Endeavor Has Started Upgrades

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Quote: Interviews don't end when the last guy goes through, only the hiring commitment ends. They can extend the SSP to anyone, including the new hires. When the last guy interviews, Delta can change the hiring commitment to whatever it wants. I've already been through this with the ALPA attorneys, why do you think Jane flipped out over the FO SSP?
This really needs to be addressed and clarified with our union.. Problem is, this damn bridge agreement reads like it was written by a junior high school debate team (thank you hold backs...). It's full of holes and ambiguity that any section of it can be manipulated. I honestly believe the "intent" of the cancellation of the hiring commitment language was that once the most jr eligible pilot is offered an interview, then Delta will no longer be forced to interview anymore SSP candidates(with the exception of re-tries) but will honor the CJOs and give class dates per the agreement until all CJOs have been given a class date, then SSP is DONE.
Quote: but will honor the CJOs and give class dates per the agreement until all CJOs have been given a class date,
I agree 100%, the question is, what is the time frame on this? My guess is they stagger the CJO's out over the next 5 years. I don't know if they will do this, but if you are hold back CJO, prepare to stay longer, and hope that doesn't happen.
Quote: I agree 100%, the question is, what is the time frame on this? My guess is they stagger the CJO's out over the next 5 years. I don't know if they will do this, but if you are hold back CJO, prepare to stay longer, and hope that doesn't happen.
2015 to DL is full. CJO now is 2016. As it goes on, later (2016-2017).
Quote: 2015 to DL is full. CJO now is 2016. As it goes on, later (2016-2017).
correct. Before The March interviews there were already 141 CJOs waiting to go to Delta, throw in the CJOs from March and that number goes way up.. Anyone on the CJO list with a number after about 121 could expect to go in 2016.
Is it true that guys who got a CJO from daddy delta don't get a seniority slot while they are being held at pinnocalaba? If so has the union addressed this?
Saabs, true and yes, but the union so far has had little luck getting seniority numbers for those with CJOs.
Quote: Is it true that guys who got a CJO from daddy delta don't get a seniority slot while they are being held at pinnocalaba? If so has the union addressed this?
It is true, the union has brought it to their attention but they don't have a leg to stand on in this fight and it will not be changing anytime soon. the good news is that a good majority of us would NEVER had interviews this early in the game as Delta is still interviewing tier 1, military, highly connected candidates. So while those hired will have to wait 8-11 months for class, most will still be ahead of where they would have been if Delta was their number one choice. In the old NWA days, it was almost impossible for anyone from Pinnacle or Mesaba to get an interview because they didn't want to disrupt their feed. Im not saying what is happening with this SSP hold back is right but at the end of the day its still a job at Delta Air Lines waiting for you and that's not bad at all.
Quote: Saabs, true and yes, but the union so far has had little luck getting seniority numbers for those with CJOs.
Is that something that's in the SSP wording? Because other than the 90 days flow holdback language at CPZ, I don't think anyone has ever gotten a seniority number while they wait in a hiring pool or equivalent.
Things could possibly change if a lot of people with CJOs that are being forced to wait for 1-3 years take other jobs at United, American, etc. Either Delta takes them and they don't fly a CRJ for Endeavor or someone else takes them and they won't be flying a CRJ for Endeavor. The end result is the same. If Delta wants to keep warm bodies in the CRJ they might be forces to give out seniority numbers.
A bird in the hand

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