Avg Calendar Day, LOS approved

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Quote: There are some areas that haven’t been implemented, and others that have. Those that have tend to be the big hitter items that would cause labor discord if not implemented. ACD is one of those.

I am not giving management a pass on their past actions but rather using common sense along with trying to figure out their play book. This deal having been brokered out of trust, along with the labor discord that would follow, I can’t see them not implementing ACD. Like I said, FUD grenade.
I hope your right but calling it a FUD grenade implies that there is no basis for the concern and that my friend is just naive and it is exactly why you people at APA keep giving things away.
Quote: I hope your right but calling it a FUD grenade implies that there is no basis for the concern and that my friend is just naive and it is exactly why you people at APA keep giving things away.

Why you people at APA? You do realize you’re one of ‘those people’ at APA now right?
Quote: I hope your right but calling it a FUD grenade implies that there is no basis for the concern and that my friend is just naive and it is exactly why you people at APA keep giving things away.
That’s exactly right, there is no basis for concern. Your “friend” especially if a rep, is not naive, he/she just has a different agenda than the benefits of this AIP, most likely political.

We gave nothing away, on the contrary, we gained two huge QOL items outside of Sec 6, while agreeing to have the company to start abiding by the JCBA instead of the current day non conforming BS. How do you think Delta and United pilots secured industry leading contracts... they recognized and took the big gains whenever they could. Delta gained ACD via a side letter in exchange for agreeing to relax international long haul crew rest issues (or something along those lines.)

You take the wins whenever you can and double down on the pressure right afterwards. This also builds trust between both parties and goes a long way towards rebuilding the culture.
I do not understand this thinking that allowing someone to take something that is not there’s to take just because they have been doing it already is not giving something away?
Quote: Why you people at APA? You do realize you’re one of ‘those people’ at APA now right?
Actually I don’t believe I am because the voices on the BOD who control everything are the same voices who have been giving things away for years and now they continue to allow the company to destroy what contract protections we do have.
Quote: Actually I don’t believe I am because the voices on the BOD who control everything are the same voices who have been giving things away for years and now they continue to allow the company to destroy what contract protections we do have.

Ok well aa73 isn’t a BOD member either so direct your anger elsewhere.

I love how guys like to hold up LUS like it was so great. Crap airline, crap pay rates, crap work rules (except a couple here and there). Only thing going for it was retirement numbers. If the merger wouldn’t have gone through I would have been out.
Quote: Ok well aa73 isn’t a BOD member either so direct your anger elsewhere.

I love how guys like to hold up LUS like it was so great. Crap airline, crap pay rates, crap work rules (except a couple here and there). Only thing going for it was retirement numbers. If the merger wouldn’t have gone through I would have been out.
Your off base. Why is expressing an opinion directing anger at someone. I am fearfull of this LAA mentality that if we get something we have to give something.

Nobody is holding up LUS as anything and if it was such **** why did you even apply there. LUS contract was FAR superior, minus the rates, than what we are dealing with now and the West’s contract was even better. Why is that such a tough pill for people to swallow?
Quote: Ok well aa73 isn’t a BOD member either so direct your anger elsewhere.

I love how guys like to hold up LUS like it was so great. Crap airline, crap pay rates, crap work rules (except a couple here and there). Only thing going for it was retirement numbers. If the merger wouldn’t have gone through I would have been out.
In terms of this AIP when people are talking about how great airways was in general I think they are referring to RO and cancellations. Again, you haven’t had to deal with this on the RJ but on narrow body it happens more than you think. More than a one hour sit in a hub? That’s prime pickings for a reassignment. Cancellation? RO. Granted of course we would all keep it for pay protection. But it does happen and can change your plans on days off and time off.

I still don’t understand the deleting a DFP thing. I don’t understand the difference between. A DFP and a day off. Does that mean before the AIP they couldn’t fly you under RO into a DFP at 0159?
Quote: I love how guys like to hold up LUS like it was so great. Crap airline, crap pay rates, crap work rules (except a couple here and there). Only thing going for it was retirement numbers. If the merger wouldn’t have gone through I would have been out.
Ahh ahh ahh, better retirement numbers AND better work rules. It's ok though, the old AA mentality is taking it on the chin as younger guys and gals come on board from the lowly regionals (coincidentally some with better work rules). This was a close one, 12-10, pretty soon the old guard will have to start listening to the younger, larger segment of this work force. Carry on mein freund.
I really like the LUS guys that I flew with for four years but you guys can't be so delusional to think the contract you were working under was good. It was so bad I just bid reserve because of the lack of protections for line, excuse me, "block" holders. Guys the contract should've been written on toilet paper it was so crappy. The West side had some good things but for the rates you guys were getting, and would STILL BE AT had the merger not occurred, you should've had hookers in your room on each overnight. I made half my yearly LUS pay at my regional in just one month of working before coming there.

Junior narrowbody FOs were making $80k a year pre merger doing five day red eyes back to back for 22 hours of pay....guys...let go of the reminiscing and face reality...it was a toxic place to be.

I will say this whole thing with DFPs and the company able to reassign you into them boggles my mind, that and LTD should be fixed in S6, but look we where are starting from vs just a couple years ago. This place is night and day better and a place one could reasonably stay for a career vs always wanting to move on to DL, UA, UPS or FDX.
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