i think you're right, thanks. i looked into this sim prep course just a tiny bit. they want $595 for 1 hour in the sim, 1 hour pre, 1 hour post brief's, and a supposed "comprehensive study guide." however, parc will send me a comprehensive study guide, won't they? and only 1 hour in the sim? jeez. i think i may pass on that. only thing is, if i don't get the job, i want to know that i did everything i could, ya know?
yankiwi (yankee and kiwi, i take it? nice),
no problem. i first submitted an app with Crew in June or early July. i still haven't heard anything from them (not even an automatically generated email). after i got on this forum, i realized that i could send app's to multiple leasing companies at the same time. i went to parc's website and simply clicked on the job for an inquiry of sorts, i guess; in mid July. i got an almost immediate response, with a bunch of info about the contract. it included the app, and various attachments to be filled out. I got all the app done probably 5 weeks ago. 2 weeks later, after sending parc an email or two, they said that my logbook pages were not clear enough. so i scanned them on again and sent them back pretty quickly. 2+ weeks later, again after a couple emails, i got the call yesterday.
so, if i would have sent parc a clear app from the start, then it wouldn't have taken very long at all, i suppose.
any thoughts on passing the short notice interview offer?