Youngest Delta Air Lines Pilot

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Quote: I was hired at UPS when I was 24+. That was nearly 18 years ago and there were two in my class who were even younger. The sad part is none of us will ever be #1. Oh well it sure beats digging ditches.

Cheers to all.
That's awesome! Should be a great ride though!
Quote: No, as much as it would be "cool" to see a female president, I will not vote for that bleeding heart liberal democrat.
Wow, one of the few times I agree with something political you have said.

I'm not against a woman president either. But there is no way I can watch that woman speak. Not even if I was tapping Salma Hayek from behind and it was being shown on her bare back could I watch her.
Quote: Wow, one of the few times I agree with something political you have said.

I'm not against a woman president either. But there is no way I can watch that woman speak. Not even if I was tapping Salma Hayek from behind and it was being shown on her bare back could I watch her.
Oh my God?! that is simultaneously the most offensive yet hysterical thing I've ever read! Congrats on being unbelievably crass yet funny enough to pull it off! Awesome!
I was merely commenting on the the overall demographic of our workforce. I am open minded but just like every CA I seem to fly with, if I'm not a right wing guy I must be voting for Hilary

I welcome all opinions but when you hear the same opinion %90 percent of the time I'd like to find a person who wouldn't get a little tired of hearing it.
Quote: Do you realize if you reversed your statement how unbelievably bigoted it would be considered?! As a white male Regan (that's right I said it) conservative Captain who keeps his politics and his religion to himself in cruise I'm tempted to be highly offended by your broad stroke stereotyping of my demographic. I'm not mind you. Only tempted. It seems you pride yourself on being open minded when in reality it sounds as though you are intolerant of white male conservatives. Oh well, enjoy the pure satisfaction of voting for Hilary Clinton next year. Should be a real hoot.
I was merely commenting on the the overall demographic of our workforce. I do try to be open minded but just like every CA I seem to fly with, if I'm not a right wing guy I must be voting for Hilary

I welcome all opinions but when you hear the same opinion %90 percent of the time I'd like to find a person who wouldn't get a little tired of hearing it.
Quote: No, as much as it would be "cool" to see a female president, I will not vote for that bleeding heart liberal democrat.
I would. "bleeding heart liberal democrat" is a little, let's say ArchieBunkerish term. I'd vote for anyone who'd send us into Saudi and whatever country Exxon or Halliburton was based in to kick our real enemies @sses. Labels are labels."Chick pilot", "A/A hire", etc. I'd vote for anyone who would stand up for the American worker & soldier. If you voted for Bush,.......Well. As a military guy, I feel that the good thing about Hillary is that she has three times as much combat time as Bush or Cheney. 3 x 0 = 0. They're all politicians who are so partisan that we'll never expect them to do anything but bash the guy on the opposite side of the aisle and get free air travel, health care, and send guys like me into impossible situations because they know we will do it, for our brothers in arms. I'm hoping for Bloomberg/Powell. A businessman, like Bush, who actually knows business. And an idealist, like Clinton, with actual ideals. Not in today's America. F*k it. Let's all turn on fox or CNN and see how much they can scare us 2nite. And don't vote for the fence. We'll all have it much easier when we need to sneak into Mexico in 10 years.

OK. Last glass of Merlot. Going' to prove my love. or pass out on the couch.

P.S. why do your post quote as meritpuppy sometimes, freightpuppy? Did someone let the dogs out?
Quote: What are you smokin'?! Do you honestly think that a white male 25 year old FO with no pic could ever be in the first 30 people hired at Delta Air Lines after a 6 year hiring hiatus?! Get Real! I welcome her with open arms (no pun intended) and think she'll do fine in the long run but lets cut the crap! Please!! The 1% at DAL that I know are sharp and are where they are because they are top notch.
well my point there was that DAL has had only 1% women this whole time, compared to the 4%-ish average for other majors, so i find it hard to believe that they would suddenly start hiring hoards of supposedly unqualified women for AA reasons. it doesnt seem likely. if they were practicing AA like you suggest, then the % would be at least on par with other majors or higher.

Quote: The reality is that at least in this new hiring cycle the only people that have been hired at DAL that are under 29 have an acute lack of penis. FACT. I have the list. (maybe one 28 year old exception)
ok so I'm just curious.. just how many women did DAL hire this time out of how many total and did they have connections? if you know for a fact that the 26 yr old woman got hired with less qualifications than every single one of her classmates yet with no connections whatsoever then you call it what it is.

btw, you mention age but age is semi-irrelevant.. if you started flying at age 16 or 17 then a 25 year old could very well have more experience than someone older who started flying later. for example, one of my CFIs had something like 1500 hrs before she left to go fly for a C-5 unit.. at age 23. a bunch of my classmates are in their 30s.. with less than 1000 hrs. by the time they all get to the majors (if, lol) they'll be a lot older than my CFI... my CFI may still be in her 20s by then, but with more experience than these 'oldies'. my point being that age is not really indicative of anything.
Quote: well my point there was that DAL has had only 1% women this whole time, compared to the 4%-ish average for other majors, so i find it hard to believe that they would suddenly start hiring hoards of supposedly unqualified women for AA reasons. it doesn't seem likely. if they were practicing AA like you suggest, then the % would be at least on par with other majors or higher.

ok so I'm just curious.. just how many women did DAL hire this time out of how many total and did they have connections? if you know for a fact that the 26 yr old woman got hired with less qualifications than every single one of her classmates yet with no connections whatsoever then you call it what it is.

btw, you mention age but age is semi-irrelevant.. if you started flying at age 16 or 17 then a 25 year old could very well have more experience than someone older who started flying later. for example, one of my CFIs had something like 1500 hrs before she left to go fly for a C-5 unit.. at age 23. a bunch of my classmates are in their 30s.. with less than 1000 hrs. by the time they all get to the majors (if, lol) they'll be a lot older than my CFI... my CFI may still be in her 20s by then, but with more experience than these 'oldies'. my point being that age is not really indicative of anything.
I never said that DAL was hiring unqualified women! (read all of my posts) I do however, get your point about age. I started flying at 13 and have always had way more experience than my contemporaries of the same age just as a function of how long I'd been at it. (and no my daddy didn't pay for it. i paid every penny myself initially working in tobacco fields to pay for lessons. that's not a joke.) But i know the facts of this particular issue and that was not the case here. They were less qualified than all of the males selected but qualified just the same. Again, for the last time. I'm not against these women being hired. I don't think DAL is going down UAL 1990s path in anyway. I wish for everyone involved to have wonderful career. I just find it incredibly disingenuous (especially once made aware of the facts) to say with a straight face that a woman doesn't have an inherent advantage over a man in airline recruitment.
P.S. why do your post quote as meritpuppy sometimes, freightpuppy? Did someone let the dogs out?
I dunno.

For the record, I don't want to vote for a right wing ultra conservative republican either. I don't trust any politician these days anyway. They are pretty much up there with airline executives IMO.
Quote: I just find it incredibly disingenuous (especially once made aware of the facts) to say with a straight face that a woman doesn't have an inherent advantage over a man in airline recruitment.

Ok, I brought my doll back from home. I just can't help myself.

I can for a FACT say that at UPS TODAY (note I say TODAY, not before) that women DO NOT have an advantage. The computer application system does not differentiate between female and male. If it was such an advantage for women, then my female friend who is a A320 captain with over 7000 hours TT would be in class and my male friend with 5000 hours and only RJ time wouldn't.

I know, I know, it's an "exception" right?
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