Comair updates?

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Quote: the 3-5% was taken from Freedom's MCO flights, ASA got the remnants of that flying with their "new base".

Comair is hiring 300, get on now, in front of the wave.

According to the june bid packet there will be 60 new hires in June. 5 classes of 12. From the bid packet; "In the short term, we are planning to ramp up new hire training starting in June to back fill attrition and staff for potential growth."

DBSociety: Get in in May if you can or early June would be good too.
Is open time like the SAW first come first served? Or does the senior one get it when they run everything?
Quote: Is open time like the SAW first come first served? Or does the senior one get it when they run everything?
First come first served, at least thats what they tell you, but who knows what they do. Maybe its buy the beer and get a trip.
Man I need to hurry up and get my damned muli-commercial! Doh!
Quote: First come first served, at least thats what they tell you, but who knows what they do. Maybe its buy the beer and get a trip.
Thats what I thought too. I got denied and looked up the results. Somebody senior to me got it but they put in the add request 4 hours after I did.
After the saw is closed it goes by seniority.
Are there any other 70/90 Fo's that commute out of dallas besides me? IF so please let me know.
Quote: Thats what I thought too. I got denied and looked up the results. Somebody senior to me got it but they put in the add request 4 hours after I did.
Are you on reserve or are you a line holder?
Quote: Are there any other 70/90 Fo's that commute out of dallas besides me? IF so please let me know.
hey Red Forman, I am new to apc, I will be going to the 70/90 this month, and moving back to Dallas
Quote: hey Red Forman, I am new to apc, I will be going to the 70/90 this month, and moving back to Dallas
When will you be done with differences training?
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