Delta interviewees held up by shrink

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Unfortunately I've been put in a holding pattern while I wait for the Pilot Review Board to review the results of my psych eval. Can anybody here tell me when the last Board met, rumors of when the next will meet and what the success rate is of those meeting the board. I think I remember Capt AK saying the pass rate was about 50%?
Quote: For an airline to have your job hang on the opinion of a shrink is ridiculous. Most shrinks are as crazy as their normal patients. Standard haenious DAL act. Maybe they can top of their interview with some sun chips before you hit the road.
Scrappy Doo,

Doesn't CAL have some sort of psyche testing? It won't surprise me if they don't because you'd have to be moron to work for those wages and no insurance for 6 months. No one in their "right mind" would take that kind of abuse.

I'll take the psyche test AND the Sun Chips any day!
Instead of a DAL versus CAL thread, how 'bout we stick to the thread topic. Anybody have any info on the DELTA Pilot Review Board?
I've had 2 clients get held up and both hired. Getting hung up there does not seem to be an uncommon outcome. I know it stinks Razor--but hang tough. Guys who fly U-2s over bad guy land probably have a few points on the scale "out of the norm". Its why you are good at what you do. Calmer heads will look at the data, and say--"well--hell yeah he's a little different-but he's solid and exactly what we are looking for. Now get off your @ss and hire him!...." You have to admit you probably ARE NOT like 85% of the pilot bros you know in some respects. If you'd not be eating your flight lunch through a tube during denitronization....
He has a point Razor. The shrink will come through.
Is Delta looking at changing thier process? Having so many applicants held up by the shrink has got to be an indicator that the shrink process is broke - not that all the applicants are crazy. I would not be surprised to see some changes to the process FWIW
Razor, I got the pshych email too. We really didn't talk about work much at all. It was mostly personal stuff. That shrink sure has a knack for extracting info.

Did you see Dr. "REX" or en francais "Roi"?
I interviewed on 5 Sep. Got the "you're in the loony bin" email on the 7th. A review board met in early September which I did not meet. The next board was not until Oct 2nd. The board convenes only when there are enough people to justify the convening of the board (i.e. no onesies twosies..) There were 7 people at my board and most of them were military.

I don't' know when the next board is going to meet. I talked to Adrian Gomez two days ago and she had been instructed (not by A.K) to not divulge when the dates of the boards are because it puts to "much pressure" on "them." She would not say who "them" is/are, but I could tell she was frustrated with the process because she said something to the effect of "we're dealing with people's lives and we are keeping them in the dark too long." My guess is that Delta lawyers are sticking to their guns about this process and it ABSOLUTELY SUCKS to sit in the dark and not hear anything for six weeks (41 days).

I finally was notified this morning and was told I passed the review and am re-entered into the hiring process which was held up 6 weeks ago. The cleared to train email should come next week. I just wonder how many line numbers have passed by because of this hold up. The Delta office knew about my job offers from CAL and UAL and that I needed to find out something soon to make a decision.

For those of you in the loony holding pattern, all I can really say is hang in there and hope that cooler and calmer heads prevail. I have absolutely no idea how the review process works. I would recommend seeking other avenues of employment and continue to "hope for the best, yet prepare for the worst."

I will not say to be patient and everything will work because you never know and I am not one to give false hope. It was very hard waiting this long and I'm glad the process is over so I can start finalizing what I decisions I will make.

Please feel free to PM me and if you want, I'll provide my phone number if anyone wants to talk about this process. I don't claim to know more than the next guy, but I am still willing to chat about it if anyone wants to.
Quote: Is Delta looking at changing thier process? Having so many applicants held up by the shrink has got to be an indicator that the shrink process is broke - not that all the applicants are crazy. I would not be surprised to see some changes to the process FWIW
Don't hold your breath on that. The shrink killed alot of good guys during the last DAL hiring cycle. It seems like DAL is sticking to their version of hiring and UAL is sticking with theirs. You don't see any significant changes from one cycle to the other. Its too bad, because they need to find a better process.
Quote: Don't hold your breath on that. The shrink killed alot of good guys during the last DAL hiring cycle. It seems like DAL is sticking to their version of hiring and UAL is sticking with theirs. You don't see any significant changes from one cycle to the other. Its too bad, because they need to find a better process.
Agreed! I have gone through the UAL process which relies on "computer profiling" to make the psycho-analysis determination. At DAL there is a "man-in-the-loop" No worries so far. I am concerned reviewing the thread and talking to my buds who have had an opportunity to speak to DALs "expert". The "expert" doesn't seem to offer value to the process, in fact it appears to be detrimental in selecting good people. Just some random musings - I'm hoping to get my shot with DALs psycho-dude in the future - who knows maybe I'm crazy too!
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