Details on Delta TA

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Honest question as an outsider with regards to your Profit Sharing-

Was PS a result of losing your pensions? When did it become part of your Contract?

And Good Luck~
Quote: Guys,

Please call and E-mail your Reps ASAP. Let them know what you think. Call and E-mail your friends and tell them to call and e-mail their reps.

If this TA is a Turd, and we still don't know for sure, and it goes to Memory Rat it will be hard to reject, but it can still be shot down the Pilots.

I looked around in C-12 and saw our competition with BK contracts and us basically bargaining against ourselves.

I voted yes in C-12 but if even a few of these rumors are true I am a No vote this time. Different environment, much, much higher expectations. I sure I am not alone in this regard.

Call/e-mail your reps now!

You are most definitely not alone. Here's what I sent my reps just now:


I know you're busy. I do not expect a reply. Just want to make sure my input is crystal clear.

If this TA does not substantially restore the standard of living that Delta pilot compensation provided throughout most of the 1980's, 1990's, and early 2000's, WITHOUT decreasing outsourcing (i.e. ZERO more RJ's allowed), it is a no-brainer NO vote for me and a no-brainer YES vote to recall any of you that vote to send it out for MEMRAT. I don't mean that as a threat... I just want you to understand how strongly I feel about it.

This is arguably the strongest negotiating environment in the history of this profession and the history of this pilot group. We either accept bankruptcy as a permanent reset or we do NOT accept bankruptcy as a permanent reset. That line should have been drawn years ago! This is our (your) last chance to clear up the misunderstandings about the value of our profession that DALPA's strategy has allowed to stand for the past decade. If we don't take this chance in THIS environment, I think we forever lock our profession out of the kind of standard of living it provided for decades. Want to fix the "pilot shortage?" You hold the keys in your hands! If the current TA is anything even remotely close to what is rumored, it is an epic FAILURE in terms of achieving a restorative objective for the future of our profession.

I've only got a few months over 9 years left before I retire at age 65. My retirement is shaping up nicely, I still love doing this job, and the money (even though it's not anywhere near what it should be) is decent compared to other professions. I can live with it either way, but I also have a great deal of respect for this profession and I'd like to leave it at least as good as I found it. THIS IS OUR/YOUR LAST CHANCE. I see no reason, given the positive restructuring of our industry and today's profitable environment, that we could not do this.

Please don't let our pilot group go down in history as the group most responsible for the permanent degradation of our profession. I am a huge proponent of a healthy, mutually respectful relationship between labor and management. That is the way successful companies are run! But not when one party is taking extreme advantage of the other. "Proactive Engagement" has been a good idea applied inappropriately under inappropriate circumstances. Your devotion to Lee Moak and his leadership has been a huge mistake. You need to rectify this now, at this juncture, or forever lock this profession into a much lower value than it merits. Gentlemen, the choice is yours. I hope you choose wisely.

DAL Delta Air Lines Inc Executive Compensation
So, DALPA watered down a pilot resolution to account for votes without tampering. What would it take to get a few C1 and C20 reps in the room to make sure no funny business occurs? At this point, based upon words not matching actions, I don't trust the insiders to be honest and accountable.

Perhaps our contracts (including crappy ones) pass with some hanging chads that don't belong. There is a serious conflict of interest having guys count the vote who want it to pass. Can we agree on that? Can we get someone in the room who isn't trying to pass the TA at all costs? I don't think that is asking too much given all the other secrecy this union operates under.
Not selling anything- but seriously, are we really this hooked on profit sharing... WE WORK FOR AN AIRLINE. We're going to be in the red again, guaranteed, probably within the decade. RA has probably single digit years with us left.

I have a price for portions of profit sharing turned into actual increases in pay rates and soft pay (I'm ALL about soft pay- that way it looks like we make less to the other groups).

Here's the catch: When PS trade deducted out, what is left in the TA has to be appropriate gains in this environment.
Quote: Honest question as an outsider with regards to your Profit Sharing-

Was PS a result of losing your pensions? When did it become part of your Contract?

And Good Luck~
Not a result of the loss of pensions, but a quid in the JCBA if I remember correctly. Actually one of the smartest moves by DALPA that I know of. I don't think anyone figured it would be worth so much, including management.
Quote: Not selling anything- but seriously, are we really this hooked on profit sharing... WE WORK FOR AN AIRLINE. We're going to be in the red again, guaranteed, probably within the decade. RA has probably single digit years with us left.

I have a price for portions of profit sharing turned into actual increases in pay rates and soft pay (I'm ALL about soft pay- that way it looks like we make less to the other groups).

Here's the catch: When PS trade deducted out, what is left in the TA has to be appropriate gains in this environment.
Do you think that we are not going to negotiate another contract in the next decade? At the rate of new contracts, we could have 3 contracts in a decade. How about we keep PS get pay and lifestyle increases, now, and in a couple of contracts from now we trade PS for pay.
Is the MEC vote in an open session? Where all members can attend?
[QUOTE=gloopy;1897439]Huge portion?

Ask you reps if the doors are closed?
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