Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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Quote: It passed in ANC not MEM. It never got presented at the MEM meeting but it was discussed evidently. We'll see
Total BS that we don't have parity. Why would it not pass?
Quote: Well someone just read me some of what he had. From the sounds of it they passed a resolution on the CPS issue to do nothing, and by nothing I mean not rerun the numbers for costs of CPS separate v/s at mainline et al.
I'm not surprised...
Quote: Well someone just read me some of what he had. From the sounds of it they passed a resolution on the CPS issue to do nothing, and by nothing I mean not rerun the numbers for costs of CPS separate v/s at mainline et al.
I used to have a boss in the Air Force who's favoriate saying was "not to decide is to decide".

Fits perfectly here eh?

Quote: I used to have a boss in the Air Force who's favoriate saying was "not to decide is to decide".

Fits perfectly here eh?



Was your boss in the band Rush? From the song Freewill, released on the 1980 album Permanent Waves:

"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

Great band - great song!

Well, he rarely had origional materal
Does anyone know of any vendors that sell or make the DAL nameplates or wings?

Please don't say Abbotts. I'm getting tired of buying $20 wings.

Probably you could have them made in India for a dollar...the wings with the safety pin on back are really not very serviceable....just give me two sets with the two points. Did you lose them or break them? Lot easier just to have one set of wings on the coat, its really a pita to change them every day for a 12 day trip.
Yeah, I hate the wings with the safety pin. Also, the letters on my nametag are small. They are a lot different than the original ones I had.
Haven't donned the bathrobe yet and at the earliest it will be the 11th. Damn, I'm gonna miss the B747-200! I'm going to have to ask you guys where the extra set of wings goes here in a little bit.
Quote: So I downloaded the May bid package. We now have to bid reserve in PBS. There in big red letters it says max days off reserve is 3? So the most days off in a row I can have is 3? The min days on reserve is 4. That would make about 20 days on reserve and 11 days off. It also makes for 5 or 6 commutes instead of 3. That sux big time!
It is not max days off; it is MAX RESERVE OFF DAYS BLOCKS.
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