Allegiant Air

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Quote: It’s funny how I see DJT, Faux News, and so many of its viewers regurgitating the tired talking points that Cuomo killed New York Nursing home residents with his incompetence. I won’t defend his decision making, but I will point out that New York was the initial epicenter and Cuomo was fighting an unknown virus with little information, and a **** poor lack of support from the Federal Government.

In a former life, I trained military and civilian personnel who worked in Emergency Operations Centers how to coordinate with FEMA during disasters, and I can tell you that this has all been a giant cluster****. DJT refused to act for fear of inciting fear and bombing the stock market, and FEMA was never fully put into force. That is the cause of so many people dying during the initial surge of infections.

Ron Disastrous has the privilege of governing a state that has areas that are nowhere near as densely populated as parts of New York and he has more accommodating weather, yet we still have a high infection rate and a high death rate. Currently we are being overtaken by states in the North when the weather is starting to get colder, which can cause increased spread.

I’m glad your kid goes to a school that requires masks, and I hope that it keeps you and your family safe, as well as all the other children and families at that school, but don’t think for a minute that if Florida doesn’t climb to the top of the death charts that it has anything to do with the “leadership” of Ron Disastrous, or DJT for that matter. It will be solely due to the location and population densities of Florida cities.
California had china virus months before New York. Cry me a river.
Quote: California had china virus months before New York. Cry me a river.
So did Washington, but New York was the initial epicenter. Need a dictionary bud? Thanks for playing.
Quote: Remember when ISIS was a thing? USMCA. No TPP. No Paris Accord. No endless wars. Stocks all time high. Low unemployment. Pride in country. The Wall. I could go on but obviously there is no intelligence in that noggin if you voted Dopey, who by the way is the REAL Russian colluder). Maybe KamelHo will pick up Dopeys slack.
This seems like Trump’s incestuous offspring puked a wordcloud.
Quote: Pretty sure Cuomo's purge of nursing homes will forever lead the way. Death rate under 1% and basically 100% open, Desantis 2024. I love the hysteria. I literally saw posts of people saying teachers would be dying in the streets if schools opened. Well, nothing of the sort and one of my kids goes to a school that does NOT require masks, GASP!!
Sorry, had edit my comment. My kids school does NOT require masks.
This is BS. Stop it. We have 130 pilots on furlough with downgrades and displacements coming, but you jackholes want to have a facebook style pie fight about an election that is over? Take it somewhere else, because nobody wants to hear about it. This is an allegiant forum, not a my politics are better than your politics forum. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say I'm sick and tired of hearing everyone scream their political beliefs in public over and over. Calm yourselves and go have a cocktail.
Quote: This is BS. Stop it. We have 130 pilots on furlough with downgrades and displacements coming, but you jackholes want to have a facebook style pie fight about an election that is over? Take it somewhere else, because nobody wants to hear about it. This is an allegiant forum, not a my politics are better than your politics forum. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say I'm sick and tired of hearing everyone scream their political beliefs in public over and over. Calm yourselves and go have a cocktail.
Aside from the occasional rambling nonsense or dropping of a ridiculous one-liner, I’d have to say this was probably one of the more civil political discussions I’ve seen. The Allegiant forum here seems about dead lately with no news or updates coming for those of us on the outside looking in. You gotta expect the topic to stray on occasion when nothing else is being said, so please, provide us with something more on topic to talk about.
Quote: so please, provide us with something more on topic to talk about.
The Miata isn't a real sports car. Discuss.

My Boat Is Better Than Yours.

Offshore fishing.

Hot chicks in bikinis.

Tracy T is actually a Russian troll bot. Prove me wrong.
I don’t think any of those are on topic, but okay.

I’ve been enjoying the crossfitgirls subreddit. Plenty of hot buff chicks in bikinis there.

Had a 21’ contender when I was stationed down in Key West, but sold it when we moved. We didn’t get a lot of use out it anyway since my buddy had a 30’ Everglades with trip 300s.

Last time my wife and I went fishing on our boat though was a good day, Got a nice red grouper and lane snapper along with a good haul of yellowtail.
Quote: I don’t think any of those are on topic, but okay.

I’ve been enjoying the crossfitgirls subreddit. Plenty of hot buff chicks in bikinis there.

Had a 21’ contender when I was stationed down in Key West, but sold it when we moved. We didn’t get a lot of use out it anyway since my buddy had a 30’ Everglades with trip 300s.

Last time my wife and I went fishing on our boat though was a good day, Got a nice red grouper and lane snapper along with a good haul of yellowtail.
Now you're speaking my language.
Quote: I don’t think any of those are on topic, but okay.

I’ve been enjoying the crossfitgirls subreddit. Plenty of hot buff chicks in bikinis there.

Had a 21’ contender when I was stationed down in Key West, but sold it when we moved. We didn’t get a lot of use out it anyway since my buddy had a 30’ Everglades with trip 300s.

Last time my wife and I went fishing on our boat though was a good day, Got a nice red grouper and lane snapper along with a good haul of yellowtail.
Hey what you and your wife do is none of our business. Take it to pornhub.
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