No more free water on US Air

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Quote: The paying passenger is just getting what he-she deserves out of this race to the bottom. That is a ride on an airplane to destination and Nothing else. The customer has driven this and now gets it!.... AND complains as always. Mike Levine (former NWA Vice President and now Harvard Business School professor) had a theory of "Two weeks and two bucks" which meant that the customer nomatter how ****ed off would fly on your airline again after two weeks if your fare was the cheapest by two dollars. All industry trends have proven this to be essentially correct. The customer is just getting what they pay for and the customer's actions are reinforcing this trend.
Well said, but charging for water is, IMO, taking it to a ridiculous extreme.
Quote: Well said, but charging for water is, IMO, taking it to a ridiculous extreme.
The thing with the water is, that it is bottled water. Bottled water costs almost as much as other non-alch. beverages (a little cheaper, but costs none the less). I believe the pottable water is still free though. Other places give free water because its pretty much filtered fosset water, that you dont have the luxury of getting on an airplane. Correct me if im wrong.
Quote: The thing with the water is, that it is bottled water. Bottled water costs almost as much as other non-alch. beverages (a little cheaper, but costs none the less). I believe the pottable water is still free though. Other places give free water because its pretty much filtered fosset water, that you dont have the luxury of getting on an airplane. Correct me if im wrong.
A good point, and I had thought about that. However, tap water is +/- the same quality as bottled water, the same can't be said of the "potable" water on an airplane. Also, people in coach aren't getting individual bottles of water when they ask for water on an airplane, they're getting it from a large bottle that serves about ten and only cost the company about a dollar (WAG). I agree it's a race to the bottom driven by the consumer, but saving a dime per passenger over water still seems extreme to me.
Quote: A good point, and I had thought about that. However, tap water is +/- the same quality as bottled water, the same can't be said of the "potable" water on an airplane. Also, people in coach aren't getting individual bottles of water when they ask for water on an airplane, they're getting it from a large bottle that serves about ten and only cost the company about a dollar (WAG). I agree it's a race to the bottom driven by the consumer, but saving a dime per passenger over water still seems extreme to me.
Yea, I don't like it very much, either. Hopefully this will pass and things will improve once this whole mess stabalizes. Flying is really becomming a PITA for everyone at this point.

As far as the water bottles go. On our airplanes the large water bottles are being replaced with small individual sized ones, so I believe each pax. will get their own bottle now.
Quote: A good point, and I had thought about that. However, tap water is +/- the same quality as bottled water, the same can't be said of the "potable" water on an airplane. Also, people in coach aren't getting individual bottles of water when they ask for water on an airplane, they're getting it from a large bottle that serves about ten and only cost the company about a dollar (WAG). I agree it's a race to the bottom driven by the consumer, but saving a dime per passenger over water still seems extreme to me.
I bet a glass of soda is about a dime as well.
Quote: Wait until they start charging to use the tray table, recline the seat, turn on the reading light, and use the gaspers.
YouTube - Southwest "Flight Attendant"
Quote: YouTube - Southwest "Flight Attendant"
LOL ,thats funny very funny ,kind of hits the nail on the head.
Wonder when US will start to charge for transatlantic drinks and meals?
Any ideas ?

Hey !Where are all the white women at?
(almost) Everyone here is a cheap airline pilot, so all slammimng the "consumer" is pretty humourous. Your slamming your self <g> and you might go blind <bg>. Since I am the cheap airline pilot, I take umbrage that I'm to blame rather than the managements of these airlines. They have for years sold a product below cost to entice the consumer (me) to buy with them instead of the other airline. I would pay market rate, but they are perfectly happy to sell it to me at a loss and then expect you, my fellow pilot and airline employee, to take a pay cut. We are all chumps. Management has the golden parachutes and you blame the consumer? Pretty sad, I went to the local hardware store to buy some plumbing hardware since it was only a mile away. The price of the stuff was pricier than had I gone the 12 miles to Lowes, asked the manager if he knew how much more expensive his price was, the answer "I can't sell at a loss". On my end, I saved the gas price of driving 2 miles instead of 24 in a gas guzzler <g> and so saved money on the few things was getting.
Quote: Since I am the cheap airline pilot, I take umbrage that I'm to blame rather than the managements of these airlines. They have for years sold a product below cost to entice the consumer (me) to buy with them instead of the other airline. I would pay market rate, but they are perfectly happy to sell it to me at a loss and then expect you, my fellow pilot and airline employee, to take a pay cut. We are all chumps. Management has the golden parachutes and you blame the consumer?
A good point, Salty, but I'm not blaming the consumer for the financial state of the industry or piloting profession. I'm just pointing out that the traveling public has proved it will go to the lowest fare, without concern for inconvenience or reputation for service, then they'll complain about it after they get exactly what they asked for.
Funny Commercials
YouTube - Southwest Airlines fees commercial

YouTube - No frills airlines
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