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Quote: Pilots ganging up on one another defending eachothers regionals when everyone is severely underpaid no matter where you work is your management's wet dream. Keep it up!
Yeah, a lot of arguing like "Making $22k st XYZ airline is sooooo much better than making $22k at ABC!''

I get it, there's some QoL differences, sublte contract differences, etc, but its not like any airline, even the 'top tier' regionals, are willing to pay pilots a decent salary for being the trained, experienced, college educated professionals that they are.
I think it's funny that we can all agree regional pilots are underpaid. But then in the next breath we can say that all regionals suck and it doesn't matter that regional xyz gets paid 5000 more per year than regional abc. Either pay matters or it doesn't. You have to start somewhere.
Quote: Quote:

Originally Posted by ILOVELAMP

Oh man, he must of thought of that joke for days! You should go write for Hollywood they would love your stuff. Probably make more money to.

Lamp, just curious but aren't you a former XJT pilot?
Nope! I've been everywhere though not by choice.
Quote: Wait...aren't most of those planes United and AAG property? How many 145s does TSA really owns to be doing deals with Mitsubishi?

Serious question here.
I meant one for one deal as in replace the erj with the mrj. Of course theres scope with seats and weight but im guessing they wouldnt have these orders unless they have a plan on where to put them.
Minimwage4 said, in part:
... I'm guessing they wouldn't have these orders unless they have a plan on where to put them.
Could be the airframe version of a fuel hedge: not much money down, on a contract to buy. Get a better price when they did this, than when Mitsubishi is actually rolling aircraft out the factory door.

Or sell their delivery positions.

Maybe just forget all this flying nonsense, and become an aircraft leasing company.

Remember whose head we're trying to get inside of
To anyone at TSA still considering ADI, please DO YOUR RESEARCH. A little google searching would have save a few people who have already left. Please spread the word to the crew room trolls and save a career.

Youngstown News, Feds say airline not fit to provide Chicago flights from Youngstown

The US DOT has denied the begin daily air service...based on the airline's lack of "fitness."

The government also went another step, proposing that ADI also have its existing certification...revoked--on the grounds that the company doesn't have the "managerial competence necessary" nor the "proper compliance disposition and regard for the laws and regulations governing its services."
On the future of TSA and the 50 pax airframe - even if the lease holders are just using up the 50 seat jets and will park them when they require investment at heavy maint, won't they need something else to pick up those pax and someone to fly those birds? Is there that much excess capacity in all the 70 seaters to absorb all the pax/flying of the 145's if they were all parked? And if that excess capacity doesn't exist, then why should TSA be less likely than anyone else to fly those future aircraft? Seems like TSA has found a niche FOR NOW and is exploiting it. What they do in 5 years when the 145 contracts run out will be different.
Quote: On the future of TSA and the 50 pax airframe - even if the lease holders are just using up the 50 seat jets and will park them when they require investment at heavy maint, won't they need something else to pick up those pax and someone to fly those birds? Is there that much excess capacity in all the 70 seaters to absorb all the pax/flying of the 145's if they were all parked? And if that excess capacity doesn't exist, then why should TSA be less likely than anyone else to fly those future aircraft? Seems like TSA has found a niche FOR NOW and is exploiting it. What they do in 5 years when the 145 contracts run out will be different.
There is no excess capacity anywhere. Period.
AS, and all LCC that haven't touched the regional market.
Quote: AS, and all LCC that haven't touched the regional market.
By AS do you mean Alaska? I believe SkyWest and Horizon would beg to differ in that case. My apologies if I mis-interpreted anything.
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