Why I would not work at Endeavor...

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Quote: Per diem is income along with dividends, bonuses, tips, and any other money that is brought home. Some people choose not to take it home and instead blow it on "what it's meant for". I for one don't let anyone else tell me what my money is "meant for".

money received, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
Thank you for posting the definition of the noun income, because thats what we all need on here, more petulance.

Too bad every example you mentioned is all taxable income while per diem is not. Just a coincidence I guess. But what do I know, Im just another 20k crack in the seat FO
Quote: To prospective Endeavor Air pilots this thread is useless. If Endeavor Air offers you a job it means Delta wants you. There will be a bunch of people who will say this is fiction but time will prove the validity of this statement. Delta wants Endeavor Air to work and pilots coming to Endeavor will facilitate this goal. At the end of the day read online posts with a healthy dose of sceptisism, including this one. Trust what makes sense to you and ignore anecdotal advise brimming with emotion.
That is the dumbest thing I've ever read on these forms. New hires should just volunteer for a firing squad rather than work there.
Quote: For those looking for jobs why would you come to Endeavor what's in it for you? Does it get you off to fly a regional jet?

There is a reason guys/gals are jumping the sinkingship not the flagship! What the union and company wont tell you! When you leave the company they are asking guys where they are going, many do not reply. Yes there are guys leaving on the CAPT side to United very very few at the moment since hiring is slowed down. Yes guys are going to the SSP but again it's slow. US Air has a few guys headed their way as well as jetblue and spirit. Other then that, that's it the numbers are small.

On the FO side I know of guys jumping to Compass, for instance a guy that was a 5 year FO at Pinnacle (Endeavor) Left last summer he now holds a better line then he did at Pinnacle. A few others who went to GO HO JET and have already upgraded.

In the first 3 months we lost 150 guys nearly half of what we lost for the total last year. A lot of them are FO's that finally realize there is no fleet plan! The numbers change everyday on what Delta wants, one day they say keep 200's next they say get rid of them! It's a game management will play as long as they can. If there are highly trained individuals that are willing to live on $1800 a month sit RSV they will do it. The hiring team has asked the pilots for suggestion on how to attract pilots because they CAN'T.

THE SSP is no where near a reason to come here, with more downgrades on the way and no fleet plan I would go else where.

Top Reason's

-FO'S THAT HAVE BEEN HERE 5 YEARS ARE ON RSV (9 year capt's on RSV, 8 year capts getting displaced)

(Side note the engines on the 200's are old think delta wants to replace them)

Endeavor =
No upgrades in sight at Endeavor? WRONG.

I teach CA upgrades in the simulator on a weekly basis (just finished two). Given the current attrition combined with -900 expansion there ARE upgrades currently and will continue into the future.

Yes, some downgrades will occur due to the Bloch award (9E -200 CA to -900 FO), BUT they are now pay protected as Captains.
Quote: No upgrades in sight at Endeavor? WRONG.

I teach CA upgrades in the simulator on a weekly basis (just finished two). Given the current attrition combined with -900 expansion there ARE upgrades currently and will continue into the future.

Yes, some downgrades will occur due to the Bloch award (9E -200 CA to -900 FO), BUT they are now pay protected as Captains.
And that is a good thing? Of course it is for the captains that are lucky enough to get downgraded. Not very fair at all for every other fellow first officer, as well as every captain who does not get as great a schedule/pay combination that the downgraded captains are going to get with their FO seniority. Endeavor, some how, just managed to give a handful a pilots, favorability over the other 80+% of 9E pilots.

IMO, if those Captains want to retain their captain pay, they should be forced to be the most JUNIOR bidders as an FO (YES, meaning bottom of reserve) And again, they could give them the option: Either pick the senior FO schedule that your seniority affords, or you have the option to be a Reserve FO making captain pay. This serves 2 purposes...

1) slightly more fair to a larger percentage of 9E pilots
2) gives a little something to the bottom FO's who have what looks to be a very bleak future ahead.

Also to add on, I think that WWWDGG was speaking in terms of NET upgrades. I'm not positive, but I kind of doubt that over the span of a year that Endeavor is upgrading more pilots than it downgrades.
Quote: And that is a good thing? Of course it is for the captains that are lucky enough to get downgraded. Now, every other fellow first officer, as well as every captain who does not get as great a schedule/pay combination that the Downgraded captains are going to get with their FO seniority. Endeavor, some how, just managed to give a handful a pilots, favorability over the other 80% of 9E pilots.

IMO, if those Captains want to retain their captain pay, they should be forced to be the most JUNIOR bidders as an FO (YES, meaning bottom of reserve) And again, they could give them the option: Either pick the senior FO schedule that your seniority affords, or you have the option to be a Reserve FO making captain pay. This serves 2 purposes...

1) slightly more fair to a larger percentage of 9E pilots
2) gives a little something to the bottom FO's who have what looks to be a very bleak future ahead.

Also to add on, I think that WWWDGG was speaking in terms of NET upgrades. I'm not positive, but I kind of doubt that over the span of a year that Endeavor is upgrading more pilots than it downgrades.
Hmmm, good point. I hadn't thought of that combination. In my case I'll be forced to New York on reserve while a junior downgraded captain will have his/her base of choice, a half a dozen more days off then me, and be able to pick up premium pay trips.
Quote: At Bendover we have FO's on RSV that have been at the company for 5 years. Okay take away the union dues and Medical insurance you still are left with nothing. Top out as a FO in 4 years! Besides a few new hires all FO's are topped out on the 4 year scale. The SSP is not a sell point for a new hire, the company has no future plan. They do as told from big daddy D.
There you go...fixed it.
Quote: There you go...fixed it.
I suppose i can't call them pinchanickle anymore.
Prospective Endeavor Air pilots have a choice. Personally if you want to go to Delta and don't have the credentials to get there directly come to Endeavor. You will be favored since you will have already been vetted by coming to Endeavor. Endeavor is set up to become the regional carrier of choice for Delta. People who bring up ASA or Comair are comparing apples to oranges.
Quote: Prospective Endeavor Air pilots have a choice. Personally if you want to go to Delta and don't have the credentials to get there directly come to Endeavor. You will be favored since you will have already been vetted by coming to Endeavor. Endeavor is set up to become the regional carrier of choice for Delta. People who bring up ASA or Comair are comparing apples to oranges.

Meanwhile you're comparing Bendover to Brownstreak... Two wrongs don't make a right!
Quote: Prospective Endeavor Air pilots have a choice. Personally if you want to go to Delta and don't have the credentials to get there directly come to Endeavor. You will be favored since you will have already been vetted by coming to Endeavor. Endeavor is set up to become the regional carrier of choice for Delta. People who bring up ASA or Comair are comparing apples to oranges.
Haha... Thanks for posting. Pure comedy.
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