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Quote: tyrannical, adjective.... exercising power in a cruel or arbitrary way. Hmmm, who does this remind us of in DC?
Seriously? You are using rational and common sense to counter argue? Shame on you!

10 hours of Rupert Propa... err News non-stop I say!
Mainline doesn’t replace NB parked planes some regionals will be parking planes. Just math.
Quote: Mainline doesn’t replace NB parked planes some regionals will be parking planes. Just math.
Obviously. I personally think that the regionals will feel the hurt from this event particularly bad.
Quote: Tyrannical socialist? Would you use the same statement towards the orders given in the US 100 years ago? I am highly critical with all this COVID-19 crap, but you gotta turn your TV or Internet off more often! It'll do you good!

Do you even know what socialism means? Do you know the definition of fascism? Do you know anything about Healthcare between countries? I'd educate myself more next time I post if I were you.
Im fully educated, you might want to study up. If you can’t see what’s going on, then you’re in the dark. That’s about all I can say without violating the terms by diving into a political discussion.
Quote: It’s about freaking time. These lockdowns are an extreme constitutional abuse and an assault on our liberties, not to mention the massive damage to our careers and livelihood.The leftist Dems are using this crisis to push us towards their tyrannical socialist vision.

Nothings says stop the abuse of my liberties like waving the confederate and swastika flags like these morons were doing in Michigan .

"Imagine how stupid the average person is then realize half of all people are stupider than that."
-George Carlin
Quote: It’s about freaking time. These lockdowns are an extreme constitutional abuse and an assault on our liberties, not to mention the massive damage to our careers and livelihood.The leftist Dems are using this crisis to push us towards their tyrannical socialist vision.
I’m getting pretty sick of all you “constitutional experts.” If you can’t figure out the difference between tyranny and a serious public health emergency, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Liberty without personal responsibility is utterly nonsensical. Seriously, get a clue.
Quote: I’m getting pretty sick of all you “constitutional experts.” If you can’t figure out the difference between tyranny and a serious public health emergency, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Liberty without personal responsibility is utterly nonsensical. Seriously, get a clue.
Personal responsibility? You mean paying for your own food, college education, housing, etc? In other words, taking care of your own business without whining that someone else has more than you?
Quote: I’m getting pretty sick of all you “constitutional experts.” If you can’t figure out the difference between tyranny and a serious public health emergency, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Liberty without personal responsibility is utterly nonsensical. Seriously, get a clue.
Any emergency, crisis, etc. of any type whatsoever, does NOT negate nor suspend the Constitution of the United States. It is not a part time law. It is the full law of the land that cannot ever be ignored regardless of the current situation. Unalienable rights.
Can someone post how many per year die of,
1. Pneumonia
2. Viral infection
3. Heart attack
for now all the above are coded as covid 19, b.s. in my opinion.
4. Car deaths
5. Drug overdose.
total them up and compare to covid 19 actual deaths. I agree the covid is an aggressive virus and attacks all if you have the right symptoms.
Quote: Can someone post how many per year die of,
1. Pneumonia
2. Viral infection
3. Heart attack
for now all the above are coded as covid 19, b.s. in my opinion.
4. Car deaths
5. Drug overdose.
total them up and compare to covid 19 actual deaths. I agree the covid is an aggressive virus and attacks all if you have the right symptoms.
Not annual numbers here, but a good visualization over the last six weeks in the US.
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