see it. You don't.
I'm sorry you are still stuck in 2002 and Paul Whiteford's missteps. The current ALPA regime is what i'm more concerned with and their track record over the past 6 years deserves merit. You might have doubted them from the beginning but each year they have proven themselves into a position where they don't have to gain YOUR credibility. They deserve it. You want to be stuck with the Pre-Insler ALPA days. Well the bottom 1/3 of the list has been seeing nothing but great things as they've come aboard. The way I look at it, is that you are part of the old guard. Yeah, that old guard, that screwed over their own pilots, caved into management, and were weak. And now we are suppose to listen to the likes of you, that was part of that whole period, and have you tell us how the current ALPA is not good enough?!!! Are you kidding me?

Again, pay raises without the so-called sacrifices. That was your time from several contracts before.
Delta-snap up pay taking us to the highest rates. Oh yeah, you were against that LOA.
The most number of grievances settled by current ALPA MEC. I'm sure you have some sort of reason on how that wasn't a success.
Saving thousands of pilot jobs and getting our MPG restored thru end of March and now with a strong possibility of no furloughs this year with June furloughs off the table even with no new Cares Act. What an awful deal we signed?!!!
Everyone starting to go back to their previous positions.
Pilot group working with management to actually NOT shrink to profitability that happened several times in your career, but we actually do something positive for positioned growth during turmoil yet that is completely bad to you. Utterly embarrassing for you to have a bitter stance like this. Real simple - grow up!!
Quote: I'm sorry you are still stuck in 2002 and Paul Whiteford's missteps. The current ALPA regime is what i'm more concerned with and their track record over the past 6 years deserves merit. You might have doubted them from the beginning but each year they have proven themselves into a position where they don't have to gain YOUR credibility. They deserve it. You want to be stuck with the Pre-Insler ALPA days. Well the bottom 1/3 of the list has been seeing nothing but great things as they've come aboard. The way I look at it, is that you are part of the old guard. Yeah, that old guard, that screwed over their own pilots, caved into management, and were weak. And now we are suppose to listen to the likes of you, that was part of that whole period, and have you tell us how the current ALPA is not good enough?!!! Are you kidding me?

Again, pay raises without the so-called sacrifices. That was your time from several contracts before.
Delta-snap up pay taking us to the highest rates. Oh yeah, you were against that LOA.
The most number of grievances settled by current ALPA MEC. I'm sure you have some sort of reason on how that wasn't a success.
Saving thousands of pilot jobs and getting our MPG restored thru end of March and now with a strong possibility of no furloughs this year with June furloughs off the table even with no new Cares Act. What an awful deal we signed?!!!
Everyone starting to go back to their previous positions.
Pilot group working with management to actually NOT shrink to profitability that happened several times in your career, but we actually do something positive for positioned growth during turmoil yet that is completely bad to you. Utterly embarrassing for you to have a bitter stance like this. Real simple - grow up!!
I won't paint oldmako with this brush, but I definitely get the feeling that some pilot's didn't like the givebacks early in their career since they came on the backs of the junior pilots (them)...and now the 'pain' is being spread across the entire pilot group (still them).
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