Why do the airlines provide such bad service?

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Quote: Not five star treatment. But at certain places we are afforded certain customer service. I have been to car dealerships where cars are $25,000 and have received terrible customer service. Do I expect better customer service at higher levels of cost? Yes. I do. But are there places that offer exemplary service regardless of cost? Yes! Have you been to many In 'n Outs?? Awesome customer service!

And I agree with you that the airline customer service is at many levels. I only brought up FA's because they are front line employees who in my opinion are the face of an airline to most passengers. They can make or break an experience.

Ok.....you typed In & Out and now I can't even remember what we are debating. Mmmmmmm..........animal style.......

The service industry is a tough one. I think for every one bad experience someone has they have forgotten 10 good ones that they also have experienced. There are no doubt bad eggs in the industry. Pilots and FAs. But unfortunately, as you mentioned, FAs stand out more because they are front line employees if you will.
Quote: MOST FAs don't turn into a "witch" on the first and second request. After that, how "nice" should one be with someone who's not only not following instructions. but is holding things up for everyone else?
Not as nice. But at the end of a four day after asking 35 people to "please turn off your phone sir" it may start to meld together.... or so I've seen. And for the record, as much as you may be trying to paint me, I'm not hating on FA's. But I stand by my opinion that is should not be a career job. I think it drains people. And I think it is a very high contributing factor to poor customer service. (Not age discrimination for fourth time).
Quote: Great points! Also. keep in mind that customers will rate FAs low because they think they're mean and power hungry when they're enforcing FARs.

Most FAs I interact with/observe(working and commuting) are diplomatic and polite when doing so. Unfortunately some are really nasty about it. Maybe they're having a bad day, but unfortunately it only takes ONE bad day to turn someone away. Is that fair? IMO no. But that's how it is.
Quote: LNL76,

Most FAs I interact with/observe(working and commuting) are diplomatic and polite when doing so. Unfortunately some are really nasty about it. Maybe they're having a bad day, but unfortunately it only takes ONE bad day to turn someone away. Is that fair? IMO no. But that's how it is.
It also doesn't help with the FA or gate agent just don't want the person to do something, and when asked why, "FARs" the automatic response.

I remember I got junior assigned at my regional for a flight while my uniform was in the dry cleaners. I told them I'd be perfectly happy to come in, but my uniform is OTS. "come on in, please!"

The gate agent took quite the talking to in order to let me on the airplane (I was the captain) because "wearing a uniform is an FAR!" We've all heard similar...
Quote: LNL76,

Most FAs I interact with/observe(working and commuting) are diplomatic and polite when doing so. Unfortunately some are really nasty about it. Maybe they're having a bad day, but unfortunately it only takes ONE bad day to turn someone away. Is that fair? IMO no. But that's how it is.
Of course there are bad apples, but it just ****es me off when it's suggested that older, more experienced ones are the culprit. I've seen some young, "hot" snotnoses without an ounce of common sense or customer service acumen.
Quote: Of course there are bad apples, but it just ****es me off when it's suggested that older, more experienced ones are the culprit. I've seen some young, "hot" snotnoses without an ounce of common sense or customer service acumen.
95+% of the awful experiences I've seen bestowed upon customers at all airlines have come from the senior dinosaurs.

Granted, that's most of what seems to be left at the airlines, too... No retirement age and being extremely difficult to weed out the deadwood keeps fresh blood at a mere trickle.
Quote: Of course there are bad apples, but it just ****es me off when it's suggested that older, more experienced ones are the culprit. I've seen some young, "hot" snotnoses without an ounce of common sense or customer service acumen.
I am not disagreeing with you. Age is irrelevant in my experience. Crabbiness knows no age. Heck. I need my naps too, and I'm a young pup.
Quote: Of course there are bad apples, but it just ****es me off when it's suggested that older, more experienced ones are the culprit. I've seen some young, "hot" snotnoses without an ounce of common sense or customer service acumen.
I certainly understand this point of view. But I agree with 80kts 100%. I thank you for being one of the nice ones. And I'll say I've deadheaded and jumpseated all over the world A LOT and have experienced some very nice FAs and am grateful to them. It is, however, the exception.
Quote: Great points! Also. keep in mind that customers will rate FAs low because they think they're mean and power hungry when they're enforcing FARs.
Remember, it's "inform" not "enforce". That will save you a lot of trouble.
Quote: I am not disagreeing with you. Age is irrelevant in my experience. Crabbiness knows no age. Heck. I need my naps too, and I'm a young pup.
You seem like a real sweetie....now run off to bed, it's past your bedtime!!!
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