American interviews and class dates

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Quote: What's your deal? Upset I don't love AA? You should be happy. I'm probably senior to you.

Don't mess around, get on down the road to whatever the promised land is!

(It's an airline. They ALL have their suck factor. Deal.)

I was hearing the exact same thing from Delta guys just a few years ago. And talk to any of them hired around '92, those guys still would say nothing good about the airline.

Airlines are roller coasters. They all have their ups and downs. Nothing stays the same in this industry for long. But please, don't hesitate to go with someplace you think is better.
Quote: Don't mess around, get on down the road to whatever the promised land is!

(It's an airline. They ALL have their suck factor. Deal.)

I was hearing the exact same thing from Delta guys just a few years ago. And talk to any of them hired around '92, those guys still would say nothing good about the airline.

Airlines are roller coasters. They all have their ups and downs. Nothing stays the same in this industry for long. But please, don't hesitate to go with someplace you think is better.
The grass is always greener on the other side. Remember the pilots that left FedEx to go to United?

The major issue we are facing with AA is a pilot cultural issue IMHO. As mentioned a million times before, we still have procedures that date back from CR Smith. Lots of pilots that are unwilling to look outside their bubble. A union that sides with management or self-serve the senior guys, etc. ^ 3

Remember: You earn the right to complain by doing something about the problem.
Quote: What's your deal? Upset I don't love AA? You should be happy. I'm probably senior to you.
If you are really like this in real life, you're not ever going to be happy. Ever. I truly hope you get on at your desired carrier and don't have to 'settle' for AA.

Why did you even come here? I assume by your postings you were hired at US. If AA is so bad what in the world made you even consider US? Or was it just a stepping stone, a way out of an RJ?
" Your opinion is that your generation made AA great, sorry, that is not the case. It is not bad, my life is great, but AA comes up short when compared to others, if that hurts your feelings, so be it."


I never said my generation made AA great and the last thing you could do to me is "hurt my feelings". LOL. We did live through things and fix them to the extent we could....things like B-scale, 9/11, bankruptcies, stolen pensions and the lost decade of the 2000's.

My goal is to leave this profession better for your generation, regardless of whether I think you deserve it or not. "Deserve's got nothin' to do with it."-Clint Eastwood. You'll get what you're willing to fight for. I am willing to help in that fight, FWIW. Always have been and always will.

Hopefully your generation will do the same. Here's some advice you did not ask for and probably don't care to read (somebody else may find it useful).

Project your career out to your 65th birthday. If you can predict accurately what's gonna happen, choose that path. Good luck, Nostrodamus and Godspeed, John Glenn !! As others here have noted, airline salaries tend to see-saw and pass each other. Two years ago AA had industry leading pay. Someday it will again.

So, what do you see? Do you get to wear one airline's uniform the whole time and watch your 401k turn into a few million bucks? Well, great...that's a victory. You got to fly airplanes for a living and feed your family. Hopefully that's good enough. Otherwise, press on. If you think money is going to make you happy, start a soft-ware company or be a land something stupid and get 3 million hits on YouTube.

Life is all about choices.
Quote: My generation of pilots had thousands of new hires, took over our union and fought for years to improve things.
OK Boss, sorry for misinterpreting your post, my bad. Thanks for fighting for improvements, it's appreciated.

Once again, AA isn't a bad place to work.
Quote: " ! As others here have noted, airline salaries tend to see-saw and pass each other. Two years ago AA had industry leading pay. Someday it will again.

You are looking at only one number in the equation. Because of profit sharing and work rules we didn't pass United or Delta two years ago. delta and united both credit more hours for less work and have a much better profit sharing plan.
Quote: If you are really like this in real life, you're not ever going to be happy. Ever. I truly hope you get on at your desired carrier and don't have to 'settle' for AA.

Why did you even come here? I assume by your postings you were hired at US. If AA is so bad what in the world made you even consider US? Or was it just a stepping stone, a way out of an RJ?
I'm more upset that I thought AA was a real major airline. Once the merger was OK'ed I stopped updating at the other airlines and gave up some other good opportunities. Meanwhile thousands have been hired at UA, DL, FDX and SWA.

Had Oct 1 2016 been a couple years earlier and we got to see what we were in for I would have tried to bail much sooner.

Why do people get so butt hurt when someone talks bad about their airline? I guess it's the seniority system and the fact we basically have to love the one we're with. Blows my mind. It's not like I kicked your dog.
Quote: For $400,000 I don't think there will be many takers to fly 787's to S. America. :-/

Comment was fully in jest hence the sloping smile emoticon.

Asia, and 'dozing for dollars', is better but there's no lack of volunteers for S.A.
Quote: ...

Why do people get so butt hurt when someone talks bad about their airline? I guess it's the seniority system and the fact we basically have to love the one we're with. Blows my mind. It's not like I kicked your dog.
I personally could not care less what you think of this or any other airline, and I'm sure nobody else here does either. The issue, which seems to constantly escape you, is that you continually insult and mock those of us who work with you at this airline.

Maybe if you stop with the nearly constant insults against the group of pilots you work with and instead actually try to focus your energy toward improving this place, you won't get so much push-back.
Quote: I personally could not care less what you think of this or any other airline, and I'm sure nobody else here does either. The issue, which seems to constantly escape you, is that you continually insult and mock those of us who work with you at this airline.

Maybe if you stop with the nearly constant insults against the group of pilots you work with and instead actually try to focus your energy toward improving this place, you won't get so much push-back.
Oh please. I'm focusing my energy just fine on improving things. I didn't float, I don't extend, I don't fly OT unless it's premium and I volunteer with APA.

The only people I mock are the apologists who can't see the facts. So get over yourself.
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