Ati ta passed

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It seemed like only yesterday we were all talking about ACMI guys sticking together. It’s easy to say hold out for better and vote it down when you are clearing twice what ATI pilots do every pay check while you hold out and negotiate for the next record setting contract.
Did ATI raise the bar like K4 and and Omni? No. But I can tell you this. In 3 years when that contract becomes amendable there will be a lot more guys looking for that “BMW” money. Ati has been riding the bus until today. So any vehicle is welcome. It’s gonna be hard to convince FO’s and jr captains to vote in a crap contract in 3 years because upgrades will no longer be under the 2 yr mark by then. And if they are good for all those guys that made it out.
I have no doubt management had a lot more money off the table (maybe ABX) will find it. And good on them if they do. A rising tide lifts all ships.
Can’t we all just get along.
Quote: It seemed like only yesterday we were all talking about ACMI guys sticking together. It’s easy to say hold out for better and vote it down when you are clearing twice what ATI pilots do every pay check while you hold out and negotiate for the next record setting contract.
Did ATI raise the bar like K4 and and Omni? No. But I can tell you this. In 3 years when that contract becomes amendable there will be a lot more guys looking for that “BMW” money. Ati has been riding the bus until today. So any vehicle is welcome. It’s gonna be hard to convince FO’s and jr captains to vote in a crap contract in 3 years because upgrades will no longer be under the 2 yr mark by then. And if they are good for all those guys that made it out.
I have no doubt management had a lot more money off the table (maybe ABX) will find it. And good on them if they do. A rising tide lifts all ships.
Can’t we all just get along.
In 3 years when this contract becomes amendable you will have absolutely no mechanism to bring your management back to the table. From what I am told you have no retro pay and threw away the cola you had. This effectively has become a 6-8 year contract.
Ford & Harrison just punked all of you and you haven’t realized it yet.
No doubt hollow promises abound.
Quote: Guess your friend is a "yes voter"
I bet if you press an ATI pilot publicly he will claim to have voted no and say it wasn't them.
Quote: In 3 years when this contract becomes amendable you will have absolutely no mechanism to bring your management back to the table. From what I am told you have no retro pay and threw away the cola you had. This effectively has become a 6-8 year contract.
Ford & Harrison just punked all of you and you haven’t realized it yet.
No doubt hollow promises abound.
Yep what he said^^^^^^^
This was a very shortsighted contract.
Quote: JH and JV are not laughing. It passed by 70%!! They are ****ed. They gave away too much.....

Why you would vote in 6% 401K match and no retro pay is beyond me??

Then again it looks like you would have taken 3%.
What is the retirement match? For some reason I thought it was going to be 2.5%. Did yall end up with 6%?
Quote: Please forgive me for sounding naive, but I know basically nothing about the history of your airline. I keep hearing these Mesa references and we all know the history of that place and it’s pilot group. Are these just off-handed analogies being made here OR is there actually a significant percentage of your pilots who really are ex-Mesa? Not trying to stir up any crap here ... just curious. I was at Mesa when their most recent disappointing contract was voted in. So I left. Sometimes that’s about all you can do. For those of you who may now opt to take that same path and “vote with your feet” (as we were so often encouraged to do at Mesa), I wish you the best of luck.
ATSG owns ABX (Teamsters) and ATI (ALPA).
ABX went on strike and it was honored by all the DHL/Teamsters airlines. Some ATI pilots crossed the pocket line and flew struck freight.
ABX has a much better contract than ATI has.
ABX is in contract negotiations, and rejected payrates that were about the same as the rates that ATI accepted.
Quote: I’m considering a move to a supplemental carrier instead of a regional. As I look at all the different operators none of them look all that great. So what exactly makes the ATI contract worse than any of the others? I know a guy at ATI and he said it’s a better contract than Kilatta, with better work rules. So educate me, why all the heartburn?
Current contract ranking:

ATSG owns ABX and ATI.
Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings owns Atlas and Southern.

There is no point in going to Southern, as Atlas is desperately hiring. If you are offered a classdate for Southern, just tell Atlas HR you will wait for the next Atlas class, which may be days away, with the no-shows Atlas is experiencing.
ABX is also having no-shows.
I would not recommend ATI or Southern to anyone.
Quote: Actually I may plant my rump on your JS and laugh about your pay.

Please by all means then, post your name. You seem pretty self assured behind that keyboard.
Quote: Actually I may plant my rump on your JS and laugh about your pay.

I’m just an FO, but I promise that any airplane that I operate will not move if you bring that kind of attitude into my cockpit. Enjoy your Prime Air bag tags, your lousy retirement, and the pride you have taken in taking the crumbs that JH and JV brushed off the table to feed you dogs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I’d keep that attitude down low if I were you can use your home basing to get to and from home. I suspect jumpseats are going to be a little hard to come by now.
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